Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 552: Stunning beauty

Inside the hall, the atmosphere was very depressing, and no one spoke.

Everyone thought about who Tuoba Zhen would marry if she won.

Is it the prince? The Su family's heart is extremely hot.

The crown prince was originally from the Su family, but now such a Tuobazhen suddenly appeared. If she appoints the prince, wouldn't she take away the crown of the Su family?


The Su family hated it, and finally hated Yun Qianyu.

What kind of Lingyi princess really is, there is no ability to compare with others.

First of all, she couldn't pass the first hurdle. Tuoba Zhen dares to compare her appearance. Her appearance must be extremely beautiful.

Everyone was thinking, a silver bell suddenly came from the door of the hall, and everyone turned around and looked at the door, and they saw a tall beauty in purple dress coming in from outside the hall.

Beauty’s complexion is not the fair skin of a Dongli woman, but a healthy complexion that has been exposed to the sun, with bright eyes and white teeth, indescribably sunny and fit, with a few ringing hairpins pinned to her dark hair. Not only did she wear a bell hairpin on her head, but she also tied a small silver bell on her ankles. As she walked, she rang with a sweet voice.

This woman is Tuobazhen, the princess of Joan of Arc from the Kingdom of Beidi. .

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but admire.

Ba Bazhen is indeed a beauty, she is also a kind of sunny and healthy beauty. Not only is she sunny, but also bold and hot. Her eyes look like black magnets. Whoever looks hotly at her will feel attracted to her. .

All the men whom Tuoba Zhen had looked at could not help but exclaim. This woman is indeed beautiful, with a completely different style from Dong Li's.

Dong Liguo's women are slender, and many are like Liu Fufeng, but Tuobazhen is obviously not such a woman.

She is the kind of woman who is full of wildness, and when she sees her, one thinks of a natural beauty.

Even many men think that if this woman is pressed on the bed, I am afraid it will have a different taste.

At this moment, many people believed this game in their hearts, and Tuoba Zhen would undoubtedly win. Even if Yun Qianyu has no scars on her face, she is afraid that she is no better than Tuobazhen, not to mention the few scars on her face that look particularly hideous.

In the main hall, Tuobazhen had walked up to the emperor, and she saluted the emperor upright. .

"Tuobazhen has seen His Majesty the Emperor."

The emperor glanced at Tuobazhen. Although he was so angry that he had liver and stomach pains, he was still attracted by Tuobazhen's fitness and wildness, and he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

But the emperor hadn't forgotten the bet between Tuobazhen and Yun Qianyu, thinking that if this woman had won, she could choose who to marry herself.

The old emperor was so angry that his eyes turned black, and he hated Yun Qianyu two more points in his heart.

At this time, footsteps came in outside the hall.

Many people subconsciously looked out of the palace gate, and snorted in their hearts at the same time.

They want to see what Yun Qianyu compares with Princess Jeanne of Arc.

Is it just relying on that ugly scar face?

It's just that when everyone looked at the door, everyone was stunned, and it took a long time to come back. .

I saw the woman coming in outside the hall, like a bright moon shining brightly, gathering thousands of graces in one, all her gestures were elegant and magnificent, making people only feel that the front was bright, and the hall was instantly brightened by this woman's presence.

This woman has a beautiful and gorgeous face, and her skin is as smooth as fat, and can be broken by blowing.

A pair of apricot eyes was gently traced by her with a Dan pen, and they opened slowly like a phoenix tail, and their long eyelashes flew into butterfly wings, just like the wings of a smart butterfly.

The eyes under the butterfly wings are dark and clear, like a pool of clear water. With the blinking of the butterfly wings, the clear water of the pool seems to ripple.

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