Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 551: Two wins in three games

People have only two hands in total, but the four are compared together.

Isn't this even the feet are used?

For a while, the voice in the hall rang again, louder than before.

"It's over, this Princess Joan dare to ask, she must be proficient in this way."

"That Princess Lingyi is over?"

"It seems so."

"In this way, Princess Joan of Arc will really marry her Royal Highness."

"Princess Lingyi is really true, and what is it to compare with others."

"This is self-defeating. Usually in Dongli's country, I seem to have some ability, and I don't know that the sky is so great."

"Prince Li is the same, why do you agree to it?"

There is everything in the hall.

Tuoba Ye, the brave king of Beidi Kingdom, finally looked a little better, grinning with teeth and claws, as if he was holding the winning ticket.

Tuoba Ye said unceremoniously and loudly: "Now let me see who my sister can marry."

"Your Majesty of Dong Li, don’t go back on it. This is what your Prince Li of Dong Li promised himself. If you want to blame, please blame your Prince Li of Dong Li. You are not allowed to fall behind. , If it is spread out, people will laugh out loud."

Tuoba Ye got more and more excited as he talked, laughed, and knocked on the table with his chopsticks, feeling uncomfortable.

In the hall, many people were in a bad mood and stared at Tuoba Ye.


Then someone cast the blame on Yun Qianyu's body.

Of course everyone can only blame Yun Qianyu, no one dares to blame Xiao Jiuyuan.

However, Yun Qianyu and Xiao Jiuyuan had nothing to express from beginning to end.

Opposite, Tuobazhen spoke again and said: "The third level, we compete, Dou Ling, Dou Beast."

In the hall, everyone was shocked: "Dou Ling?"


"Oh, it turns out that Princess Joan of Arc is still a spiritual power, and there is a spiritual beast in her hand..."

"This is a straightforward three-game crush."

"Our Dong Li is embarrassed this time."

"I dare not look."

"I can't calm down."

In the main hall, babbled, one by one came down.

The way they collapsed.

The old emperor above also looked like the sky was about to smash, looking at Xiao Jiuyuan with gloomy pupils, which was regarded as hating Xiao Jiuyuan.

In the hall, Yun Qianyu didn't look at anyone, but at Tuobazhen.

"Princess, two wins in three games, can we start?"

Tuoba Zhen raised her eyebrows in surprise, is this woman so anxious to lose?

First she lost the first game.

But since she is anxious to lose, then she will fulfill her.

Tuobazhen smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's start. In the first game, women should be more beautiful than their looks, so we will let all the adults testify, which of the Lingyi and I look better? ."

Tuobazhen smiled confidently, then walked out from the side of the hall and respectfully saluted the emperor: "Your Majesty, let me retreat."

The emperor didn't want to speak at all anymore, because he was so angry that he felt weak and didn't want to say a word. He just raised his hand and waved.

After Tuobazhen retreated and went out, Yun Qianyu also got up and resigned to the emperor.

The emperor gave her a cruel look directly because of his resentment, thinking in his heart, when the competition is over, what reason should he find to clean up this woman.

Asking her to compete with Tuoba Zhen irresponsibly, this is a matter of the faces of the two countries.

Yun Qianyu naturally saw the emperor's eyes and thoughts, but she didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned around and led the people out gracefully.

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