Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 275 Abandoned People

"Why, you want to teach me how to do things again?" Cai Bin looked at Pu Guochang coldly and said: "Pu Wanhu, you have to understand that the emperor has not said that he will give this Tamluo Island to your country!"

"Yes, I don't dare." Pu Wanhu hurriedly apologized and explained with a smile: "Muhu are really cruel. After Cui Du led the army last year, those Muhu came back again. Not to mention occupying most of Tamluo, They are also lying in ambush outside Tamna City, waiting for an opportunity to attack our small army leaving the city."

As he said this, he said with an expression of 'for your own good': "The envoy left the city rashly. If there is any mistake, the whole family of the lower official will not be able to apologize. We, the king, will not be able to explain to the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty."

"Haha." Cai Bin said with a confident smile: "They come here without fear of death. Brothers have been on the boat for too long, so it's time to stretch their muscles."

"Oh, yes..." Pu Wanhu sighed depressedly, why are these people from the Ming Dynasty as domineering as the people from the Yuan Dynasty?


The most indispensable thing on Tamna Island is horses.

Soon, more than 200 Yulin Guards transformed from horseless infantry into mounted cavalry.

After setting off, Pu Wanhu realized where the confidence of these Ming Dynasty people came from.

In other words, just after lunch, they were able to control the horses freely, and it was almost impossible to tell that the man and the horse were temporarily paired.

Pu Wanhu thought they were the toughest infantry, but he didn't expect them to be the most elite cavalry...

The Yulin Guard officers also praised these war horses. They were born from the breeding of Mongolian horses and Tamro horses. They retained the advantages of Mongolian horses that were hard-working, docile and brave, and they were taller and sprinted faster.

When it comes to raising horses, you can always trust the Mongolians.

So more than 200 Yulin soldiers and 500 Goryeo cavalry, guarding the members of the mission and Park Manhu, patrolled Tamna Island...


"This Tamluo Island is such a good place!" His Highness King Jin couldn't help but sigh.

After getting his feet on the ground, the third child finally returned to full swing. Strangely enough, even though he was bumpy on horseback, nothing happened to him at all.

"Yes." The fourth and sixth sons also agreed.

Although it does not have the majestic majesty of the Mongolian grassland with thousands of horses galloping, and it also lacks the openness and vastness of the Chile River where you can see the cows and sheep in the wind-swept grass, but under the cover of the distant mountains, the excellent mountain pastures have turned green. , groups of horses wandering around, but it also has a unique and refreshing style.

The slightly salty wind blowing in the face makes people suddenly think of being on an island, which is even more incredible.

"Thanks to the sea breeze, the grass and trees on Jeju Island are rich in salt. Horses eat this grass and grow strong without getting sick. So we all say that when humans are born, they are sent to Hanyang, and when horses are born, they are sent to Jeju." Park Guochang said proudly: "Hanna Mountain on Jeju Island is the best pasture in the world."

"Hey..." When Lao Liu heard this, he couldn't help but secretly complained that Xiao Xiba's habit of bragging was really passed down from generation to generation.

After Pu Wanhu finished bragging, he sighed again:

"But it is precisely because of Halla Mountain that it is difficult to exterminate those random herdsmen. When they saw something bad going on, they hid in the mountains and waited for the army to retreat before coming out. The army could not stay on the island permanently, so they let They survive to this day.”

"I saw a lot of Muhu along the way, but I didn't see any of the troublemakers." Cai Qianhu said with some disappointment.

"The divine power of the heavenly soldiers is inviolable. Those thieves will stay away in fear. Who would dare to come if they don't open their eyes?" Pu Wanhu said again.

But that's right, so many cavalry came over in a mighty manner. The Muhu rebels, who had already wiped out three thousand of their main forces, would definitely have to take a break...


The mission spent a day traveling through the pastures controlled by the Koreans.

It has been determined that this is indeed an excellent pasture. But the fly in the ointment is that there are only less than 10,000 horses in the horse farms controlled by the Koreans.

"Most of the horses are still under the control of Muhu. After Cuidu left, they rebelled. They also built a city in Seogwipo and elected Star Lord as their leader to resist our rule. We are now on the island There are few soldiers on board, so there is no way to destroy them, so we can only live in peace for the time being."

At this time, Pu Wanhu could no longer hide it, so he could only say honestly: "Sir, we can't go any further. Their lair is ahead."

"I can't just listen to your one-sided words, go meet them." Cai Bin said according to the wishes of his brothers.

"It is absolutely impossible to do this. Muhu is so cruel! What's more, the people of the Celestial Dynasty still hate them for the subjugation of the country. They can't see each other!" Pu Wanhu still wanted to hinder them.

"Haha, do you know how many Tatars have surrendered? Don't they have any hatred for the country's subjugation?" Lao San glanced at Pu Wanhu coldly. The more he blocked him, the more he wanted to see those Muhu!


After traveling for more than ten miles, the rebel city that Pu Wanhu had mentioned appeared in front of everyone.

The so-called city is just a camp built with volcanic stones that can be seen everywhere on the island. It's dark, crooked, and not as tall as a landlord's compound.

Hundreds of them were galloping forward, and they had already alerted the Muhu who were unwilling to surrender to the Korean people. They all took their families and hid in their "compound".

Young and middle-aged men stood on the top of the city, bows and arrows drawn, guarding their families behind them.

Looking at the muhus on the city walls, Lao Liu's biggest feeling was that they were really poor.

I originally thought that the clothes of the Goryeo soldiers and civilians were shabby enough and they were small enough. Looking at the situation of those Muhu, it is even worse. All of them were in ragged clothes, skinny and malnourished.

This is still a young man at the top of the city. I don’t know what the old, weak, women and children in the city are like.

But it’s normal to think about it. The soil on Tamna Island is very thin and does not store water. It cannot grow food. It can only grow oats and rye for horse feeding.

Once the supply from the Yuan Dynasty is lost and Goryeo imposes an embargo on the island, Muhu will have to eat grass.

If these poverty-stricken days continue for a few more years, Muhu will all starve to death if they don't surrender.

I guess this is what the Koreans had in mind...

Cai Bin then sent people to shout at the city.

A loud-voiced Yulin soldier rode forward with a white flag and shouted at the top of his voice: "We are the envoys of the Ming Dynasty. We are here to inspect Tamluo Island. Are you interested in coming out to meet..."

Before he finished speaking, an arrow shot towards him. Thanks to the quick reaction of the Yu Linwei, he ducked sideways.

"Damn you don't follow martial ethics, you're still shooting even though you're raising a white flag!" The Yulin Guard cursed bitterly: "If you're not interested, just pull him down and we'll leave. You can fend for yourself!"

The envoy also turned around to leave, but heard someone shouting from the top of the city behind him:

"Wait a minute!"

Then, three people were sent down from the city in hanging baskets.

In fact, you can’t fall even if you jump down…

ps. Post first and change later.

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