Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 12 Reaching Concubine Ding’s determination

As soon as King Chu left, Concubine Da Ding lowered her face and entered the palace covered with frost.

"Empress, why did you agree to everything?" Hou Lixie couldn't help but ask.

He felt that he couldn't even accept the excessive conditions that the boy put forward, let alone his always proud and arrogant lady.

"What if I don't agree? Do you think what he said today can be said by a ten-year-old child?!" Concubine Da Ding smashed the plate and bowl in anger, and said through gritted teeth:

"Especially when the charges were laid against Shu'er later, his methods were so sophisticated and sophisticated that many officials would be ashamed of themselves!"

"What does the empress mean, is someone teaching him behind his back?" the old eunuch understood.

"Not bad!" Concubine Da Ding finished venting, sat back on the chair slumped, and said feebly:

"Who taught him? Liu Ji or someone in the palace? Could it be that the queen is taking the opportunity to beat me?"

"It's unlikely." The old eunuch shook his head.

"Anyway, no matter who it is, this matter cannot continue, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Concubine Da Ding covered her head. She couldn't figure out who was messing with her.

But one thing she knew very well, no matter who was behind King Chu, she couldn't deal with it.

People who have been through troubled times know the rules of survival. Give in when it's time to give in, and if you endure it for a few years, you will always find an opportunity to take revenge...

Isn't it just a shame? It's better than losing everything.

"Go to Qianqing Palace tomorrow morning and tell me that I want to make dumplings and invite the emperor to have dinner." Concubine Ding gave her final instructions.



Some families are happy and some are sad. In Changyang Palace, plates and bowls are smashed, but in Wan'an Palace, it's like celebrating the New Year.

It's time for shift change, the people who have gone up to work have just arrived, and the people who have come down from work haven't left yet. This is the most crowded time of the day.

The maids and maids received the order from Eunuch Wang and swarmed to the Wan'an Gate to welcome the crowds from Changyang Palace in a friendly and restrained manner.

“Come on, come on, you’re so polite to bring so many gifts!”

"Haha, aren't all the nostrils turned upward these days? Why are they all wilted?"

"Don't be downcast, it will make people think that your wife is too stingy to part with this little thing!"

Everyone's noses in Changyang Palace were twisted with anger. In their opinion, with the empress's ability, she could urinate a ten-year-old child like King Chu with one hand. So I really can’t figure out why the empress changed her gender and had to compromise like this?

Could it be that in order to be promoted to a noble concubine, the empress wanted to repay evil with kindness and show her generosity?

Alas, 80% of the time it is like this.

So in order to take the overall situation into consideration, they did not dare to retaliate and could only endure it silently and do what they said. As soon as he put the things in the yard, he rushed out the door in dejection amidst the jeers of everyone in Wan'an Palace.

Fortunately, it was already dark, so others could not see their swollen faces.


When everyone in Changyang Palace left, everyone in Wan'an Palace, who had been ordered to ridicule, also bowed to His Highness and left.

Zhu Zhen, who was standing on the steps, did not let them back down, but hooked his hands.

Wang Defa quickly bowed forward and bowed his head.

After listening to His Highness's instructions, Eunuch Wang was slightly surprised at first, and then took a step forward with great relief, cleared his throat and said sharply to everyone:

"His Royal Highness has a decree. The Double Ninth Festival is approaching. It is not easy for everyone to serve. I will give you all the rewards! Why don't you quickly thank me for the reward?"

All the palace maids and fire masters were overjoyed when they heard this, and they all knelt down and kowtowed, shouting thanks for the thousand-year-old grace!

"I'm free of charge." Zhu Zhen said with a stern face and hands behind his back, feeling quite comfortable.

"Okay, let's all get up." Wang Defa happily put his hands on his hips and commanded with a flourish: "Those on lower duty are at the front, and those on night duty are at the back. Line up, don't crowd and don't rush."

"Yes." The palace people responded in unison, and happily lined up to receive the reward.

The things looted from Changyang Palace looked like a lot, but in fact, if one hundred and ten people shared it, it wouldn't be much if it were spread among everyone.

But for everyone in Changyang Palace, who had lost their master, been oppressed, and experienced bitterness, this reward was of particularly great significance.

This shows that His Highness has them in his heart and knows how difficult it is for them.

Moreover, His Highness was able to successfully rip off the notorious Concubine Da Ding, which shows that although their master is young, she is quite capable!

In this difficult time, it is more important than anything else to see some hope.

Wang Defa was also happy and wiped away tears. Ever since the empress was thrown into the cold palace, he had devoted all his energy to maintaining the hearts of the people in Wan'an Palace. But he is also a slave, and his status determines that his efforts are destined to be half the result with twice the effort.

Seeing that the morale of the whole palace was low and people's hearts were about to break up, he was so worried that he bit his handkerchief and shed tears every night. Unexpectedly, at this juncture, His Highness grew up overnight and changed the situation as soon as he took action.

It is true that there is no perfect way for mankind, and the earth has the virtue of good life!


Tired of hearing the endless thanksgiving, Zhu Zhen turned around and entered the main hall.

Mu Xiang also quickly followed in, serving His Highness to change clothes, wash hands, and prepare for meals.

"Why don't you go get something?" Zhu Zhen sat on the imperial concubine's couch and raised his feet so that Mu Xiang could take off her boots.

"There's no rush, my maid will serve His Highness first." Mu Xiang shook her head and chuckled, then put His Highness into soft-soled satin slippers embroidered with cloud patterns.

Zhu Zhen suddenly realized that she was a maid serving him. Who dared to deny her reward? It will be sent to her residence in full or even in excess, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

After dinner, Wang Defa came in to report that the rewards had been distributed. Please rest assured, Your Highness.

Up to this point, he could not contain his excitement and kept praising His Highness.

"Where are you now? Concubine Ding has promised to make up for all the debts this year, and pay the ones that should be paid before the year in advance." Zhu Zhen took the two-meter porridge from Mu Xiang and drank it while snoring. , while saying vaguely:

"Please ask carefully about this matter. If they dare not to give it, I will personally go to Concubine Ding."

"Hey, Your Highness is so brave!" Wang Defa's eyes were filled with little stars.

"Parrot? Are you still a starling?" Zhu Zhen burst into laughter and said, "It's just Concubine Ding's bodhisattva-heartedness that allows me to keep my children at home."

"Since Concubine Ding is so kind, will our empress be back soon?" Wang De asked hopefully.

"It's possible." Zhu Zhen nodded slightly, pretending to be serious. But the chubby cheeks and the millet grains stuck to them made it difficult for him to achieve the desired effect.

"Really?" Mu Xiang couldn't help but exclaimed softly, quickly bowed her head in apology, and wiped His Highness's mouth with a fragrant handkerchief.

"Woo-hoo, that's great, Your Highness!" Eunuch Wang even cried so much that the pear blossoms were falling from the rain and said, "Your Majesty is truly blessed. It is all thanks to His Highness that you are able to achieve good fortune in this difficult time!"

"You can't be too optimistic. Besides, I'm not that powerful." Zhu Zhen said with a smile, his thick eyebrows curved in amusement, and he pretended to be modest.

"No matter how stupid I am, I still know that Concubine Ding has changed her mind this time. Your Highness must have pinched her sore foot." Eunuch Wang raised his orchid fingers and gave a thumbs up.

"It's not the sore feet, it's the sore hands." Zhu Zhen sighed and looked at his slightly red and swollen left hand. His thoughts flew back to the time when he was beaten by Liu Ji in the main hall...

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