Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 36 - A Queen's Heart

I'm Back!



After Irisviel casually dropped her "bombshell" it took some time to diffuse the awkward atmosphere, But the girls had successfully dragged Elesia away to do their "girl" things.

Shiro and Julian were sitting at the Couch discussing about his adventures, Kiritsugu was calling Shiro, who excused himself and went towards the kitchen to help his father.

Kiritsugu: So? what is your report.

Kiritsugu asked Shiro casually as he was washing the dishes with Shiro arranging the clean ones.

Shiro: I've hunted and killed a total of 8 Dead Apostles and mostly kept to East Asian Territory, All were Magi and well etablished.

Kiritsugu nodded to himself with a small but proud smile, Shiro smirked and decided to drop a bombshell on his father too to get a rise out of him, Perhaps somewhat of Merlin's personality was rubbing off on him.

Shiro: Oh! and my latest kill was actually The 10th Rank Dead Apostle Ancestor, Nero Chaos. (Smirk)

Kiritsugu: Hahahahaha!! That's my boy! but you have to tell me before you go to sleep how you did it!

Shiro: I will Dad.

There was some silence before Kiritsugu spoke again.

Kiritsugu: But.....to think your partner would be like that.....poor girl.

Shiro: She's strong dad, especially since she now has people she can find closure in.

Kiritsugu nodded before once again looking at the sink.

Kiritsugu: Are sure you arent doing this to become closer to her? even i admit she's beautiful easily to the point of being a School Idol (Because she already feels like a lost cause because of you)

Kiritsugu admitted that Elesia's beauty was comparable to Rin, Sakura, Illya and Luvia.

If Shiro was drinking something, then he would have already spit it out in shock.

Shiro had an annoyed expression along with a small but noticeable blush, Kiritsugu gave him a Shit eating Grin.

Kiritsugu: Are you saying that any of the "girls" aren't attractive?

Shiro's blush got bigger.

Shiro wasn't as Dense as he was when he was little, He was noticing girls, more importantly Females now since this gave rise to his feelings for Scathach, making him want to defeat her and prove himself worthy to have her(What Eva advised in Scathach's case) but he was still a bit Dense but perhaps the better words would be, Shiro's lack of confidence in himself.

Shiro: Even if they are attractive Dad, it's not like they like me.

Kiritsugu lost his grin as he looked at his Son, his work was done but before he left the kitchen, he patted Shiro's shoulder catching his attention.

Kiritsugu: Please Shiro, Have a bit Confidence in yourself.

Shiro only looked at Kiritsugu blankly for a bit as he also made his way towards Julian, After a few more hours of mingling around, it was time for the guests to leave.

Before they left, Elesia suddenly had a mischievous thought which would get a rise out of the girls.

Elesia said to Shiro sweetly as she wrapped herself on Shiro's arm causing the Girls to all stiffen.

Shiro blushed a bit feeling Elesia's big *Cough* brėȧsts on his arm but just as quickly his blush disappeared as he shrugged at his Partner's antics.

Shiro: Okay. This way.

Before the two entered the hall, Elesia looked at the petrified girls with a mischievous smirk while sticking her tongue out.

It didn't take a genius to find out what she wanted to say.

She had officially declared War!

Illya pulled all the girls into a huddle.

Illya: Girls, we just received a powerful Rival....but even though she has won the battle, The War is still On!

All the girls nodded with flames of Determination burning in their eyes!

Illya: (Because in the end, Onii-Chan will be mine!)

-Shiro and Elesia-

Shiro felt a chill run down his spine but shrugged it off as he opened the door.

It was a guest room, with bed, a cupboard, A table along with a Computer(Kiritsugu believes everyone should be upto date) and a window that gave a view of outside.

Shiro: Hope you enjoy your stay Elesia, tomorrow I'll show you around the city.

Elesia: Thank you Shiro.

Shiro: No need Elesia, it's what Friends would--!

Elesia: No Shiro....I'm serious, Thank you, all of you for what you've done.

Shiro also smiled as he made his way outside the room.

