Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 32 - Profound Words (Nope)

One of the Greatest sayings of Truth spoken by the King of Swords, Words that Shake even the soul.

---- --------- ----- ---------

Merem Solomon

(Saying in the Chapter)


(A/N: Nrvnqsr Chaos is pronounced as Nero Chaos, just to let people that don't know, I'll spell Nrvnqsr as Nero)

Ciel and Merem arrived at the abandoned Location and to say that they were suprised seeing the destruction of the fifth floor while not even being up yet was an understatement.

Merem: (Whistle) I'm impressed your partner contained the Destruction very well.

Ciel glared at Merem not amused by his praise.

Ciel: Contained!!?

Merem: Alright! Alright! I was only trying to lighten the mood! come let's meet the Fabled Demon Killer.

Ciel saw Shiro's bike and winced seeing it in its crushed state, looks like the Ancestor didn't mind destroying it, she felt glad that Shiro said he had a spare one back home with the same performance or this was enough to hurt someone badly.

Ciel and Merem entered the building and arrived at the fifth floor, where they saw multiple burned and Charred locations as well as multiple sharp scars around practically everywhere made by different sharp weapons theorized Merem.

But Ciel only Frantically looked around and found Shiro in a sitting position leaning against the wall of the building but most of all he was Unconscious and had a Bounded Field around him, a simple one to keep non Magicals away.

Ciel's body automatically moved as she ran towards Shiro bypassing the field and checking his body nervously.

Merem was not far behind and was very suprised seeing the Cold Blooded Ciel act so caring to someone, He crouched on the ground and checked runes that made the Bounded Field suprised at the amount of Mystery they had, he then checked the ashes in front of Shiro and his eyes widened.

He looked towards the man that was rapidly gathering attention and Fame in the Moonlit World, a young man who looked about 15 years old, with vibrant Red Hair that looked like Flames and some patches of white hair that gave him a mysterious feel. His face mask was down as he also saw his face, a handsome face with good features.

Jasper: Bow-Chan! You're here!

Merem had a incredulous look as he tried to look for the one that called Ciel by that cute nickname and congratulate him before Ciel kills him.

But when he laid eyes on the speakers, he instead rubbed his eyes.

Merem: (Is that a Talking and Floating Wristband?)

Merem could understand that it was a Mystic Code but a talking one! was really rare.

Ciel: Jasper! What happened and why didn't you call me sooner!

Jasper gave Ciel a small summary of the battle leaving out some sėnsɨtɨvė parts. Merem was only listening quietly.

Merem: (So he not only has a Specialized Magecraft, he's very versatile and looking at his body he was trained in Close Combat but what intrigues me is that healing factor of his, but he's definitely Human) Hello Jasper! My name is Merem Solomon.

Jasper: Oh hi the names Jasper, I'm the latest Invention using the Second True Magic and my partner is Shiro.

Merem got suprised again, Second Magic. Zelretch. How is he related to the Wizard Marshal.

Ciel: Jasper, tell me how long will it take to Shiro to heal.

Jasper adopted a "thinking pose" while floating.

Jasper: Hmmmmmm, well the last attack broke 5 maybe six of Shiro's ribs not including the Bruising, as well at snap his left arm's bone and his shoulder wound also opened again causing Shiro to lose considerable blood, so right now it would take Shiro at the minimum 2 hours or 5 to heal.

Ciel was grimaced hearing the injuries, unlike her Shiro didn't possess immortality but thankfully he had a strange healing factor, whenever he was injured at the least he needed a few hours to heal or next day he would be good as new, but she was suprised she expected longer time but was Shiro's healing always this potent?

(A/N: Explained later at next Chapter)

Merem's Eyebrow also rose hearing the Healing factor of Shiro.

Shiro suddenly stirred as he slowly opened his eyes and saw Ciel and....another Ancestor, courtesy of his Mystic Eyes. Possibly Merem Solomon, the #5 of Burial Agency Titled Executor Crown.

Merem's mouth opened in shock, doesn't this fool know that Ciel kills anyone that calls her by her old name!?

Eleasia: Don't move you're not completely healed. (Gentle voice)

Shiro:....Guess you've seen me in a pathetic state...huh Eleasia...haha

Eleasia: Don't Haha me! you shouldn't have made ȧssumptions instead you should have tried to call me! seriously sometimes you act like an Idiot, Shiro!

Merem's jaw had dropped onto the floor, the fact that Shiro called Ciel by her old name and he hadn't gotten killed was shocking enough BUT to think the cold Blooded, ruthless Agent acting like a loving wife to him instead caused Merem to seriously ponder.

Merem: (It's official this woman isn't Ciel! no way can Ciel change so drastically in such short time unless) Are you interested in him?

