Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 169: Cooperate

As soon as Yun Qianyu's words fell in the camp, several people looked at her with wide eyes, even Xiao Yechen, who had just walked in from outside the camp, looked at Yun Qianyu with wide eyes, and raised his heart.

Feather is dying, and at this time he even bargained with Jiuhuangshu.

If the Jiuhuangshu uncle is angry, I'm afraid she will be unlucky.

Xiao Jiuyuan's handsome facial features were filled with bloodthirsty cold air, his pupils were full of cold and gloomy, he said gloomily: "Are you bargaining with this king?"

"No, I just get the reward I deserve, a Spirit Calling Art. Does Prince Li think that General Fengteng's life is not worth a Spirit Calling Art."

"Okay, okay, you have become more courageous, but you'd better be able to help him draw the arrow smoothly, otherwise, this king will let you know what punishment you will get for paying."

"Okay..." This time Yun Qianyu did not look at anyone, but looked at the old doctor beside him: "Lend me your medicine box."

The old doctor dared not say a word, nodded quickly, and brought the medicine box to Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu checked the medicine box and found that there were still some medicinal materials in the medicine box, so he wrote it down and asked Xiao Yechen to take the old doctor to the pharmacy to find it.

She herself carefully checked the position of Fengteng's chest arrow, which position the arrow is facing, and how to use force when pulling it out later. After pulling out the arrow, she must quickly stop the bleeding with stitches. There should be no delay in the process. If it is delayed, it will cause a big spurt of blood, and Fengteng will undoubtedly die.

After Yun Qianyu checked the situation of Fengteng Arrow, he prepared the contents of the medicine box and arranged them one by one. .

Her attitude is very calm and leisurely, as if everything is well-established, so she can comfort people's hearts.

In the camp, Xiao Jiuyuan's previously tense heart was strangely smoothed. He calmed down and looked at Yun Qianyu. The woman's graceful and indifferent look, like a lily near the water, was indescribably quiet. Beautiful.

At this moment Xiao Jiuyuan couldn't help thinking, even if she didn't have a face, this woman would not lose to any other woman.

He was thinking, when footsteps rang outside the door, Xiao Yechen walked in carrying the old doctor. Both of them were holding medicinal materials. One of them was called Longxuecao, which was extremely thin and tough. It can replace catgut and suture Fengteng.

Yun Qianyu took the medicinal materials in the hands of Xiao Yechen and the old doctor, carefully sorted them out, and looked up at the people in the camp.

She needs an assistant to cooperate with her. After she draws the arrow, she cooperates with her to stop the bleeding quickly with a hemostatic herb, and then she sutures quickly. The speed is very fast. If one is not handled well, it may be possible Will spurt blood and die.

Yun Qianyu looked around and chose Xiao Yechen.

She looked at Xiao Yechen and said, "Come and cooperate with me. I will draw an arrow later. Come and give me hemostatic herbs to stop the bleeding. You can't let his blood squirt out. Then I sew, as long as I cooperate properly, he will Nothing will happen."

Xiao Yechen happily accepted Yun Qianyu's words.

"it is good."

But Xiao Yechen happily responded. Someone in the camp was upset. Xiao Jiuyuan's dark pupils were full of cold and dark glow, staring at Yun Qianyu gloomily. Could it be that he couldn't compare to Xiao Yechen, he just stood By her side, she didn't even know to let him cooperate with her.

Xiao Jiuyuan was very unhappy, his face was covered with haze, and he looked at Yun Qianyu in a very bad tone and said.

"Can't this king cooperate with you."

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