Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 11 This makes the child very happy.

"Okay, okay." Zhu Zhen agreed happily, flexing his chubby fingers and counting each stroke.

"The autumn clothes for more than a hundred people in Wan'an Palace have not yet been distributed, and the monthly payment is owed for two months. There are also flower cakes and chrysanthemum wine that should be given during the Double Ninth Festival, and this month's melons, eggplants, frost peppers, and rabbits... ...By the way, there are also silver tribute charcoal and winter clothes for next month. Can you also allocate them in advance to save me from having to make another trip..."

Hou Lixie was stunned when he heard this. Is this something a ten-year-old child could say? Unexpectedly, His Majesty King Chu fell into the water and was as horrified as if he had lifted the seal.

Concubine Ding, however, was no longer surprised. She still maintained a professional fake smile and said: "Your Highness has spoken, and I will do it. Hou Lixie, have you written it down?"

"Uh, I've written it down." Hou Lixie quickly wiped away his sweat, thinking that the things that were used to deprive Wan'an Palace had long been divided among the top and bottom.

"Hurry up and make it up later. Don't bother Your Highness to press any further."

"Here." Well, now that I have lost my wife and lost my troops, I have to pay for it myself.

But these are just appetizers, the main course is yet to come.

"Also, about my mother and concubine..." Zhu Zhen said slowly.

Concubine Ding and Eunuch Hou looked at each other and finally understood that what happened today was all due to the careful planning of this ten-year-old young prince!

The purpose was naturally to exchange for the freedom of Concubine Hu Chong by not pursuing the King of Qi.

For mothers, there is no choice. There is always only one answer.

"Well, think about it now. Your mother and concubine and I are like close sisters. She drank too much that day, was in a state of intoxication and did countless things..." Concubine Da Ding said halfway. Thinking of those two big moves, my cheeks felt hot and painful.

She was unwilling to surrender like this, and wanted to give Lao Liu a try: "As long as you are in the main hall, apologize to your seventh brother; and let Concubine You admit her mistake to me, I am not incapable of being generous. "

"Fart." Zhu Zhen immediately grimaced.

"What did you say?!" Concubine Da Ding's eyes widened and she couldn't believe her ears.

"Sorry, farting is too rude, I should say it's a courtesy!" Zhu Zhen hates this kind of mangy dog ​​who is willing to gamble but refuses to admit defeat.

Eunuch Hou twitched his lips and thought to himself, what does it have to do with our family?

But the atmosphere was tense, how could he dare to talk nonsense?

Zhu Zhen was indeed angry. He originally thought that this episode would be like a palace battle drama, where everyone would stop at the right time to preserve dignity.

But I didn't expect that the other party would be so disrespectful of dignity. Even though he was defeated, he still wanted to lose without losing. He was such a disgusting person.

Then I have no choice but to help her look decent.

"I finally understand that the reason why Lao Qi is like this is because of you, a stupid, smart girl!" Zhu Zhen stood up and said sternly:

"He is already in disaster, and you are still bargaining here, do you think this is buying food at the vegetable market? This is your son's whole life!"

"Don't be alarmist here." Concubine Da Ding also experienced troubled times, how could she be frightened by a child. "Mr. Liu has already said that this matter can be big or small. At worst, I will take Prince Qi to surrender to His Majesty, just say that he just wants to play a joke on you!"

"I don't believe that your father would think the worst about his son!" After saying that, she stood up, held her Guangxiu with both hands, and said domineeringly: "Hou Lixie, I won't give you anything!"

"Mother, mother, think twice." Eunuch Hou knew that both parties were asking for high prices and had to pay back the money. And his task is to mediate and prevent the talks from collapsing.

"How do you know that my father will not think the worst about your son?" Zhu Zhen calmly took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, unfolded it and read:

"Besides this time, I also heard about other frivolous things. There was a pigeon flying from the east loft to the west loft. He pointed at the pigeon and said rude words, "How dare you fly here!" Then he drew a soldier's knife and chopped it."