Ciel suddenly jerked and quickly looked at Merem shocked along with her cheeks reddened.

Merem mentally nodded to himself as he gave himself a mental pat on the back, Shocking Ciel was hard already but getting her to blush and discovering a cute side to his junior was cause for celebration.

Merem: (A significant victory in finding my Junior's crush)

Eleasia: wh-wh-What! are you saying Merem! (Embarrassed)

Merem: I mean what I say Ciel-Chan. (Singsong voice)

Ciel points a black key just a centimeter away from Merem's face in embarrassment.

Merem: (So you're going to point a Key at anyone when you're embarrassed? Really Ciel?) Okay, let's talk to our friend now shall we. (smile)

Merem gently pushes away the Black Key and looks at Shiro with a Mysterious smile.

Merem: Hello mister Demon Killer, I must say your reputation proceeds you seeing you took out a upper level Dead Apostle Ancestor like Nero Chaos.

Shiro: Please call me Shiro, Demon Killer is a title I was called by the other Magi and It's an honor to meet another distinguished Executor of the Church, Agent Crown.

Merem: Oooh? so you know about me?

Shiro: Main rule my father taught me is to know about your enemies even potential ones, I've done my homework and have information about all figures of influence but what I've don't understand is that even with those 4 Daemon familiars you have in place of Limbs your Rank as an Ancestor is only 20?

Merem's eyes briefly flashed with suprise, to think he would know of his familiars isn't suprising but knowing they were his limbs, information he keeps confidential is suprising.

Merem: Well you knowing about that is suprising and normally I would have killed you already-----!!!!

Suddenly Merem felt three pairs of eyes lock on to him, each with a strong presense, one was radiating sharp bloodlust he hasn't even seen such an amount before, the other one was radiating power some sort of Power of Nature but the third, the third one was just Pure undiluted power gazing at him like it has seen all his secrets.

Shiro: (Looks like Shishou is back from wherever she went)

Shiro wryly smiled at Merem but Ciel was confused of what had happened to cause Merem to suddenly freeze up.

Shiro: I hope you didn't mean that, my teachers can be very sėnsɨtɨvė when I'm being treated unfair AND my Guardian can be Overprotective sometimes.

Scathach and Merlin had found out that there was a third person involved with Shiro that they couldn't see or sense but respected her privacy if she didn't have bad intentions against Shiro or them.

Merem also Wryly smiled.

Merem: Like I said Normally I would kill you but seeing that you're are man of talents, how about we make an Alliance not with our Agency but with me and Ciel, Independent or our organization, I can ȧssure you I am one of the more "Sane" individuals in the Burial Agency.

Shiro: I've also found you interesting Merem and having an Ancestor like you as an Ally will be good as well.

Shiro shook hands with Merem in his seated position.

Merem: Shiro if you don't mind me asking how did you kill Nero Chaos?

Shiro: Well since we are allies, I can tell you that much, I am an Incarnation and because of my special condition along with my Specialized Magecraft, I can make Virtually any weapon, Swords are preferred after that is bladed weapons and finally non-bladed weapons, think of it like I am Remaking weapons of Myths, Noble phantasms, I tried to put that concept in a bullet like my dad did in his active years but the bullet was always unstable, always activating mid way even sometimes when before it leaves the gun, when it touches even a little bit of Prana take that along with my horrible talent with Firearms it was useless but who knew it was the best counter to Chaos, so I took the gamble got near him, got hit but I got the bullet in and when he got close I activated a fire Rune I inscribed on the Bullet and Wa-la there you have Chaos.

Shiro pointed towards the pile of Ash in front of him which was formally Nero Chaos. But the fight was anything but easy or even fair since Nero Chaos didn't get the chance to release his most powerful beasts, if he released his scorpions or worse, transformed into that 999th Beast without the countless swords hindering him, Shiro would either have been forced to release his Reality Marble or worse killed.

It was a good thing even with his bad luck he had that last Experimental bullet with him, who knew that something he deemed as a failure would help him kill Nero Chaos.

Eleasia was suprised at what she heard but was especially worried when he mentioned how he gambled his life to get close to Chaos to hit him, she was about to reprimand him but suddenly Merem pulled Shiro too close for comfort.

Merem had a very creepy look on his face as he stared at Shiro with Undisguised fanaticism. Shiro didn't flinch when fighting Chaos but currently he was shaking in his boots and wanting nothing more than to run and seek Eva's protection.


Shiro:.....Y...yes....I mostly make Phantasms based on History...I...I..it allows me to copy even their abillities.....(Shiver)

Shiro was shivering while Jasper hid inside the sleeve.

Jasper: (Shiro! this guy's creeping me out!)

Merem: SHOW ME!!!

Shiro: Jasper! Quick!!

