"Ah Yi, Xiba Lao Ma!"

After listening to Li Chenggui's words, Li Renren slammed the table and finally burst out: "So arrogant! Why do they say that I am ungrateful?!

"Those Mongols are officially envoys to our country, and we have the obligation to protect their safety!" He then roared: "What's more, they are still here to ennoble our king's imperial envoys. Such crazy behavior of the Ming Dynasty envoys, It is an act that completely disregards our country and is extremely harmful to our national character. It is absolutely unforgivable!"

"The people of the Ming Dynasty want to imitate Ban Chao, but do they have the strength of the Han Dynasty?!" Li Renren's roar resounded in the meeting hall: "Our great country of Korea is not a small country like Shanshan that can be manipulated casually!"

"Yes, we are Shu Han, not Shanshan!" Some military officials shouted in agreement. "We absolutely cannot accept their coercion!"

"Well said!" Li Renren said, "We must let the people of the Ming Dynasty know that our national character and laws of Goryeo cannot be trampled on at will. Blatantly massacring the envoys of another country in Kaijing City is such a heinous crime if it is not severely punished. , what kind of national character can we, Korea, have to speak of?!"

"Yes, let's see their colors!" the warriors shouted in agreement.

"Okay, who is willing to lead troops to surround the guest house?!" Seeing that the heat was almost over, Li Renren asked loudly.

"This..." The voices of the warriors suddenly dropped an octave.

They, the powerful people who have been passed down from generation to generation, are like domestic pet dogs. They bark more fiercely than anyone else in the yard behind closed doors, but when they really want to let them out and let them run wild, they are so cowardly that they don't even dare to mess with a cat.

In fact, why isn't Li Renren like this? Why didn't he directly order the siege of the Guest House? Why did he hold a meeting to denounce it first, and wait until the crowd became angry before giving the order? Isn't it just to make people take the blame with him?

Therefore, this big blame fell on the outside account of Li Chenggui without any surprise...

"Li Zheng, since they asked you to send a message to me," Li Renren said to Li Chenggui: "Then I'd better trouble you to take the two guards of the imperial army there. This will be my answer to them."

"If the Lord of the Academy has an order, the general will naturally obey it." Li Chenggui said without any refusal: "I just want the Lord of the Court to make it clear. After surrounding Shuntian Pavilion, do we still need to bring them to justice?"

"You don't need to worry about the rest of the matter. When Mr. Cui Yuan comes back, he will make the arrest." Li Renren said calmly: "Finally, it will be handed over to the judicial department for trial."

In fact, the imperial army was enough to arrest the Ming Dynasty envoys, but based on the principle of sharing the pot, Li Renren could not let Cui Ying stay out of the matter.

"As ordered." Li Chenggui stood up with his fists clasped and walked to Li Renren.

Li Renren took out a turtle charm from his sleeve, which was a token of mobilization of the imperial army.

Li Chenggui took it with both hands, turned around and strode out.

A metropolitan official followed closely to supervise Li Chenggui's execution of the order.


Seeing Li Chenggui coming out of the Dutang Yamen, Li Zhilan and others hurried forward to greet him.

"Brother, how's it going? Did you get it?"

Li Chenggui nodded with a straight face and showed the turtle talisman in his hand.


A group of soldiers from the Li family suppressed their excitement and followed Li Chenggui to the nearby Forbidden Army camp.

Arriving at the Chinese military tent, after all the imperial guards inspected the turtle talisman, they knelt down on one knee and temporarily accepted Li Chenggui's control.

Li Chenggui said in a deep voice: "Get up, everyone assemble."

The official who supervised him moved his lips and held back his words.

"Yes." The Imperial Guards all stood up and went out to deliver the order.

After all the imperial troops were unified and went out, the capital official finally couldn't help but said: "General, the order from the sergeant is to bring two guards and horses. There is no need to assemble them all, right?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Li Chenggui glanced at him coldly, and Li Zhilan, who was standing behind him, covered his mouth with one hand and wiped his neck with a knife.

Then his brother-in-law Li Yuangui immediately went out and led his soldiers to take over the defense outside the Chinese army's tent.

After a while, the forbidden troops all returned to the central military tent and asked each other: "General, the forbidden troops have already..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the capital official lying in a pool of blood, and he was stunned.

Before he could react, Li He, who was hiding at the door of the tent, followed suit and covered his mouth and wiped his neck.

Outside the Chinese army's tent were all replaced by soldiers from the Li family, and no one noticed that their commander-in-chief had been killed.

Na Dutong is Li Renren's nephew...

Then Li Chenggui, surrounded by Li Zhilan and others, came to the school field, took the stage, showed the turtle talisman, and announced that he officially took over the Forbidden Army.

The Forbidden Army in the audience had fought with him countless times, and not only had they never lost, but Li Chenggui was very generous to his subordinates, sharing all the captures from each battle with them, and even paying for the sacrifices of fallen soldiers. Therefore, he was a member of the Forbidden Army. The prestige is extremely high, second only to Cui Ying, the "God of War to protect the country".

This is also the reason why he dares to take risks.

Then Li Chenggui explained the current situation to the soldiers of the Forbidden Army.

And this time he did not conceal the existence of the five His Highnesses, giving the Imperial Guards in the audience a big 'shock to the heavens'.

The imperial officers and soldiers were all shocked. There were actually five princes in the Ming Dynasty mission, and they were all the sons of the Ming Dynasty emperor!

They were all people from the Yuan Dynasty, and they knew that their king was equivalent to a prince in the Celestial Dynasty.

Now there are five such big shots in the capital. The big shots in the capital actually want to order them to eliminate those five big shots in order to curry favor with the Yuan Dynasty?

Yes, Li Chenggui changed the word 'surround' in the order to 'annihilate', so as to ensure that the Forbidden Army could not accept it...

"Whoever dares to kill one of my sons, I will risk my life to kill his whole family! If we kill the five sons of the emperor of China, the emperor will definitely tear Goryeo into pieces!" Li Chenggui said loudly: "What do you think? right?!"

"Yes, of course!" The Forbidden Army officers nodded.

"It has only been a few years since the Guimao Rebellion? The Mongols wantonly massacred millions of our compatriots. Who doesn't have a blood feud with them? Instead of seeking revenge, the princes in the temple went against the will of the late king and tried their best to surrender to the Yuan Dynasty. Are they shameless?!"

"Shameful, shameful!" the soldiers said angrily.

"They have forgotten their ancestors and betrayed their country for glory, but they want our entire Goryeo to be buried with them! Do we agree to this?!"

"No, no, no!" The soldiers became more and more angry.

At this time, some officers realized that something was wrong and began to quietly touch the camp gate, preparing to report to Li Yuanjun.

But the camp gate has long been taken over by Li Chenggui's son. Anyone who wants to force his way out will be chopped down to the ground without saying a word...

"The Ming Dynasty has no enmity with me, Goryeo, and like the rising sun, it destroyed the corrupt Beiyuan Dynasty and drove it to Mobei. Everyone said, whose side should we stand on?!" On the stage, Li Chenggui's speech came to an end.

"Da Ming, Daming, Daming!" The thoughts of the soldiers in the audience were completely controlled by him.

"Okay, I would like to see the attendant in person and ask him to take back his orders. Will you all come with me?!"

"Go together, go together!" The officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army roared and followed Li Chenggui out of the camp and towards the capital government office.

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