Next, someone whispered, guessing which prince Yan Qingfeng would be referred to as the concubine.

Seeing Yan Qingfeng's calligraphy performance came to an end, a thunder suddenly sounded above her head.

Then there was a series of roars.

Lightning and thunder, the sky would have been nice.

Suddenly black clouds cover the top, and the whole world is pitch black, as if night is coming, but the day before, and the night is now, how could it be possible.

One more thing, it's the weather at the end of November, how can there be lightning and thunder.

This is clearly a vision of heaven.

Inside the Yufeng Terrace, suddenly panicked.

Someone yelled to protect the emperor, the queen mother, the queen mother.

Someone is busy to light the lamp. .

The wives and young ladies of every household screamed in panic.

The scene is extremely chaotic.

Among the crowd, Yun Qianyu was very calm and didn't feel any fear.

However, there was a vision on this day, she felt a little strange, thinking about what was going on?

Suddenly there was a blast of wind in her ears, and someone floated to her side.

Then, without waiting for her to think deeply, he took her hand and said domineeringly and calmly. .

"Don't be afraid, this king is here."

A dark and deep voice rang in her ears.

When Yun Qianyu heard this, he knew that the person was Prince Li Xiao Jiuyuan.

Xiao Jiuyuan rushed to her for the first time, Yun Qianyu was not moved by this, he just wanted to kick this guy flying.

When she needed his affirmation, he was not sure.

Now when she was not afraid at all, he ran over to join in the fun eventful, not rare.

The most important thing is that this guy took her hand aggressively as soon as he came over. What's the matter?

Yun Qianyu thought to himself, and said coldly, "Let go of me."

She said with a strong twitch, and then pulled it out.

Xiao Jiuyuan was stunned for a moment, then remembered that he had shook Yun Qianyu's hand before and the lips he had kissed before.

Xiao Jiuyuan's heart was beating, beating very fast.

At this age, he never held another woman's hand, let alone kissed another woman.

So I don’t know that women’s hands are so smooth and their lips are sweet and soft. .

However, he felt that Yun Qianyu's hands were easier to touch than others, his lips were better than others, and he was better than others everywhere.

With this thought, Xiao Jiuyuan had an impulse to feel it again.

But thinking of the bad relationship between the two people right now, Xiao Jiuyuan held back.

Ignoring Yun Qianyu's cold drink, he only slowly said: "This king only fears that someone will hurt you, so he will offend you unintentionally. I hope you forgive me."

Yun Qianyu was noncommittal, but he didn't say anything against him anymore.

Xiao Jiuyuan no longer entangled with Yun Qianyu's affairs, but raised his head to look at the dark sky, his eyebrows condensed unconsciously, his eyes became a little cold.

Because Xiao Jiuyuan is quite proficient in the method of the big formation.

So when he looked at it so carefully, he discovered what kind of heavenly appearance, it was clear that someone had fiddled with some formation, causing such earth-shattering movements.

This seems to be tricky, but I don't know who the man behind this big array wants to calculate.

But with him, how can people pretend to be fools.

Xiao Jiuyuan was about to say aloud that someone was playing with the big formation.

The emperor at the head had calmed down at this time and quickly yelled, "Where is the Qintian Supervisor?"

Outside the Phoenix Pavilion at Yufengtai, the Qintian Supervisor quickly flashed out, kneeling to the ground and replied: "The emperor, the old minister is here."

"Check now, check what's going on?"

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