Jasper: HAI!

In Shiro's hand materialized Harpe.

Shiro: This is----!

Merem snatched the Scythe from Shiro as he looked at it with an expression that was Greedy, Lustful, Love!!!

Merem: This is Harpe! the Weapon given to Perseus which he used to kill the Gorgon Medusa. Ah hah! you used Harpe's abillity to make immortals, Mortals along with its almost Unhealable wound abillity to beat those Dead Apostles...Ouch! Hahahaha it actually affected me, I don't know what you did to allow your Noble Phantasms to actually hurt us but this is Genius! Hahahaha

Merem was laughing maniacally even after he stabbed his arm with Harpe slightly.

Jasper: He's lost his mind!

Shiro: Is this Normal?

Eleasia: (sigh) Not always...but since he's a avid collector of treasures, he tends to become "excited"

Jasper/Shiro: (He feels like he's gonna have an Orgasm!)

Shiro had Traced some more weapons that were stabbed in the ground for Merem to see, The Dead Apostle Ancestor was acting like a little Kid in a candy store.

But strangely enough Shiro could literally feel his weapons Sweating, Heck even Dainsleif looked like it was pleading Shiro to save him.

Merem: Oh my God, this is Durandal! This is Hunting, I have the Original in my position and this is actually Calabolg! The Rainbow sword! Amazing your collection is just...........


Suddenly Merem froze as he dropped Gae Bolg at the ground as it along with the other weapons dispersed into blue Motes of Prana, Merem on the other hand......fell to his knees as a depressed aura surrounded him.

Merem:.......I've lived for countless years, collecting treasures but to think a kid not even close to a quarter of my age has a collection better than mine...not to mention his brain is the most convenient vault....*Sniff* Why is the world so unfair *Sniff* *Sob*

Merem started crying as a stage light was shining upon him and sad violin music started to play.

Shiro was watching this with a blank gaze along with Jasper.

Jasper: (What the fuċk)

Shiro: (Who's playing that music? and where's that light coming from!)

Shiro: Ahhhh Eleasia is this normal?

Eleasia only shrugged her shoulders.

Eleasia: I've learned to live with the craziness.

Suddenly Shiro remembered the Profound saying he was told by Eva, that Rivaled the Truth of the World, The Wisdom of Buddha and the enlightenment of King Solomon.

Shiro nodded as his aura became sagely and his eyes felt like they understood the meaning of the universe causing Eleasia to be shocked.

Shiro: Since Primordial Times Humans have always strived but it is only a group of special humans that understood the Truth and managed to live with accepting the oddities in life, Living with them, embracing them to finally attain Glory.

Eleasia was shocked hearing such words of wisdom from Shiro, she wasn't some avid believer of religion but was Shiro's possessed by some form of Higher Power to deliver a message to Humanity, she listened not wanting to miss the Words of True Wisdom.

Shiro closed his eyes as his Aura rose to new levels and he opened his mouth to speak the Truth.

Shiro: With Craziness comes Greatness.


Eleasia was shocked, not by the "Revealation" but because she has just wasted Precious seconds of her Immortal Life to listen to something so utterly Ludicrous!

Worse! There was actually Truth to his statement!

Merem: WELL SAID!!!

Eleasia turned she saw Merem looking at Shiro like he was looking at a Paragon with complete utter blind devotion!

Merem: To think I would have the honor of meeting someone as admirable as you not only are you above me in realm as a Collector but *Sniff* to think I would be deemed able to hear words of such Profoundness *Sniff* Tell me are you a Prophet.

Merem said with tears in his eyes. As Shiro shook his head sagely.

Shiro: No child, I am just a Man.

Merem fell to his knees, tears freely flowing.

Merem:...This truly is a Grand occasion.....is this Fate....for me to witness such an Event.

Eleasia was sure her overly Twitching eye wasn't healthy and she would have killed both of them to save herself from going Crazy but Damn it! she cared about Shiro too much, As a Partner!!! and Merem was perhaps one of the only ones she could consider a friend in the Agency.

Merem: Well I think we've been here for quite some time, let's get you to the airport Oh! don't worry about your share of the payment for hunting those 7 Dead Apostles with Ciel but since you killed Chaos alone you've technically did a great service to the Church so I'll make sure you get the full payment in your account as soon as possible.

Shiro: Thank you Merem, but I hope you don't mind if I take some of the Ash of the Soil of Genesis, I need it for Research Purposes.

Merem: Not at all! I only need a small sample as evidence.

Eleasia: (Don't act like you two haven't been acting weird just a minute ago!) Haaah, Come on Shiro I'll help you walk.

Shiro: Thanks Eleasia.

Shiro was still finding it uncomfortable to walk even with his healing factor so why not take the help from a friend, Eleasia swung one of Shiro's arms over her shoulder as she helped him walk.

