Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 907: True heir to the throne

Although Xiao Tianyi felt uncomfortable, he still told the truth.

"Uncle Nine Emperor Gods asked my father to make an order to pass on the throne to me."

"But the emperor may not be reconciled to let you take the throne. Right now he is injured and trapped in the palace to rest. If he recovers from his body, can you still sit on the throne?"

Yun Qianyu spoke lazily, and her words woke up Xiao Tianyi as if he was drinking. .

Xiao Tianyi was so happy that he completely forgot to think about this question.

What would he do if his father's body recovered? Will he let him sit on the throne?

The father has always valued power, how could he be his overlord with peace of mind.

Xiao Tianyi's face turned pale, and then he thought about the reason Yun Qianyu was here, she wouldn't want him to kill his father.

"You don't want me to kill the emperor father."

Yun Qianyu said lightly: "It's not that I want you to kill, but you should kill. If he doesn't die, you will die in the end."

"no no."

Xiao Tianyi never thought of killing the emperor. After hearing Yun Qianyu's words, he could not accept such a fact.

He looked pale and looked up at Yun Qianyu.

This woman is not only beautiful, capable, but also cruel. In a way, he is even a little afraid of her.

"Is there no other way? For example, give him medicine to control him, make him sick for a lifetime, and make him always weak."

Of course there is this kind of medicine, but Yun Qianyu doesn't plan to give it to him.

Because she wants the emperor to die right now.

If the emperor does not die, there will surely be trouble later, since this person is alive, he will have trouble, it is better to die.

Yun Qianyu thought while saying: "The emperor should listen to me tell a story. If you are still unwilling to attack the emperor after listening to the story I told, then I won't say anything more."

Yun Qianyu got up, walked to the side of the star-gazing pavilion, and looked out.

She said unhurriedly: "It is said that the wife of Nanyang Wang Rongheng is as beautiful as an immortal, and Nanyang Wang is very fond of him. One year he took his wife into the palace to celebrate the emperor's birthday. The thought of being taken captive was born."

"But Nanyang Princess and his wife were deeply in love. At that time, Princess Nanyang was still pregnant, and the emperor gave birth to jealousy. He quietly poisoned Princess Nanyang, and later caused Princess Nanyang to give birth prematurely. The child was born in poor health, while the emperor was in Nanyang. On the day when the princess gave birth, she moved her hands and feet and replaced a woman who was a bit like princess Nanyang but was dead."

"Outsiders say that Princess Nanyang died of dystocia, but they didn't know that the emperor had sneaked into the palace."

"The Princess of Nanyang who entered the palace was not happy. She liked the King Rongheng of Nanyang and did not like the emperor, so she was depressed all day long, but the emperor really loved Princess Nanyang and kept her in the palace. Few people knew about this. thing."

"Later, Princess Nanyang became pregnant and gave birth to a son, but because she was always depressed, she passed away not long after giving birth."

When Yun Qianyu said this, he stopped, turned around and looked at Xiao Tianyi and said, "Do you know what I mean by this story?"

Xiao Tianyi was so confused that he didn't know what Yun Qianyu meant. Aren't they talking about killing his father? Why did it come to this again?

Yun Qianyu looked at Xiao Tianyi's behavior and couldn't help but sighed to remind him.

"The emperor's favorite son is never the prince, nor is he pregnant, nor you. He loves the child born by Princess Nanyang the most, and his heir to the throne should be that child."

"He will do his best to grab the throne and give it to that child."

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