Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 973: Tianqing College

The Pei family is talking about this with enthusiasm.

In the small courtyard in the northwest corner, Pei Kang and Lin Xiuwan are desperately preventing Yun Qianyu from participating in tomorrow's family competition.

As long as two people think of tomorrow's competition, they are worried to death.

Especially Lin Xiuwan, her brain is not good, she finally got such a baby girl, how could she be willing to let her be beaten.

So when she heard that Yun Qianyu was going to participate in that big competition, she was so scared that she hugged Yun Qianyu.

"Xixi, don't fight, mother won't let you fight."

"It's bad boys who are fighting. We Xixi are good boys. They are all bad guys, big bad guys."

In the flower hall, Pei Kang nodded in agreement. Although the creek has spirit beasts and spiritual powers, she must have come from the East Continent. So compared with these people in the West Continent, it must be inferior. If this is the case, tomorrow Will be beaten by them.

Was beaten in the competition field, but there is no place to reason.

Pei Kang thought that his eyes were a little red again, because he couldn't help it, so Xiaoxi was bullied by them.

"Xiaoxi, it's because your father has no abilities, that's why you were bullied by them. Otherwise, how about our family leaving here quietly tonight?"

Pei Kang thought of an idea and said in a low voice excitedly.

Yun Qianyu raised his eyebrows faintly and said, "I think there must be a lot of people guarding outside our yard tonight."

Those guys who came to challenge her before must be afraid that they would run away in the middle of the night, so they must lead people to guard their yard.

Yun Qianyu thought about looking at Pei Kang and said, "Don't worry, I will be fine. The reason why I participated in the family competition is that I want them to treat you better."

If the Pei family knows that Pei Kang's daughter has a good talent, they will definitely treat Pei Kang well.

Pei Kang understood Yun Qianyu's words all at once, and finally his eyes turned redder, and he clenched his fist and said.

"Father has no abilities, and in the end I need you to protect him. Daddy really has no face to meet people."

Yun Qianyu shook his head: "Father, don't be sad. In fact, I want to participate in the competition. Come on, you can tell me about this competition."

After hearing Yun Qianyu's words, Pei Kang walked over, sat down and talked to her about the family competition.

Yun Qianyu finally knew that the reason why the Pei family was so active in the family competition was that they wanted to select outstanding disciples from the family to participate in the Tianqing Academy trial held in Baihecheng three days later.

"Tianqing Academy?"

Yun Qianyu raised his eyebrows, and Pei Kang on one side nodded.

"Tianqing Academy is one of the four major colleges in the Western Continent. Because Tianqing Academy has a spiritual tower built with spiritual fire, all major families have squeezed their heads and want to send their children to Tianqing Academy for training, and Tianqing Academy has the most powerful mentor and experience plan, and you can also participate in various treasure hunts."

"No matter who it is, as long as he enters Tianqing Academy, his status will be superior. If he can successfully graduate from Tianqing Academy, his spiritual power will not be bad, and he will become the target of major forces."

"In this way, as long as there is such a powerful character in the family, basically the family will not worry about it."

Pei Kang said in a low voice at the end.

"Actually, don't blame your grandfather. This continent is so ruthless. People who are incapable will be crushed to the end. On the contrary, those who are capable are highly sought after."

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