Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 37 - Prince's Vow

Hmmmmmm....well if we are talking about Shiro as a Friend then, Ufufufu then. If your innocent but people still turn their backs on you then you'll always find him by your side lending you a hand if you fall down and even pushing you forward once again.


Witch of Betrayal



In the Land of Shadows, Scathach and Shiro were in the field where they usually trained and currently they finished their usual spar with Scathach not looking at all fatigued while Shiro was breathing a little heavily catching his breath while wielding Excalibur in his right hand.

Scathach: Shiro i must say you are advancing faster than I expected.(Proud smile)

Shiro: Thank you Shishou.(Heavy Breathing)

Suddenly Scathach got a bit serious but she also seemed a little nervous and expectant.

Scathach: Now the reason I called you before you leave on your ȧssignment, this is....more of a favor.... (sigh).....Shiro when the time comes and you become my equal can you....!

Shiro rudely interrupted Scathach, he spoke that single word calmly but with a firmness that he won't bulge in his decision.

Even when Scathach frowned in confusion but there was no fear in his eyes.

Scathach: Shiro. I did not finish. (Stern)

Shiro: Even if you did, my answer is still "No" because I know of your "wish"

Scathach was suprised hearing Shiro.

Shiro: After some research on some of your students like Ireland's Child of Light, Cu Chulainn as well as yourself.....it wasn't hard deducing your.....life.

Shiro shook his head as he continued to speak.

Shiro: You believed that the Hound of Ulster, Cu Chulainn. Your student had the capability to kill you but when he finally gained your Spear, Gae Bolg you had already surpassed humanity and became a Pseudo Divine Spirit and then, you believed that you had even less chance of dying and could only wait for the end of the universe, then.....I came.

Shiro wasn't stupid with Eva telling him the missing pieces of Scathach's story, it didn't take long for him to realize her wish for a worthy someone to kill her and end her long life but he was more grief stricken to find out he was one of the very few in history to eventually have the means to kill her.

Shiro: I know you didn't train me for that reason and it was in the future that you realized I could bypass your divinity and kill you but I'm sorry, Shishou I won't kill you.

Scathach gaze became lifeless as she sighed.

Scathach: Shiro....you don't know how cruel life can be....I've seen things that would normally break even a hardened warrior.....

Shiro: If there is one thing I learned early on Shishou....is that wisdom doesn't come with age and you as well as Merlin also taught me that afterwards...But Shishou....

Suddenly Shiro's eyes lost all their light and his smile became hollow, Shocking Scathach.

Shiro:.....I've also went through Hell, when I walked out of that Inferno....I'll also be eternally grateful to Eva for shielding me from the Evils in the air but that didn't mean I came out unscathed.....that Mud showed me Nightmares of Humans, revealing to me all the injustices and sins possible.....

Scathach could only silently listen as she knew what the Implications meant, No human, creature or even God could handle the full brunt of Humanity's Evil even those that only catch Glimpses of it most likely go insane.

Eva was also listening but she was eerily quiet even if she was able to fend the Evil away before it could physically harm Shiro, he was already catching glimpses of all those sins and because the Mud wasn't able to harm Shiro fully it had opted for the next best thing.

Showing him as many Nightmares of Humanity as possible before the connection to the boy via the Corruption Eva couldn't stop on time when she arrived.

He was a strong boy indeed.

Shiro:.....I died at that time....but with some help from my loved ones, I was able to remake myself into a new person, I don't regret anything and with my new self was able to strive towards my Dream.

At the end Shiro's eyes and smile had regained their light and Scathach realized at that moment how mentally Strong her newest disciple was.

Scathach: You kept....something so large bottled up inside all this time.

Scathach's voice was gentle but without pity or remorse but she was upset nonetheless, holding something as monumental like witnessing all the world's Evil isn't something she recommends anyone to keep bottled up much less her student.

Shiro: Yeah.....I forgot telling you. (Scratches head)

Scathach literally face vaulted, How on Gaia is anyone able to forget that!

Shiro: Well the point is Shishou that I don't want you to die, If you want a good challenge please give me a few more years, I'll make sure to become strong to the point you would have to be serious with me in all our fights and if you want to leave the prison of your domain.

Shiro held his clenched fist across his ċhėst over his heart. Merlin had taught him the common courtesy of vows but it was Eva who had taught him a unique vow he could do, but warned him that even if it is a normal vow or promise, he must try to fulfill it since "Words weight more than any spell" and now he swears a vow he would fulfill regardless before his last day.

Shiro felt his soul and his very Origin pulse he had shown her that he didn't need pity but instead he wanted her to believe in him.

Scathach could only blankly stare at Shiro, she had lived a very long life and in that moment her sixth sense which has rarely ever failed her, told her that she could trust him to fulfill his vow.

It was a strange Charisma Shiro had which only a few times revealed itself but it instilled a type of certainty that the speaker would do everything within his power to accomplish his goal, if it was killing a monster bȧrė handed he would do it or even if he had to reach the end of the world while being malnourished he would it.

It was like a comforting wave declaring that everything would be alright and calming even the most terror stricken and broken people...just like a Hero.

Scathach could only stare wryly, this boy had just denied her wish, broke every single barrier she had, even her belief, that she is cursed for eternity of Loneliness in her Land, never to gain a worthy death or her belief that she had already seen all the world had to offer since it was no use of finding something interesting when she was a prisoner.

And yet....why did she feel joyful, Why did she feel Hope and for all better judgements she decided to trust the Aspiring Hero.

Scathach:...Alright I trust you Shiro and I hope you are able to soon make good on your promise and show me the wonders you speak of AND I also eagerly wait for the day you give me a memorable Fight.

Shiro only smiled, a confident smile as he got into a stance and held Excalibur with both hands.

Scathach also flashed a happy smile as she readied both of Gae Bolg Alternative and the Castle of Dun Scaith was once again filled with the sound of clashing steel.

Eva: (I wonder when you'll realize that even though you currently deny being a Hero, others already see you as one ...Look. You've saved someone yet again)

But suddenly Eva wryly smiled as she remembered what Shiro said and facepalmed.

Eva: (Sigh) If you say such things even the Coldest of woman would melt.....But I didn't think I'll get to watch this scene, it's like those stories where a young Brave Prince/Knight would say to the Fair Maiden imprisoned in a Tower, which "Always" ended with the Prince marrying the Maiden.

Eva sighed in Exasperation thinking how Shiro was really similar to "Him"

-Flashback End-

Scathach fell back on her purple King sized bed, she rolled on the bedding for a bit before settling on her side. Thinking of the red haired (Slightly white) young man.

Scathach: Don't make me wait long My King of Swords.

And like that Scathach closed her eyes as she drifted off to sleep.

Now if Only Shiro knew that he had nearly achieved one of his Main Goals.

As he continues to Grow both Mentally and Physically.

As he changes "Decided" events.

As he gives his hand to those that never received one.

As he continues to defy the Cruelties of Fate.

All which continues to draw him near to his...

Throne of Swords.

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