Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 255 Kill kill kill!

In the Fengtian Palace.

After hearing King Jin's conclusive words, Zhu Yuanzhang's tense expression finally became vivid, and he said in a deep voice:

"Although Prince Jin's words are a bit extreme, there is one point that is very good - for the government, it is forbidden without authorization by law! If we never said you can do it, you can't do it!"

"Yes..." The emperor's words severely restricted the power of the government, but Hu Weiyong could only bite the bullet and said: "But this time, don't you know..."

"This time I can be given a lighter sentence. It won't be the same next time." Zhu Yuanzhang said slowly.

"Thank you for your magnanimity, Your Majesty." Hu Weiyong kowtowed hurriedly, Li Tai and Wu Bingzhong also kowtowed quickly, and the civil servants followed suit.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled teasingly and announced slowly but firmly:

"Publishing my decree, sealing major cases in vain, deceiving the emperor, and ignoring the emperor are extremely heinous crimes. All the chief seal officials and those with names in the signatures will be arrested and brought to the capital. The chief seal official will be executed, and the deputy will be sent to the army with a hundred sticks. I admire this!"

"Ah..." The officials who were kneeling to listen to the order raised their heads after hearing the words. They were all dumbfounded and said: "This, this is called being given a lighter sentence?"

"Your Majesty, talents are not like leeks. If you cut off one stubble, another one will grow again. The imperial court seeks wise men and appoints officials. It is very difficult to get an outstanding talent. Cultivate him into a responsible official, and even more It will take decades to achieve." Hu Weiyong admonished with tears in his eyes:

"Most of these more than three hundred official seal officials are reasonable, honest and good officials. Your Majesty cannot indiscriminately execute them all on charges that are not enough to convict! That would be an irreparable loss for the Ming Dynasty. It will also cause chaos in the place!"

"Fart!" Zhu Yuanzhang said unmoved: "If he were a good official who was reasonable, honest and observant, he would not print his seal on white paper and hand it over to the people below! Anyone who does this will be punished. This is a person who deceives the emperor and ignores his superiors, who is daring to act recklessly. Even at the end of the day, he is just trying to get lucky and has a lawless mind. Why bother to kill him?"

"They are guilty, but their crime does not lead to death, Your Majesty..." Hu Weiyong said sadly.

"Prime Minister Hu, don't say any more. We have personally experienced the rule of corrupt officials in the late Yuan Dynasty, and we know how cunning and cunning they are to manipulate government and harm the people. So what is going on with this blank paper? Has it been used? You are here to commit an adultery and commit a crime. You know it, I know it, and everyone present knows it." Zhu Yuanzhang said extremely resolutely:

"Everyone of them is arguing with us, confusing right and wrong, and they don't feel that they are wrong at all. This is the real bad habit - you brought the corrupt officialdom of the Yuan Dynasty to our Ming Dynasty intact!"

"..." The officials were blushing and speechless after being scolded by Zhu Yuanzhang.

"It is precisely because the officialdom is still the custom of the Yuan Dynasty, and the officials are all the style of the Yuan Dynasty, so my Ming Dynasty is no different from the Yuan Dynasty. They are both a nest of snakes and rats, and a mess!

"If you don't correct this shortcoming, you will never achieve good governance. You will lose it by being lenient, so I will help you by being fierce! We must rein in the corrupt officials and put strict rules on them!"

Boss Zhu's powerful aura caused all the oppressive officials to lower their heads, and now no one dared to speak again.

"Oh, by the way, we forgot about you." After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he glanced at Li Tai, Wu Bingzhong, and the other minister Pang Qiyou who had never dared to say a word, naively hoping to be ignored, and said slowly:

"The Hubu Hall official knew clearly about the bad habit of empty seals, but instead of reporting it, he indulged it blindly, and forced sophistry after the incident. He is the culprit and must be severely punished. Where is the person with the knife?"

"I'm here!" Tang Ding, who was on duty, immediately responded loudly.

"Push Li Tai, Wu Bingzhong, and Pang Qiyou to Chang'an Street and cut off the city!" Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, have mercy on me..." The three of them collapsed on the spot, struggling and kneeling down and crying.

"Your Majesty..." Hu Weiyong quickly knelt down.

"If anyone talks nonsense again, let's go and cut them off with them." Zhu Yuanzhang said a murderous sentence from between his teeth.

Hu Weiyong and others immediately felt like geese being strangled by the neck, and they did not dare to say a word. He watched helplessly as Li Tai and three other household officials were dragged down.

When the cries disappeared at the entrance of the Golden Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang's cold eyes swept across the trembling officials, and finally said in a deep voice:

"We have nine commandments for you, and I also remind you of three points -

"First, stop trying to be clever with us, we have seen everything and will never think the best of you!

"Secondly, don't think that the law does not punish everyone. We are never merciless in killing people. Even if we kill all the people in the court, it doesn't matter. In the worst case, we can start over from the beginning! We are not afraid at all.

"Thirdly, don't think that we are scaring you. If there are people who don't believe in evil, but just want to try it, whether their neck is harder or our Lao Zhu's knife edge is harder, then just come over and I guarantee you will be satisfied! Also! Let your whole family accompany you on the road, and the whole family will be together and never be separated.

"Do you understand?" At the last sentence, the energy in Dantian burst out, making all officials' ears buzz.

"Yes, I will bear in mind the emperor's teachings." The officials replied with fear.

"Quit the court!" Zhu Yuanzhang waved his sleeves. He didn't want to see these disgusting ministers again today.

"Retreat from the court..." Eunuch Wu quickly sang loudly.

"I will respectfully see off your Majesty." All officials knelt down and respectfully saw off the emperor and the prince.

When Zhu Yuanzhang stood up, he waved to his third son to come with him.

King Jin quickly stood up, accompanied the prince and left the Fengtian Palace.


After the emperor withdrew from the court, Cao Guogong and several other princes got up and walked out of the palace with their generals.

Hu Weiyong also stood up with the help of Zhongshu Provincial officials.

When passing in front of Hu Weiyong, the princes all looked respectful and bowed.

Although Xiang Hu's efforts in the Golden Palace today cannot be said to be completely successful, he has already won the respect of the nobles in Huaixi.

This is true for military commanders, let alone civil servants.

Even those officials who usually relied on Li Shanchang and never took him seriously were standing next to Hu Weiyong with low eyebrows and submissive eyes.

Obviously, everyone believed that Hu Weiyong's hard words today allowed many of them to escape with their lives.

If it weren't for the wrong situation, they would have to give Hu Xiang a kiss.

"Everyone, have you memorized all the holy teachings?" Hu Weiyong exhaled a breath and asked slowly.

"Return the favor, remember."

"Also remember that times have changed, let's throw away the old stereotype of Wen Tian and Wu Xi." Hu Weiyong said seriously:

"In the future, we must change our minds, abide by orders and fear the law, clean ourselves and love the people. Only in this way can we clarify the administration of officials and make the emperor look at us with admiration."

"Yes, we would like to follow Enxiang's teachings." All the civil servants bowed respectfully and responded.

From this moment on, Hu Weiyong's status in the hearts of civil servants finally caught up with or even surpassed that of Li Shanchang.

"Let's go, colleagues, let's see the three of them off." After Hu Weiyong said that, he left Fengtian Hall surrounded by a group of civil servants.

ps. Post first, then revise, and then write an update.

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