Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 908: Be my queen

Xiao Tianyi's face turned pale now, and he understood what Yun Qianyu meant.

If he doesn't kill his father, his father will definitely not let him go. He must regain the throne and give the throne to the son he likes.

Which son does he like?

Xiao Tianyi's body retreated steeply: "You mean the father's favorite son is the eighth emperor's brother Tian Jue. He is the son of Nanyang Princess, and he was quietly arranged by the father to be in the name of Chu Zhaoyi. ."

Yun Qianyu gently twitched his mouth: "Yes, Chu Tianjue, the eighth prince in the palace, is the son of Nanyang Princess."

Xiao Jiuyuan and her accidentally said this. .

The people in the palace have never seen Princess Nanyang, but Xiao Jiuyuan has.

The eighth prince Xiao Tianjue is very similar to Nanyang Princess.

In order to protect the eighth prince Xiao Tianjue, the emperor rarely showed him up, and only allowed him to learn various skills in the palace.

In the stargazing pavilion, there was no blood on Xiao Tianyi's face.

He fell feebly on the stone chair of the stargazing pavilion: "Why, why is it like this."

"I don't want to kill Emperor Father."

"If this is the case, then wait for you to be killed. I will say so much. It is useless to say more. The emperor decides for himself."

Yun Qianyu turned around and wanted to leave.

Xiao Tianyi suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

Yun Qianyu stopped and looked at Xiao Tianyi, Xiao Tianyi had calmed down a lot, cold frost was on his body, and his eyes were full of gloom.

He slowly said: "I will find out. If the truth is like this, I will do it. Not only the father, but also Xiao Tianjue, I won't keep this evil son."

Only by getting rid of Emperor Father and Xiao Tianjue, can his throne be secured.

"Well, since you are willing to do it, I will give you a poison that no one can find out. As long as people take it, they will slowly die."

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, he took out the medicine and handed it to Xiao Tianyi.

Xiao Tianyi took the medicine and looked at Yun Qianyu, and slowly said, "Yu'er, why are you killing the emperor."

"Because he is alive, he has dealt with me again and again, I am tired, so I want to kill him."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her head to look at Xiao Tianyi, with a weird smile.

Such a smile made Xiao Tianyi a little frightened.

Yun Qianyu said unhurriedly: "So the emperor, you still don't provoke me and Xiao Jiuyuan casually, otherwise?"

Otherwise she does not guarantee what she will do.

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, he jumped out of the star-gazing pavilion, and Xiao Tianyi behind him saw her jumping off the star-gazing pavilion, and couldn't help rushing to the pavilion and shouting.

"Yu'er, if, if I let you be my queen, are you willing?"

Yun Qianyu, who jumped out of the stargazing pavilion, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said angrily: "The emperor will never say such untimely words again. I will only be Xiao Jiuyuan's wife, not anyone else's wife."

Yun Qianyu finished speaking and landed, and ignored Xiao Tianyi in the stargazing pavilion behind him. .

Obsidian, who was following Yun Qianyu, had an indescribable ugly expression and gave Xiao Tianyi a fierce look. He guessed it was right, this nasty guy was thinking of Princess Lingyi at night, and he said that she would let her sit as the queen.


Yun Qianyu took Obsidian all the way out of the palace, not worrying that Xiao Tianyi might not attack the emperor.

According to her understanding of Xiao Tianyi, the throne in his heart is particularly important. Now that he sees the throne soon, how can he let people take it away from his hands again.

So Xiao Tianyi would definitely not keep the old emperor.

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