Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 974: Physician

Yun Qianyu's eyes lit up after hearing Pei Kang's words.

The most important thing for her now is to cultivate spiritual power, originally she planned to stay at Pei's house to cultivate spiritual power.

Listening to Pei Kang now, what Tianqing Academy is clearly more suitable for her training.

So she decided, not only to participate in the Pei family's big martial arts competition, but also to participate in the selection competition of Tianqing Academy.

In this way, she can become stronger as soon as possible.

Yun Qianyu thought about looking at Pei Kang, and said softly, "Father, don't worry, I won't lose. Tomorrow's family contest, I will definitely defeat those guys, and I will deal with them fiercely."

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand steeply, and the purple spiritual power melted into the palm of her hand.

She slapped the table fiercely, and the table shattered with a bang.

Pei Kang suddenly saw Yun Qianyu's spiritual power cultivation base.

Purple spirits.

Although not particularly tall, he remembered that his own daughter was in the Eastern Continent, and when she came over in the Eastern Continent, she actually reached the purple spirit, which means that his daughter, his daughter's talent is against the sky.

Ah, Pei Kang was so excited that he stood up uncontrollably and paced back and forth in the room.

From time to time, he waved his arms. If he didn't stop it, he would want to rush out and rant, my daughter.

My daughter is a spiritualist, and my daughter is extremely talented.

Ask you to say that my daughter is a waste material.

Looking at Pei Kang's excitement, Yun Qianyu twitched his lips.

At this time, she suddenly rejoiced that she had come to the Western Continent, if it was Thrush came to the Western Continent. .

Her situation will not be good, so not only Thrush, but also her parents, I am afraid it will not be good either.

As Yun Qianyu thought, he got up and walked to Lin Xiuwan's side to get Lin Xiuwan's pulse.

Pei Kang quickly noticed her movements, walked over and looked at her in surprise.

Now she looked at her daughter, in addition to joy and excitement, there was a little bit of worship in her eyes.

The daughter is really amazing, and in time, she will definitely be a powerful big shot.

Yun Qianyu didn't bother to pay attention to the excited Pei Kang. After checking Lin Xiuwan's pulse, she said slowly.

"Mother's disease can be cured, and I will cure her. Now I will give her a needle first to smooth out the meridians in her brain."

When Yun Qianyu's words fell, Pei Kang was directly stunned, then looked at Lin Xiuwan, and finally at Yun Qianyu.

"Daughter, you won't still be a doctor."

Yun Qianyu was stunned for a moment, and then knew that the doctor in Pei Kang's mouth was probably like a doctor, so he nodded: "Yes, I am a doctor. In addition to a doctor, I will actually do it?"

She wanted to say that she would still do alchemy, mainly because she didn't want to lie to Pei Kang, but she didn't expect her to finish her words.

Pei Kang made a weird scream, then ran out uncontrollably, and screamed in the yard.

Yun Qianyu who was far away could hear his excited roar.

The entire Pei Mansion was taken aback by him, and then everyone talked.

Tomorrow's competition will scare my fourth uncle. He is scared and stupid, for fear that his daughter will lose and go crazy.

This is all right, two fools, plus one ugly.

Yun Qianyu ignored the comments outside, and Anfen gave Lin Xiuwan a needle. After finishing the needle, he found a pill from Fengling Ring and fed it into Lin Xiuwan’s mouth, and finally helped her to rest. .

Not surprisingly, Lin Xiuwan's mind should return to normal tomorrow.

As soon as Yun Qianyu settled these things, Pei Kang returned, and when he returned, he grinned silly.

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