Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 521: Scourge of Doom

After the Qintian supervisor responded, he quickly got up and started to divination and calculate the fortune of the sky, and he quickly replied.

"The emperor, there is a vision in the sky, black clouds covering the top of the day, and thunder is rolling. This is clearly a disaster star with the body of bad luck, and the emperor, this is a big ominous, clearly a sign of disaster for the country."

Qin Tianjian's sentence of a disaster star came to the world, and the omen of the country's disaster caused an uproar on the Yufeng stage. .

The emperor's face changed drastically, and he screamed in panic in his heart.

"Check, immediately find out who is the body of doom, and the catastrophe is here."

"Yes, the emperor."

At the emperor's command, above his head, the black cloud retreated with the effort everyone could see.

Thunder and lightning are getting farther and farther away.

In the end, there was still blue sky and white sun above his head, and the sun was shining, as if the scene just now hadn't happened at all.

But everyone still remembered the previous scene firmly.

Especially when I think of the body of doom, the disaster star from the heavens mentioned by the Qin Tianjian.

Many people are extremely panicked, who is the body of bad luck, the catastrophe is coming. .

If the Qin Tianjian finds out that this person is a body of doom, one can imagine what the outcome will be.

Everyone was thinking in a panic, the upper emperor had looked at the Qin Tianjian with an ugly expression and ordered.

"Check, check it on the spot right away. The people with the body of doom are clearly in this Yufengtai, otherwise God would not give such warnings. If you find out who is the body of doom, Immediately **** and burned to sacrifice the anger of the sky."

One sentence was **** and burned with fire to sacrifice the anger of the sky, making it difficult for everyone to look inside and outside the Yufeng Terrace.

In Yufengtai, the emperor's words had just fallen, and Qin Tianjian had not had time to speak.

I saw a few panting little eunuchs running up a corridor in front of Yufengtai, some of them quickly reported.

"The emperor, it's not good, Longgan Palace was destroyed by the previous thunder."

"The emperor, the Changqiu Palace was blown up."

"The emperor, the Changting Palace was blown up."

The **** here hasn't finished the report yet, and there is another panting rush from the corridor in front, and he knelt down and screamed.

"The emperor, it's okay. The Yingchun Hall was blown up. The Seventh Princess living in the palace was blown out, and she is still unconscious. Even the concubine Xia Guiren of the Seventh Princess was also blown out."

Everyone at Yufengtai was horrified again, and the emperor's face became more and more ugly, he gasped heavily, and then ordered the people.

"Bring Xia Guiren and the little princess here."

Princess Seven is the youngest princess in the royal family, only six years old at the moment.

Although the seventh princess was born by Xia Guiren, this Xia Guiren is the most favored nobleman in the palace right now, and the little Seventh Princess is also favored. I did not expect that this time the cataclysm from heaven would even affect Xia Guiren and the seventh princess. .

One can imagine how angry the emperor would be.

Everyone quickly raised their heads to look at the emperor, and saw the emperor's face full of black clouds, extremely angry.

The **** rushed away the next morning and went straight to the Yufeng Terrace to take Xia Guiren and the Seventh Princess.

In Yufengtai, the emperor has angrily ordered the Qin Tianjian.

"Check immediately and find out the person with this doom body, I will burn her to death immediately..."

Qin Tianjian didn't dare to be careless, and quickly responded, "Yes, the minister abides by the order."

After Qin Tianjian got up, he immediately instructed the **** to place the jade table of incense, and then invited the colorful doom butterfly.

It is said that this kind of doom butterfly likes people with bad luck most, but usually it has been sleeping in a thousand-year-old fragrant wood box, no matter how to summon it, it will not wake up.

Only if the person with bad luck is present, it will wake up from the box and fly to the person with bad luck.

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