Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 171: Exploring the spiritual vein

When the last needle was closed, Yun Qianyu let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at Xiao Jiuyuan to the side and said, "Okay."

Xiao Jiuyuan looked at Fengteng on the bed and found that although Fengteng was asleep, his aura was especially present, which meant that Fengteng would be fine.

Xiao Jiuyuan finally let go of his heart completely, and when he turned to look at Yun Qianyu, his face was much better.

"I didn't expect you to be a little bit capable."

Yun Qianyu twitched the corner of his mouth and gave him a sneer.

Then he reminded a man: "Master, don't forget what you promised me."

"Spirit Calling Technique?" Xiao Jiuyuan raised his phoenix eyebrows lightly, and a dim light flashed in his black pupils. Could Yun Qianyu really be the body of innate spirit veins? Is this possible?

Xiao Jiuyuan thought to himself, and when he stretched out his big hand, he grasped Yun Qianyu's slender hand.

Yun Qianyu was stunned by his actions, and when he could react, he couldn't help but struggle, and at the same time he cried out coldly, "Let go."

Xiao Jiuyuan snorted coldly, "Don't move."

The man in the corner of the camp saw that his master had been eaten tofu, his eyes immediately burst into flames, his body rose, and a sharp claw was ruthlessly grabbed towards Xiao Jiuyuan's face.

A **** man, dare to eat my master’s tofu.

It's just that although Lord Diao has that cruel heart, he doesn't have that cruel power.

When it just rushed to Xiao Jiuyuan's side, Xiao Jiuyuan raised his hand and gently brushed it with a blue light, directly flicking Diao Ye away, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Although the Purple-Eyed Phantom Mink is very powerful, it is definitely not stronger than the Blue Spirit, not to mention that Diao Ye is not in his heyday.

However, although Master Diao was beaten out, he still did not give up. Once he fell into the air, the steep figure jumped up again and went straight to Xiao Jiuyuan. Seeing Xiao Jiuyuan raised his hand again, Master Diao quickly avoided. Then a pair of purple eyes began to emit light, but it was a pity that Xiao Jiuyuan was always shrewd.

When I saw Diaoye's purple light, not only did he not look at him, but also quickly surrounded himself and Yun Qianyu with blue auras.

That's why Diaoye's Purple Soul eyes were ineffective, and he hated him to vomit blood.

How many people have been lost with his purple soul eyes, but this guy is not fooled, it is hateful.

Master Diao was worrying, Yun Qianyu had already awakened, and quickly called it back: "Master Diao, step back."

Yun Qianyu knew that Master Diao was definitely not Xiao Jiuyuan's opponent. If it made another move, it would definitely anger Xiao Jiuyuan. If Xiao Jiuyuan was angry, he would definitely kill Master Diao. She didn't want anything to happen to Master Diao.

Hearing Yun Qianyu's order, Diaoye gave Xiao Jiuyuan a fierce look, and then he retracted his body and fell back to the ground.

It's just that I'm not reconciled in my heart, and vowed secretly.

Sooner or later, Lord Diao will practice surpassing you, and when that happens, he will crush you and crush you into mud.

A certain beast swears fiercely in his heart.

But even though it stopped attacking Xiao Jiuyuan, a pair of purple eyes were still staring at Xiao Jiuyuan.

At this time, Xiao Jiuyuan had let go of Yun Qianyu's hand, and said lazily: "I didn't expect that you really have spiritual veins in your body. In that case, this king will give you a Spirit Calling Technique."

Xiao Jiuyuan said that Yun Qianyu knew that the reason why Xiao Jiuyuan was suddenly holding her hand was to find out whether she actually had spiritual veins in her body.

Unexpectedly, he found it as soon as he checked it. In this way, it was equal to affirming her own previous knowledge that she did have an innate spirit body.

Yun Qianyu's mood improved all at once, and he completely forgot to care about Xiao Jiuyuan's previous holding of her hand.

But Xiao Jiuyuan spoke again.

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