Jasper: Looks like our cab is here.

Shiro: Don't kill the driver, I'll erase his memory if I have too.

Eleasia: Shiro....about your bike....

Shiro: I Don't wanna talk about it. (Depressed)

Merem moved close to Eleasia as they were going down the stairs and whispered.

Merem: (You found a good one Ciel)

Eleasia glared at Merem but the affect was diminished with the blush on her face.

The movement caused Shiro to take a wiff of Eleasia's scent.

Shiro: (Even as an Executor, she has a nice scent)

Shiro shook his head to get rid of the bad thoughts but his reddened cheeks might take some time to leave.

Merem looked at the two with a smile.

Merem: (Good to know that you found someone to Confide in.....Eleasia)


The trio had cast a spell on the Driver to make him completely focus on the drive and ignore the Trio as they continued talking.

Merem: Shiro your Magecraft seems awfully similar to the First True Magic?

Shiro: Well think of it like a watered down version of it, since I accidentally discovered it and improved it later with the help from my Teachers and Guardian, I might attain the First in my Lifetime.

Merem: You have a very good chance, since with only your Magecraft you're the closest a person has gotten to attaining any semblance of the First Magic and I don't even know your other talents and abillities, I guess I know why you don't want to join the Mage Association you'll instantly be branded with a Sealing Designation.

Shiro: I know, but I have some business with the Mage Association more specifically the Clocktower so I need to keep some relation to them, the best I could think of was a Freelancer.

Merem nodded, approving Shiro's line of thought.

Shiro: Merem, Eleasia since I killed Chaos does that mean....

Eleasia: Yes Shiro, you'll be suprised how fast information travels in the Moonlit World compared to Modern society, it won't be long before people find out that it was the Demon Killer that killed the #10 Dead Apostle Ancestor, especially since you are the first one to kill not seal a top 10 Dead Apostle Ancestor so your fame will skyrocket and people will keep eye on you, so you need to be ready Shiro.

Shiro: hasn't anyone killed another top 10 before?

Merem: There was one, she's Arcueid Brunestud, The White Princess of the True Ancestors. (serious)

Shiro was suprised hearing this but stopped talking afterwards nobody noticing Jasper tense when Arcueid's name was mentioned.


After arriving at the Airport, Ciel was adamant in taking Shiro home, not risking another chance of leaving him to any unknown threat until she was sure he was safe but was suprised of what Merem told her.

Eleasia: You what?

Merem: I've talked to Narbareck and to say that she was suprised hearing that you successfully eliminated not only the amount of Dead Apostles she gave you but also beyond it, she reluctantly said you did a good job and can have a vacation, so go or you'll miss your flight!

Eleasia didn't know what to say but before she ran with Shiro to their plane, Shiro had Traced a phone like Eleasia's and gave it to Merem (He can't copy phone Data) Merem muttered something about the benefits of First Magic before Eleasia and Shiro ran towards their Plane with Eleasia yelling.

Eleasia: Thanks Merem!

Merem watched the two of them go with a smile, safe to say he has rarely seen his junior Executor this happy, that she was acting like a normal girl, all thanks to Shiro he suppose.

Merem sighed as he made his way towards his own platform while thinking of what he was going to tell Narbareck especially in her interest with the Demon Killer that killed the Number 10 Dead Apostle Ancestor, Nero Chaos Oh he has taken a liking to Shiro and safe to say they hit it off pretty well that they were even allies nows so he will only tell her the bȧrė minimum about Shiro.

But it was amazing how he secured Ciel's vacation from the sadistic woman that loved torturing her subordinates, this might be what it feels like to be a Senpai, looking out for his Juniors but strangely he didn't regret it, Merem unlike most Ancestors was someone that was loyal especially to people he considers friends and Allies.

But he wishes that the Church don't do anything drastic to Shiro, if those gazes from his teachers and especially his Guardian was any indication that meant the Boy was special in some way, but taking his talent with weaponry and Magecraft into play had shocked Merem, of how he cut off The Dead Apostles multiple advantages to the point they were like sheep for him to slaughter and worse he didn't know his full capabilities or trump cards and honestly he didn't want to know it as an enemy.

His sixth sense was telling him that if he became Shiro's enemy when he reaches his potential then the end result will always be the same........

How he dies by the hands of the Demon Killer.

He held his arms together, they were still shaking, his familiars startled because of the gazes.

He sighed, Being a Senpai was hard, but oddly satisfying he's glad that Ciel found someone like Shiro who seemed----No who is very Noble and Honorable.

Merem: (Sigh, Time to go back)

What special things will you do in the future Shiro.

Merem suddenly gained a grin.

Merem: Can't wait.

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