In the Fengtian Palace.

Hu Weiyong knelt down and resigned, begging the emperor to spare the prisoner who had sealed the case.

Zhu Yuanzhang still looked at Hu Weiyong's performance expressionlessly.

The prince had not yet reached the mastery of cultivation. He suppressed his anger and glared at Hu Weiyong, but he could not hide the look in his eyes that wanted to kill someone.

That day, when his father summoned the beast at Wuying Hall, the prince was also present.

He could witness with his own eyes how humble and ugly the dignified Prime Minister Hu was as humble as an ant in front of his father.

By the way, Hu Weiyong also knelt down and asked for resignation that day, but the nature of the two times was completely different.

Last time, it was begging; this time, it was a threat.

Zhu Biao suddenly thought that even the empty seal case this time was actually his confession. It was Hu Weiyong who revealed to his father that the local government would talk to Li Shanchang every year, so his father brought them all to Beijing, and then seized the evidence of the crime, hoping to catch them all.

In the end, my father really concentrated on dealing with the Korean gang, but he actually dared to betray him on the spot? !

It's so shameless and so bold!

This is not over yet. Next, there is an even more unexpected scene...

After seeing Prime Minister Hu kneeling to resign, the Zhongshu Provincial officials behind him actually knelt down as well.

This is the Zhongshu Province, which accounts for three-quarters of the civil servants in the court.

A small group of people from the Yushitai, Dali Temple and other places were left. Seeing that everyone was kneeling, it was not a problem for them to stand, so they also knelt down.

"Please, Your Majesty, give me a lighter sentence!" The entire left half of the court shouted in unison.

Although the noble generals on the right side did not follow, their eyes were shining, and they seemed to be taking pleasure in others' misfortune. I just don’t know whose misfortune they are happy about and which misfortune they are happy about.


Facing the prime minister and officials who were almost in the same palace, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled coldly and was about to open his mouth.

"Father, I have something to say!" But Jin Wang Zhu, who was standing under the golden stage, suddenly shouted with his fists in his hands.

"Speak." Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed his anger and nodded slightly.

"I think what Prime Minister Hu said is wrong. Either he has very short knowledge or has bad intentions. No matter what the possibility is, it shows that he is not suitable to be the prime minister anymore." Zhu took a deep breath, pointed at Hu Weiyong and said:

"My son, please ask your father to help Prime Minister Hu and get rid of his Prime Minister Zhongshu Shengyou!"

"..." Baiguan raised his head and glared at Lao San. If it weren't for his identity as a prince, I don't know how many people would jump out and start complaining.

"Oh?" Zhu Yuanzhang's expression changed, and he pretended to scold: "How can you talk to the Prime Minister like this?"

"Your Majesty, it's okay. I have to resign." Hu Weiyong couldn't help but asked: "I just don't know how His Highness the King of Jin could tell that I am very short-sighted and have bad intentions?"

"Just because you confuse right and wrong and call a deer a horse!" King Jin sneered and said:

"You said that the reason why you have the bad habit of printing is because the journey is too long. It takes several months or even a year to get to the ministry. But the actual situation is that if you have the documents and go to the official post, you can get it from the Ming Dynasty in as little as a month. How could it take so long to reach Nanjing from a remote state or county?

"Furthermore, 70% of the more than 300 prisoners arrested this time are from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Huguang, and Shandong, and the journey can take up to ten days and a half. Why do they also bring short-term printing? Surely they are not afraid of not being able to make it in time?

"Your Highness is still young and has never been exposed to specific government affairs. I don't know that the accounts of the imperial court and local governments are extremely complex and contradictory. There is no possibility of a perfect match. In many cases, revisions once or twice are not enough and need to be revised repeatedly." Minister of Household Affairs Wu Bingzhong quickly explained.

"There are a lot of people from around Nanjing. It takes a few days at most to come back and forth. It's no problem even if you revise it repeatedly." The third child persisted and asked.

"His Royal Highness the King of Jin, your Majesty, the officials from the surrounding prefectures and counties did have time, but everyone did it. In order to save trouble, they followed bad habits." Wu Bingzhong explained again, he did not believe that he could not argue with this young boy.

"Is it really just to save trouble by following bad habits?" The third child sneered and said, "Do you believe this? You little ninety-nine can't even deceive me, let alone my father!

"Your Ministry of Accounts and the local officials who are in charge of tax accounts are busy with this kind of thing all year round. As a result, you can't even reconcile the accounts at the end of the year. Are you a bunch of losers?

"If the accounts cannot be reconciled, I will not hold you accountable and ask you to go back and correct them, which is enough to give you face. You actually dare to come to the capital directly with blank paper and discuss the accounting in person.

"What's the point of this kind of confusing accounting that needs to be given shape? Do you think your father is a fool, or are you so stupid that you can't even make false accounts?"

"Or is he so lawless that he is too lazy to go out of his way to make false accounts?" His Highness Prince Jin stared at the other party with lightning eyes.

"This..." Wu Bingzhong didn't expect that His Highness Prince Jin would be so sharp-tongued at such a young age, and he would see the case extremely thoroughly, and his words would hit the mark, making him unable to argue with his words for a moment.

"Wu Shilang, shut up." Seeing Wu Bingzhong's failure, Hu Weiyong gave him a stern look. "If it's wrong, it's wrong. Stop making excuses."

"Yes..." Wu Bingzhong lowered his head in dismay.

"Your Highness, they did make mistakes, but they can't be said to be guilty." Then Hu Weiyong raised his hands to the King of Jin and said: "As I just said, since the founding of the country, there has never been a law of empty seals. The emperor must rule the world by law. Teach and then punish."

"This is what I want to scold you for." Unexpectedly, King Jin became more courageous as he fought, and pointed the finger at him again:

"The prime minister does not distinguish between public and private affairs, and confuses the public and the public. He is really confused! Don't you know that national laws are different for the people and the government? For the people, anything can be done without prohibition by law! But for the government, there is no law. Authorization means prohibition!”

"Is it prohibited by law without authorization?" Hu Weiyong was stunned and quickly started thinking, but he was so inexperienced that he couldn't remember which sage's saying this was.

‘The law prohibits it without authorization? ’ Boss Zhu and the prince looked at each other and saw the light in each other’s eyes, obviously inspired by the third child.

"That's right. The government controls the life and death of the people and can easily bankrupt people. Therefore, power must be used strictly in accordance with national laws and only exercise the power granted by the law. You cannot do whatever you want just because the law does not provide for it.

"The Ming Dynasty has just been founded, and there are many wastes waiting to be revitalized. The legislation is also very imperfect, with too many gaps and omissions. When officials find loopholes, they should help the court improve them, rather than specifically exploit loopholes.

"If this time my father forgives these corrupt officials who are obviously malicious and collude to embezzle state funds, there will definitely be other officials in the future who will focus on studying the loopholes in the law and exploit the loopholes to do evil! Anyway, as long as the law does not prohibit it, we can break the law. You will not be punished!

"If things go on like this, the government will be ruined, the people will not be able to live well, and they will repeat the mistakes of the previous dynasty!" After King Jin finished speaking, he clasped his fists towards his father and said loudly:

"So my minister, please severely punish the officials involved in the case of not lending a single empty seal. Only in this way can we deter Xiao Xiao and serve as a warning to others! So that officials all over the world will no longer dare to take advantage of the imperial court's loopholes!"

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