Many people in the hall stepped back and said quickly: "Ah, the savages are crazy."

"You can't kill."

"Don't be afraid, don't you, Prince Li said, this person is his defeated opponent..."

These words reached Tuoba Ye's ears, making him even more frantic and angry.

As soon as he raised his hand, he wanted to attack Xiao Jiuyuan.

Xiao Jiuyuan sneered, his fingers condensed, and he started with a spiritual energy. Since this guy wanted to die, he would fulfill him.

It's just that the two people haven't fought yet, and the eunuch's loud cry sounded outside the hall.

"The emperor is here, the queen mother is here, the queen is here."

His Majesty the Emperor is here.

Everyone in the hall shouted, rushed to the door of the hall and knelt down.

Xiao Jiuyuan was also not embarrassed to embarrass Tuoba Ye. He tidied his clothes slowly and knelt down to meet the emperor slowly.

Tuobaye glared at Xiao Jiuyuan with a pair of fire-breathing eyes, wishing to eat Xiao Jiuyuan.

But he was pulled by Tuoba Zhen beside him, Tuoba Zhen gave Tuoba Ye a fierce look and warned.

"Be safe, you can't finish the father's errand, go back and wait for being cut."

Tuobazhen knew the intention of the imperial father to send this brave imperial brother over, and he didn't want this imperial brother to make trouble in Dongli Kingdom, so as to take the opportunity to vent his anger.

But Dong Liguo is not good at doing things, maybe things can't be done, and they still suffer.

Tuobazhen disagreed with his father's intentions at the time, and couldn't stop his father's orders.

You can only come to Dongli Kingdom with this stupid emperor brother.

But fortunately, the father made an order before leaving, and Tuobaye must follow her arrangements for all actions.

Tuobaye finally settled down after listening to the imperial sister's words, but still secretly made up his mind that he must win this round today and slap Xiao Jiuyuan in the face severely.

This idea is not only Tuobaye, but also Princess Tuobazhen. Xiao Jiuyuan slapped himself in the face of the emperor in public. In fact, it was not just against the emperor, but against their Beidi country. He clearly told the messenger of Beidi country. minister.

They Dong Li didn't take Bei Di Guo seriously.

Tuobazhen snorted, Xiao Jiuyuan, if you dare to hit my Beidi in the face, I will dare to hit you in the face.

Outside the palace gate, the emperor, empress dowager, empress and others have already walked in.

The envoys of the Northern Di Kingdom bowed down to salute the emperor: "Your Majesty the emperor who has seen Dong Li."

The emperor smiled and nodded, but he was very friendly to Tuoba Ye and others.

"His Royal Highness Yong is a guest from afar, so you don't need to be polite."

Tuoba Ye immediately wanted to talk about what Xiao Jiuyuan had done, but after receiving his sister Tuobazhen's eyes, he dared not talk nonsense.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Xie."

"Haha, good, good."

The emperor was in a good mood and led people in.

After the emperor dowager and others sat down, in the hall, the officials and family members quickly found their seats and sat down.

Today Tuoba Ye and others are distinguished guests, and they are very far ahead, just below the emperor's steps.

On the other side of the steps sat Tuobaye's enemy Xiao Jiuyuan, Tuobaye stared at Xiao Jiuyuan with jealousy, and couldn't make a hole in Xiao Jiuyuan's face.

It's a pity that Xiao Jiuyuan didn't see it, and his eyes were as secluded as a deep pool, calm and quiet.

As the princess of Prince An's Mansion, Yun Qianyu was located below Xiao Jiuyuan, and the two were extremely close.

But Yun Qianyu did not look at Xiao Jiuyuan.

It's just that she didn't look at it, but others looked at it. The princess Joan of Arc from the North Di Kingdom looked at Xiao Jiuyuan and suddenly looked at Yun Qianyu.

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