Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 274 Bloodline Suppression

"What did Lao Lin say to make you so angry?" Cai Bin asked in a low voice.

"I told him that we were a Chinese envoy on an envoy mission, and we were now docking at Tamna Port for supplies. He actually said that all their families had their say, and without an order, no ships would be allowed to dock at the port."

"Whose will?"

"Who else could it be? It belongs to the King of Korea." Lin Mi curled his lips and said.

"It's really unreasonable. If I want to board the territory of the Ming Dynasty, I still need the consent of the Korean people?" Cai Bin's expression changed as expected, and he cursed: "It's really shameful for them!"

"Master Hong, how should we answer him?" Master Lin is very meticulous and has not forgotten that he is also a tool man.

"Go ashore directly, it's our own land, no one's consent is needed." Lao San said coldly.

"Okay." Chief Lin told the Korean officer.

The other party looked like he was eating shit and wanted to argue.

"Get out!" The fourth child burst out with one word, then flew up and kicked the Korean officer off the boat.

There was a pop, and I didn’t know whether I was dead or alive...


After some discussion, the mission decided to leave half of its troops and sailors on the boat in case of any eventuality. The rest changed to boats and went ashore.

In fact, there is enough water and food on the sealing boat, so there is no problem if we don’t replenish it. But now we have to go ashore and remind the Korean people who is the real owner of this land.

More than two hundred heavily armed Yulin Guard officers and soldiers took several small boats and sailed to the dock.

During this process, the Goryeo Wanhu sent several more waves of people to negotiate. All said and done, no foreign ships could land without the will of the King of Korea. Let them rein in the situation quickly, otherwise they will bear the consequences...

"It's no longer a dispute of tempers." Lin Mi sighed and said to the Yulin officers on the boat: "It's about which country Tamra Island belongs to? As an envoy, I can't back down even if I die. "

Then he glanced at the three His Highnesses behind him and said, "I order you to return. If anything unexpected happens, you must report my words to the Emperor."

"Stop talking, Mr. Lin, we brothers are definitely not deserters." The fourth child said flatly.

"Haha, yes..." Lao Liu smiled and said to himself, I can actually do it. "I don't dare to say that elsewhere. In Tamluo, they will never dare to make mistakes."

"Why?" Lin Mi looked at the youngest His Highness.

"They still hope to coax the old...emperor to reward them with Tamluo. How can they dare to make mistakes at this time?" Lao Liu explained: "Now it is just a bluff, they don't want us to get involved in Tamluo."

"That's right, they managed to wipe out the Yuan Dynasty remnants on the island with all their strength. Who knew that our Ming Dynasty people were coming again, and no one could stand it." Lao San also agreed: "But it doesn't matter, the harder we are, the harder it is. , the softer they become. Once we get hard enough, they will have to kneel down obediently!"

"You'd better be talking about the confrontation between the two countries." Lin Mi rolled his eyes at Lao San, causing Yu Linwei to laugh strangely. The nervousness also disappeared...


On the pier, the Korean soldiers were at war with their swords and crossbows, aiming at these uninvited guests.

"Fuck, don't worry, they don't dare to shoot an arrow!" Lao Si, who was the vanguard, ordered in a deep voice to his subordinates. "Row at full speed and get ashore as soon as possible!"

Then he held the dragon flag in his hand and stood proudly on the bow of the ship. Watching this, Lao Liu was frightened and thought that Fourth Brother was really brave.

With "Hong Baihu" as an example, the officers and soldiers of the Yulin Guard were not afraid and rowed their boats into the range of the Korean soldiers.

The atmosphere was tense again.

But just as the brothers expected, no Korean soldiers dared to shoot arrows.

Thousands of Goryeo officers and soldiers wearing round helmets watched helplessly as the Ming army's boat docked on the trestle.

After landing ashore, the Habayashi officers and soldiers calmly reorganized their team, and then marched in formation in an orderly manner.

The Korean soldiers watched in stunned silence as these superior soldiers from the Heavenly Kingdom came toward them with neat steps.

Although the number of these heavenly soldiers was not large, their momentum was fierce and overwhelming. The key was the feeling of treating them as nothing, which turned on the switch called 'recognition of father' in the Korean blood.

It is this feeling that the people of the Tang Dynasty gave them, the people of the Song Dynasty gave it to them, and the people of the Yuan Dynasty gave it to them twice as much. Then it was passed down in the blood of Korean people from generation to generation, and finally formed a kind of fear and trembling like a lamb seeing a tiger.

This is the so-called ‘bloodline suppression’.

Although the Ming Dynasty's suppression of the Goryeo bloodline was not as strong as that of the Mongols, the Goryeo soldiers did not kneel down directly, but they continued to retreat as the heavenly soldiers continued to approach.

Just as he was about to exit the pier, Park Manhu finally showed up...

After several shouts in Korean, the ranks of the Korean soldiers separated. A group of soldiers wearing leather helmets, surrounded by a Korean general wearing Yuan-style armor, appeared in front of the heavenly soldiers.

"Oh, it turns out that he is really a heavenly soldier of the Celestial Dynasty!" Moreover, this man could also speak Chinese. He took off his helmet with a humble face, knelt down on one knee and saluted: "Your Majesty, Danluo Wanhu Pu Guochang, pays homage to the envoy of the Celestial Dynasty! "

"Pu Wanhu, what are you doing?!" Cai Qianhu said with a dark face: "Don't you recognize the banner of my Celestial Dynasty?"

"Returning to the envoy, in recent years, Japanese pirates have been raging in our country. Many Japanese pirates are cunning and cunning. They pretend to be officers and soldiers of the Chinese dynasty or common people and then come ashore, and then suddenly attack. There have been many times." Pu Guochang said plausibly:

"It's impossible, our king just made such a decree. I'm really sorry, but there's nothing we can do."

"Hmph..." Cai Qianhu snorted.

The brothers looked at each other after hearing this. Sure enough, as Lao Liu said, he started to pretend that a flood had flooded the Dragon King Temple, making you angry and angry.

"Your Majesty, please come to Wanhu to serve tea." Pu Wanhu excused himself and got up to greet him.

"Yes." Cai Qianhu nodded with a dark face and led everyone to follow Pu Wanhu to Wanhu's office one mile away.

Pu Wanhu then gave a few orders in Korean dialect, and the Korean soldiers dispersed.


The so-called Tamluo Ten Thousand Households Office was the original Tamluo Military and Civilian Office in the Yuan Dynasty.

Naturally, the building was built exactly like a Chinese official government office, and the regulations after entering were exactly the same, which made the brothers a little confused.

"It really feels like returning to China." Lao Si whispered.

"What are you talking about? This is in China!" The third child rolled his eyes at him.

Cai Bin didn't wait for the ten thousand households to lead him, he walked straight into the lobby and sat down behind the official Zhengyin's case.

The corner of Wanhu's mouth twitched. That was his seat, and he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please have tea in the back hall."

Cai Bin raised his hand to signal him to shut up, and then said in a deep voice: "Park Wanhu, we need a lot of water, vegetables and meat supplies now. We must prepare them before dark tomorrow."

"Yes..." Pu Wanhu felt unhappy when he saw him turning his back on guests and giving orders, but he could only obey obediently.

"In addition, we are also ordered to inspect Tamna Island, please make arrangements for it." Cai Bin added, "We will set off after lunch."

"Ah this?" Pu Wanhu couldn't accept it now, and said hurriedly: "I absolutely can't do it, your Majesty!"

p.s. I’ll write some more and read it tomorrow morning.

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