Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 108: Gate of the Palace of Blocking Li

The coachman left, and after a while, he returned to report: "Miss, the guard at the gate said that the prince is not in the house."

Thrush asked Yun Qianyu: "Miss, shall we go back?"

"No reply, wait."

Yun Qianyu said decisively, and then closed her eyes and rested in the carriage. Today, she must wait until Xiao Jiuyuan. In any case, she must get a portion of the money from Xiao Jiuyuan. There was no Xisui Pill in the auction, so she thought of another way.

After that, no one spoke, all sitting in the carriage waiting.

This time it was noon, and Yun Qianyu asked the coachman to go and tell the guard that he wanted to see Xiao Jiuyuan.

After a while, the coachman came back, and said with a bitter face this time: "Miss, the eldest guard said, the prince is not in the house."

Yun Qianyu frowned, did not speak, and the thrush on one side looked at her worriedly: "Miss, let's go back. You only ate two snacks in the morning. I'm afraid you are hungry now."

Yun Qianyu shook his head and said, "Keep waiting."

She didn't believe that Xiao Jiuyuan would not return to Prince Li's mansion and had the ability to stay outside for the rest of her life.

Yun Qianyu thought fiercely, but after a while, her face suddenly became ugly, and her pupils were full of cold air.

This is not right. As Xiao Jiuyuan's fiancee, it is serious to see him.

Neither the guard nor the housekeeper could be Xiao Jiuyuan’s master. They knew that she was going to see Xiao Jiuyuan, so they should come out and ask her what is important. If she has important things, they should send someone to ask for instructions immediately. Xiao Jiuyuan.

But no one paid attention to her from beginning to end. Could it be that the housekeeper and guard would dare to be Xiao Jiuyuan's master?

So it wasn't that people didn't come to ask her what was wrong, but Xiao Jiuyuan was in the palace.

It's just that he didn't see her, and casually said that he was not in the palace.

Yun Qianyu figured out this reason, his face turned black with anger, and he really wanted to yell at him, Xiao Biannan.

I waited here for almost a day, and I was starving to death. As a result, he was in the house but said he was not in the house.

Will you die if you see her? Yun Qianyu's face was dark and coldly ordered the coachman outside: "Drive the carriage to the door of Prince Li's Mansion and block his door. I'll see if Xiao Jiuyuan sees me."

The coachman was taken aback: "Miss."

Thrush was also taken aback: "Miss, isn't this bad, if Prince Li gets angry?"

"It's not him, it's me." Yun Qianyu's voice became colder after speaking, and ordered the coachman: "Drive to the gate of Prince Li's mansion and block their door."

"I want to see if Xiao Jiuyuan sees me."

Yun Qianyu's eyes were cold and gleaming, like a knife blade. Thrush didn't dare to say anything, and quickly waved his hand to let the coachman drive the carriage to the door of Prince Li's mansion.

The coachman's face was stiff, looking at Prince Li's mansion, then looking at the carriage, and finally got a stiff scalp, jumped into the cart and drove the carriage to the door of Prince Li's mansion.

This time, Yun Qianyu stopped asking the coachman to talk about seeing Xiao Jiuyuan.

Just sitting in the carriage calmly and waiting, she didn't believe that Xiao Jiuyuan would not see her.

Sure enough, the carriage blocked the door of Prince Li's Mansion for a while, and it attracted the attention of passers-by, especially when everyone saw that the carriage was still the carriage of the Yongning Houfu, it was even more fierce, although he did not dare to approach it, it was far away. With.

After a while, the door of Prince Li's Mansion opened.

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