Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 109: Handmaid shows good

Xia Xi, the steward of Prince Li's Mansion, led the two eunuchs out, walked all the way to the carriage, and said respectfully: "The minion has seen the eldest lady of Yongning Houfu."

In the carriage, Yun Qianyu lightly lifted the curtain and looked out. He saw that the speaker was a fat old eunuch, not tall, and his eyes were slit with a smile, but in those slit-like eyes, it was full of energy. of.

This **** is not simple.

Yun Qianyu thought in his heart but didn't show it on his face, just said faintly: "Get up."

Xia Xiduo glanced at Yun Qianyu, and it was rumored that the eldest lady in the Yongning Hall was cowardly and incompetent.

But why did he dare to anger Husband on the day of his wedding? I heard that a bureau was designed to frame His Royal Highness Xuan. This person is a bit interesting.

But this person is their future princess right now.

Although it may not be successful, but in front of him, as the steward of Prince Li's mansion, Xia Xi has extraordinary natural abilities, so he spoke more respectfully: "Miss Yun, my prince would like to please."

Yun Qianyu twitched the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "Is your prince good at flying into the sky?"

Xia Xi was stunned, and then thought of Yun Qianyu coming to see the prince in the morning. The prince was obviously in the house, but said he was not there. Now he wanted to see her again. Doesn't it fit the flying heaven and earth technique she said?

Xia Xi's eyes darkened, this Miss Yun is rather clever and courageous.

"Miss Yun, please."

Yun Qianyu didn't bother to say anything to the eunuch, and now it was important to see Xiao Jiuyuan first, to see if he could get the money.

Yun Qianyu led Thrush out of the carriage, and followed the fat **** to the palace.

Prince Li's mansion is very large, one street is occupied, and the interior is very luxurious, but Yun Qianyu is not interested in appreciating it. At the moment, she is in a bad mood and is too lazy to look at the scenery of Prince Li's mansion, and just follows the chief **** in front all the way to Xiao Jiuyuan. Where I live.

When I arrived at the place where Xiao Jiuyuan lived, it was obviously different from other places. It seemed to be very spiritual. Even the air was much purer. Her originally annoying heart was strangely smoothed while breathing.

Yun Qianyu couldn't help but looked up strangely, there were footsteps in the courtyard gate, and the charming voice came over first.

"The slave servant has seen Miss Yun in the Yongning Hall."

Yun Qianyu turned around and looked over.

I saw a woman in a pink dress coming out of the yard. The woman was born pretty, with vivid eyebrows and a gentle smile on her face.

As soon as the woman came over, she saluted Yun Qianyu. Yun Qianyu's eyes darkened a bit. She always felt that this woman was a little too diligent. She had nothing to do with her courtesy. She was afraid that she would have nothing to do with her.

"Get up, I want to see your prince."

Since she claimed to be a servant, she must be a servant of Prince Li's Mansion, so Yun Qianyu spoke straightforwardly.

She really didn't bother to pay attention to the thoughts of these bends, and right now she was most concerned about the matter of buying Xisui Pill.

The woman heard Yun Qianyu's cold words, her eyes darkened, but she still smiled. She thanked her and stood up and said: "Slavery Su Yingyue, please go in with me."

Yun Qianyu nodded, and did not speak.

She has a cold temper and is not used to being close to other people.

But this kind of her, to Su Yingyue's eyes, made her very unhappy, because she took the initiative to show it, but this woman didn't appreciate it at all.

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