Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 170: Two people join hands

Inside the camp, Yun Qianyu was taken aback, and quickly looked up at Xiao Jiuyuan.

Does this guy have a convulsion? The dignified prince actually said to cooperate with her.

But Yun Qianyu thought for a while and thought that the reason Xiao Jiuyuan wanted to cooperate with him was just because he cared too much about his subordinates.

"Master, you don't have to bother you with this, you are expensive one by one."

Before Yun Qianyu finished speaking, Xiao Jiuyuan's cold voice rang: "Well, except for this king and Yun Qianyu, everyone else should withdraw."

Speaking of the last sentence, he took a deep look at Xiao Yechen, and it was obvious that Xiao Yechen was one of the other people.

Xiao Yechen looked at Xiao Jiuyuan, and then at Yun Qianyu, with a look of inexplicable expression, what kind of style is this Uncle Nine Emperor Gods?

But he didn't dare to speak, hurriedly responded, and led the people out.

In the end, only Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu were left in the camp. Xiao Jiuyuan looked at Yun Qianyu and said domineeringly: "Okay, let's start."

Yun Qianyu looked at Xiao Jiuyuan speechlessly, and wanted to ask him: "Am I a doctor or are you a doctor."

But saving someone is important, and she still doesn't care about this person.

Yun Qianyu turned around and looked at Fengteng on the bed, then pointed to the arrow on his chest and said to Xiao Jiuyuan about the position of the arrow at the moment. Later, how would she draw the arrow and how would Xiao Jiuyuan help Fengteng stop the bleeding, and then she gave Fengteng the dragon beard Suture wounds and so on.

Xiao Jiuyuan listened to the cold voices in his ears. There was neither the femininity of ordinary women nor the cold arrogance of the noble ladies of the family. Some were just cold and indifferent. Her voice was just like hers, with a faintly cool breath, which made people Feel comfortable subconsciously.

Xiao Jiuyuan was thinking about getting into his mind, Yun Qianyu suddenly asked: "Master, do you remember it."

Xiao Jiuyuan was startled, he woke up, and couldn't help cursing himself inwardly. What did he think? He actually distracted this woman. What he should think about now is Fengteng.

Feng Teng is his right arm, he must save him.

Xiao Jiuyuan thought so, and finally reduced his mind, and Yun Qianyu and the two began to work.

Under the candlelight, the two people retreated from the hostility, and they were exceptionally harmonious.

Yun Qianyu first applied sesame powder to Fengteng’s wound, and then forcibly fed him a mild coma pill, and then began to draw an arrow. She calmly relied on herself and did not hesitate to start. The speed was fast and steady, almost In the blink of an eye, she pulled out a sharp arrow.

Xiao Jiuyuan couldn't help thinking for a moment, is this woman still a woman, how can she be so calm.

Xiao Jiuyuan thought of quickly starting to stop Fengteng's bleeding, Yun Qianyu stretched out his hand without delay and sutured Fengteng's wound with dragon beard. This stitched wound was not only stitched on the outer layer, but several layers inside and outside.

While she was sewing, Xiao Jiuyuan used a disinfectant cloth dyed with hemostatic herbs to stop the bleeding. Yun Qianyu started quickly without any delay.

The camp was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the people outside were worried.

Xiao Yechen, Xiao Lingdang, and Diao Ye were very nervous, looking inside from time to time, but never heard anything inside.

Finally, Master Diao cautiously went to the door of the camp, and finally took Bai Yao without paying attention, and quickly slipped into the camp to protect his master.

But there was nothing in the camp, and the two people's affairs were nearing completion, and they were doing the finishing touches.

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