Those three people should not be the leaders, but they should be the subordinates of the leaders.

But they were all covered in torn sacks, skinny and skinny, and their skin was rough and blackened by the sea breeze.

Standing there, like three pieces of dead tree bark hanging with rags...

Their identities can only be identified by their hairstyles. The one with a pot head and the editor's ears pierced on both sides is a Mongolian, also known as a 'Muhu'; the one with hair tied on top is probably a Han; the one with dead hair on his head, probably They are the local Tamluo indigenous people...

These were also the three original inhabitants of the island.

The Han man acted as the interpreter and asked with wide eyes: "Are you really from the Ming Dynasty?"

"Yes." Lin Mi nodded and said proudly: "According to the order of His Majesty the Ming Emperor, we came to inspect the situation of Danma Field."

"Are you asking for horses again?" the Han man muttered angrily to his two companions.

"Are they speaking Korean?" Lao Liu asked softly.

"No, it's Mongolian." Lin Mi said.

"The tune is similar." Lao Si also said, "I can't even tell them apart."

"Not only do people mix seeds, words also mix taste." Lao San said very insightfully.


After some discussion, the Mongolian Aba Aba said a few words.

"Our horses are raised for Emperor Yuan, not Emperor Ming." The Han man translated the Mongolian words.

Even though he was at the end of his rope, Na Muhu still looked proud and his tone was still the same as before.

The Koreans despise this the most. I have changed my father, and you still talk to me like a father? So my father's replacement was not in vain?

Then Pu Guochang scolded fiercely: "Not respecting the emperor of Ming Dynasty is a capital crime! Someone come and take them down!"

"Wait a minute!" Cai Bin shouted and said coldly to Pu Wanhu: "The envoys of the Ming Dynasty are talking to the survivors of the Dayuan Dynasty. What kind of people are they from Korea? How dare they interrupt here?"

Pu Wanhu's face immediately turned red, and he immediately slapped himself, leaned forward and said, "Yes, I made a mistake."

When the 'Muhu' and the Tamluo people heard the translation, their eyes lit up.

"Now that the great vitality has been exhausted, the Ming Dynasty has ordered me to replace him. Most of the Mongolian and Semu people have complied with the destiny and become the people of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor has a good life and is no different from the Chinese people." Lin Mi followed. After some discussion, the third child announced to the three of them:

"I also pity you for being lonely and loyal overseas. If you don't surrender to the Ming Dynasty, you will only die. That's why I decided to find a way for you to survive. If you are willing to surrender to the Ming Dynasty, you should think about it carefully."

"..." The Han man translated these words to the two of them. The expressions of the three of them became rich, and they seemed to be quarreling.

"You should think about it carefully. If you are interested, our ship will make another trip when it returns. Please reply then." After Lin Mi finished speaking in a deep voice, he was about to turn his horse back.

"No, we agree now, we agree to submit." The Han man pulled his reins and said excitedly.

"Can you represent them?" Lin Mi looked at him suspiciously.

The Han man nodded and said something to the two of them, and they knelt down and kowtowed neatly.

The brothers were all shocked. They were so arrogant just now, but their attitude changed too quickly.

Then I heard the Han man say in a calm tone:

"Last year, Koryo Cui Ying led an army of 20,000 to attack Tamna. The Koryo people killed a total of 3,000 of us! Most of the 3,000 people were Muhu and Tamna people.

"I told them that we are at the end of our rope. If we don't surrender to the Ming Dynasty, we must surrender to the Koreans. Do we still need to hesitate which one to choose?"

"There is really no need to hesitate." Lin Mi said in a deep voice: "Okay, you can send someone to follow us now. When we return to the country, we will arrange for him to be interviewed. Then we will hear how the emperor arranges your future."

"Okay." The Han man nodded, pointed at the 'Shamate', and whispered to Master Lin: "He is Gao Tie, the son of Star Master. Let him go with you."

"Okay." Lin Mi nodded slightly, turned to Pu Wanhu, whose nose was not a nose, and whose eyes were not eyes, and said:

"You have heard that these remnants of the Tamluo Military and Civilian General Administration have surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. From now on, they are my subjects of the Ming Dynasty. You Koreans must immediately stop all hostile actions and do not harm the people of the Chinese Dynasty. The actions of the people, otherwise we will wait for the thunderous wrath of heaven!"

"Oh, yes." Pu Guochang was full of dissatisfaction, but he could only nod in agreement.


In fact, the mission did not have the right to surrender, but several of their highnesses made the decision, and there was nothing that Cai Qianhu and Chief Lin did not dare to agree to.

Moreover, in the history books in the future, their glory will be indispensable - "In the ninth year of Hongwu, Cai Binlin's secret envoy to Gaoli passed through Tamluo and received more than ten thousand survivors from the Yuan Dynasty. Tamluo returned to the Ming Dynasty. ’

With these few words, the two of them were full of energy. After high-fiving the three of them and swearing an oath, they followed His Highness the King of Chu's wishes and went directly to the city to count their household registration and horses.

What they didn't expect was that this group of refugee-like 'Muhu' actually had very clear accounts and clear household registers, which saved them a lot of effort.

The Han man named Zheng Wen told them: "This is because we have kept the files and documents of the Military and Civilian General Administration Office and Taipu Temple, and we are updating the records on time."

"You are all about to be exterminated, why do you care about these documents?" Lao San asked in disbelief.

"Only by insisting on doing this, we will not forget who we are." Zheng Wen said matter-of-factly: "And after we are exterminated in the future, if there are no these files left, who will know our existence?"

When everyone in the mission heard this, they couldn't help but look solemn.

"You are right, the Koreans will definitely wipe out all the evidence of your existence." Lao Liu said with deep understanding: "Then they said that this place has always been theirs."

This is why he insisted on counting the number of people and horses as soon as possible. If he does not have a rough number now, when the mission leaves, the Koreans will definitely eliminate these 'Muhu' as soon as possible and take all the horses at the same time. Transferred away.

They must be able to do such wicked things.

The final count revealed that there were a total of 27,000 "Muhu" and Tamna natives on Tamna Island who were unwilling to surrender to Goryeo.

In other words, one-tenth of the Muhu and natives died on the battlefield resisting the Goryeo invasion. And they are all young adults.

If this is not a blood feud, what else is a blood feud?

In addition, Muhu raised more than 20,000 horses in total. At its peak, this number was 50,000 horses. However, since the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the conditions on the island have been deteriorating, and after being plundered by the Koreans, it is rare that there are so many horses left.

After finishing all this, the mission returned to Tamluo City.

At this time, the supplies had been completed. Cai Qianhu once again warned Park Manhu sternly and told him not to make mistakes. Then he led the crowd back to Fengzhou and sailed away from Tamna Port...

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