"The cruel thing is that there are bird chicks in the eaves of the house. People have taken them, and the King of Qi ordered them to be burned alive. This is cruel and merciless."

"I also heard that in May of this spring, the King of Qi innocently kicked the ribs of a palace official, which shows that he was cruel and cruel, and it was definitely not an accident..."

"If these charges are presented together, do you think Your Majesty will think that Lao Qi is just a child's impulse, or will you think that he is frivolous, cruel and inhumane at heart?"

Zhu Zhen's barrage of attacks made Concubine Ding retreat repeatedly and sit down on the chair.

She knew that Boss Zhu had many heirs and gave most of his fatherly love to the prince. The other princes may not have much weight in his heart.

That's why I have been strict with him since childhood, hoping that he can get more fatherly love.

But if Zhu Shu is branded as anti-human, his life will be over...

"Nonsense, you're spreading rumors..." Concubine Ding then remembered and she absolutely couldn't admit it.

"Everyone in the palace knows these things, but they only hide it from the father." Zhu Zhen took two steps forward, his eyes like a sword, piercing Concubine Ding's vitals and said:

"Actually, whether it's a fabrication or not, I know better than I do. Eunuch Hou and everyone in Changyang Palace also know it very well."

He raised his palms and said with a naive smile: "By the way, haven't many people from Changyang Palace been summoned for questioning and haven't come back yet? My father only needs to have people interrogate him by the way, and it won't be difficult to distinguish the truth from the lies, right?" . Presumably no one will hide such a small thing for Lao Qi, right?"

"That's all, my queen, please think twice." After saying this, Zhu Zhen bowed politely, turned around and walked out.

At the same time, silently chant ‘one’, ‘two’…

Before 'three' arrived, I heard Concubine Da Ding's depressed voice coming from behind.

"I admit defeat, let it be whatever you say..."

Zhu Zhen curled up his cheeks and showed a winner's smile.


Outside Changyang's main hall, it was getting dark, and Eunuch Wang became anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Seeing Eunuch Hou leading a group of palace servants carrying things out, he finally couldn't help but jump to his feet and screamed:

"Hou Lixie, where is my Highness? If he loses even one hair, our family will fight you tooth and nail!"

"Wang Defa, what are you yelling about? Isn't His Royal Highness the King of Chu coming out?" The other party's orchid finger was about to poke his face, and Eunuch Hou was naturally upset.

"Oh?" Eunuch Wang looked over and saw his silly little Highness jumping up and down behind him.

"Oh, little ancestor, you figured it out, but this old slave is so anxious." Wang Defa hurried forward, looked at Zhu Zhen carefully, and made sure that he was intact, and then he let go of his worries.

"Eunuch Wang is overly worried, can I still eat your Highness?" The extremely beautiful Concubine Ding actually delivered it in person.

"This old slave has disobeyed me, please punish me." Wang Defa quickly knelt down to plead guilty.

"It doesn't matter. If you care, it will cause chaos." Concubine Da Ding has never been so polite. "Eunuch Wang, please get up."

"Really, the empress loves His Highness so much that she just kept him for a little longer." Eunuch Hou pointed to the boxes and baskets in the hands of the palace servants and said:

"These are all gifts given to Your Highness by your Majesty."

"Yeah, thank you, your Majesty, you are such a good person." Zhu Zhen looked very happy, his thick eyebrows were bent in a smile, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his head.

"Haha, you're welcome..." Seeing him pretending to be a silly kid again, Concubine Da Ding wished she could eat him alive. But he still had to maintain a decent smile and said: "His Highness often comes to play with your brothers."

"Yes, I will." Zhu Zhen nodded and said with a bright smile: "We can't go back on the things we agreed on?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Concubine Da Ding smiled uglier than crying.

After saluting again, he jumped up and left Changyang Palace with Wang Defa.

But the child was very happy.

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