Shiro was suddenly jerked as he was spun and Elesia pecked him on the cheek before closing the door.

Shiro just stood Dumbly outside, his face mimicking his hair as he stiffly made way to his room to sleep.

Inside the room Elesia jumped inside her Futon while burying her face in her pillow as she happily squealed.

Elesia: I did it! I actually did it! Hahahahaha I'm in the lead! Hahahaha.

She realized her feelings shortly after dinner, mainly because she felt a bit threatened seeing her "competition" a group of beautiful girls.

But she decided to be a bit bold and could happily say she was in the lead in the war.

If only she knew, she was second behind a Warrior Queen.


As Shiro went to sleep his consciousness started to leave his body as he was teleported to the Land of Shadows but unlike previous times Scathach didn't train Shiro today and only gestured for him to sit on one of the sofas in her bedroom chambers.

Scathach: So?...I mostly saw what you did in the last few months Baka-Deshi especially your fight with that "Chaos" even if he was superior to you in practically all fields, you were able to use his arrogance, suprise and the terrain to your advantage But even if you got better you're still a Baka-Deshi. Why didn't you use Nethersbane.

Shiro wryly smiled, Scathach was always like this even though she gave compliments she was always able to find even a single Flaw to scold and rebuke him.

Baka-Deshi(stupid Disciple), was also a type of nickname he had received.

Shiro: Well.....I didn't want Chaos to go on guard....so I opted to use Durandal instead.

Scathach only looked Unamused at her Student's attempt to give a excuse.

Scathach: You know that the "power" of Nethersbane could have allowed you to easily escape from that last attack instead of Using Durandal AND not get your bones broken?

Shiro only sheepishly scratched the back of his head as he remembered when he first received Nethersbane after his necklace.

The Sword scanned him to see if he was worthy, thankfully it had found him worthy since he had considerably paled when Scathach informed him how he was the first "living" wielder of the sword since all his predessors that were found "lacking" had their life taken the moment they touched the Blade.

If that wasn't enough when Scathach explained Nethersbane "power", Shiro realized that his new Runed Sword was Powerful even among Noble Phantasms and he had honestly forgotten how he could have had more edge if he used Nethersbane but what's done is done and Nethersbane rested in the space housing Shiro's personal weapons like his Bow, Tempest while Excalibur and Avalon stayed inside of him.

Scathach: Well enough of that I must say you've surpassed my expectations yet again, so how do you feel.

Shiro: I've seen that I've broken the bottleneck and am now able to advance my bladed mastery further but...Shishou I've been feeling a strange tugging sensation when I train, it's not that noticeable but it's there?

Scathach was an experienced warrior woman, so shocking her was very hard and imagine, Shiro's suprise when her eyes visibly widened, she was borderline shocked before she started grinning.

Scathach: (He's nearing "that" stage already, even Setanta took an extra year before he started showing signs)....I see.

Seeing his teacher mysteriously smiling at him, Shiro knew she had knowledge of his current state but was purposely not telling him and wanted to ask her but Scathach wouldn't have it, so she changed the subject.

Scathach: Sooooooo tell me how is your harem going? (smirk).

Shiro had a tick mark visible on his forehead.

Shiro:.....Shishou.....please not you too.

Scathach: Hahahahaha! Why? in my day it wasn't uncommon for men to have more than one wife especially for capable warriors, they had Harems! but none were able to win me.

Scathach had a proud air to her as she uttered the last part but Shiro only looked at her blankly.

Shiro:...Hai(sigh) well I'll see you later Shishou.

Shiro got up as the space near him bended and formed a light blue spiral portal.

Scathach: Take care of your latest bride!

Scathach said a bit loudly before Shiro entered the portal causing the poor boy to groan but just before he disappeared.

Shiro: (And one day it will be me who will claim your heart)

As the portal disappeared, Scathach's teasing smile turned mysterious once more, as she jumped backwards on her bed and laid there.

Scathach: Such potential that...you've even surpassed Setanta, soon you will break out of that "shell" and then.....

Scathach's smile turned gentle.

Scathach: You'll be closer to completing your promise with me.

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