Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 545: Defeated

Everyone sneered in their hearts like this, and Tuoba Ye's loud voice rang at the entrance of the hall.

"His Royal Highness, your Dong Li's things are good, no matter where in this palace is magnificent, it is many times more beautiful than our Beidi palace."

Tuoba's unspoken words are full of regret, and at the same time, people can hear the greedy meaning of this guy's words.

Is it because Dong Li's things are good, so you people from Beidi have been fighting for years to attack Dong Li country?

Really shameless.

All of them cursed in their hearts and despised the northern barbarian incomparably.

What else did Tuoba Ye say? After his sister Tuoba Zhen looked at him, he finally closed his mouth quietly.

At this time, a handsome and arrogant figure walked out of the crowd and walked all the way in front of Tuobaye and others, and said as he walked.

"Hehe, it turned out to be Tuoba Ye, the brave king of the Northern Di Kingdom. This king thought it was a poor ghost who had never seen the world before."

Xiao Jiuyuan's unceremonious cynical voice sounded.

In the hall, everyone heard what he said, and for the first time felt that Master Li was such a lovely person.

That's right, you have to hit this shameless guy in the face severely.

In the hall, everyone stood watching the good show.

Tuobaye's face flushed after hearing Xiao Jiuyuan's words, and he stared at Xiao Jiuyuan and said.

"It turned out to be Prince Li, is this the way you treat guests from Eastern Li Kingdom?"

"If the guest is not conscious of being a guest, he can naturally slap his face severely."

Xiao Jiuyuan had always done what he wanted, so he ignored Tuobaye's words, and he didn't advocate the negotiation of peace between the two countries.

This Beidi country was just afraid of being beaten by him at the moment, so he volunteered to make peace. If one day they recover, I'm afraid they will attack Dongli country with their teeth and claws. Therefore, it doesn't make much sense to talk about peace and not.

But his emperor brother obviously didn't think so, and he was just the prince, so these state affairs had nothing to do with him.

It's just that he couldn't see Tuoba Ye's stare at such big thorns.

Xiao Jiuyuan's words caused Tuoba's wildfire, and he stared directly at Xiao Jiuyuan and said.

"It seems that you Dongli country doesn't like us, and you don't want peace. If so, don't talk about peace."

Tuobaye looked at Xiao Jiuyuan with threatening eyes.

It's a pity that Xiao Jiuyuan didn't frown, he directly raised his finger and pointed at the hall door.

"His Royal Highness, if you know the way, you should see that the door is right there. No one is stopping you, you can go."

Tuoba Ye was mad now, he was threatening Xiao Jiuyuan, if he really went back like this, I'm afraid his father won't spare him.

Tuobaye was so angry that his chest was puffed up and down, but he didn't know how to speak for a while, raised his hand angrily and pointed at Xiao Jiuyuan coldly and shouted, "You..."

Xiao Jiuyuan and Tuobaye were completely different from irritation and anger. His expressions were calm, his handsome face couldn't be said indifferently, and he raised his eyebrows and asked Tuobaye gracefully.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to have a fight with this King? This King doesn't mind being accompanied. You are a guest, and this King is your own company. But this King would like to ask King Yong if your skills have grown, Ben The king remembers that you are a defeated opponent of this king."

Xiao Jiuyuan stabbed Tuoba Ye again severely.

Tuoba Ye had always been impatient and impulsive, and was repeatedly embarrassed by Xiao Jiuyuan, and could not control his anger long ago.


He already looked like a savage, but now he is crazy again, and he looks even more afraid.

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