Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 298 What is a founding king?

In the capital meeting hall, Li Renren and a group of military officials were anxiously waiting for progress.

"Where is Mr. Cui Yuan?" Li Renren asked for an unknown number of times.

"It's still twenty miles away from the capital, and we can arrive in the afternoon." The official of the capital reported.

"Well..." Li Renren nodded.

"Servant, are we really going to arrest all the Ming Dynasty envoys?" The military minister sitting next to him couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"..." Li Renren glanced at him and did not answer.

"What I mean is, after arresting them, do you mean to kill them all?" The military minister hurriedly corrected them.

"Of course it was handed over to Dayuan." Li Renren's in-law Lin Jianwei answered on his behalf: "The Yuan Dynasty's envoys who came to enthrone the king were all killed in Kaijing. Can we not give an explanation?"

"That's right." All the military ministers nodded, thinking that it was a good idea to send the Ming Envoy to the Yuan Dynasty.

"That's right, let them resolve their grievances by themselves and don't involve us."

Just when the atmosphere relaxed a little, a metropolitan official came in quickly and reported:

"Your Majesty, General Li is coming towards the Yamen Gate with his imperial troops!"

All the military ministers in the capital suddenly felt their hearts trembling. Even though Goryeo is a small country, there are endless dramas of violent seizure of power. It's all about you singing and then me appearing. Who does the flower of tomorrow belong to?

I thought it had only been quiet for half a year, but it was going to happen again?

"What is he doing here?!" Li Renren said with a serious look on his face: "Where are the people following him? Where are the commanders of the Forbidden Army, and they all let him do whatever he wants?!"

"Quick, go ask them what they want!" Lin Jianwei quickly ordered.

"Yes!" The green-robed official ran out quickly.

"Servant, does Li Chenggui also want to rebel?" All the military officials looked at Li Renren.

"He is an outsider with no foundation." Even though Li Renren was panicking, he still maintained his composure and said, "Is he worthy?!"

"Yes, he is too naive to think that he can rebel with the military talisman!" After hearing this, the military ministers made up their minds and said, "As soon as Mr. Cui Yuan comes back, they will obediently switch sides."

"Of course, it's the same when the servant shows up." The man felt that the words were too hurtful and quickly added.

"No need to wait for Mr. Cui Yuan," Li Renren could sit still at first, but after hearing this sentence, he couldn't sit still at all. He stood up with a sneer and said, "Let's see what that country bumpkin is doing."

When he walked out of the door of the meeting hall, the previous official returned and reported: "General Li said that the soldiers are unwilling to take action against the Chinese envoys and would like to ask the servant to take back their orders."

"Unwilling?" Li Renren said with a dark face: "It's just to let them surround the guest house, why don't you want to?!"

"Servant, how should I reply to them?"

"I'll go tell them!" Li Renren snorted and walked to the entrance of the capital office.

At the yamen gate, the guards were already standing ready and had closed the gate outside the gate.

The large platform outside the gate was already filled with an overwhelming number of Imperial Guards.

Li Chenggui stood at the front of them, and of course next to him were his three younger brothers.

"Li Chenggui, are you going to rebel?!" Li Renren stood on the high steps of the Yamen Gate, about ten feet away from Li Chenggui, and glared angrily: "I gave you the Turtle Talisman, is that for this? Supervisor You Where are the officials and where have all the Imperial Guards gone?!"

"Li Renren still has the nerve to slander us for rebelling!" Li Chenggui yelled at the soldiers behind him: "Who is the rebel?!"

"He, he, him!" Li Chenggui's disciples mixed in the Forbidden Army shouted at the top of their lungs.

The officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army were already infected by the atmosphere. They shouted whatever others shouted...

"How should we deal with the rebels?!" Li Chenggui asked loudly again.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The soldiers of the Li family led the soldiers of the Forbidden Army to shout.

"Okay!" Li Chenggui shouted and stretched out his hand. Li Zhilan had already taken out his bow and an arrow from his bow and sent them to Li Chenggui immediately.

Seeing Li Chenggui with his bow and arrows ready, the military officials in the capital immediately panicked.

Li Renren still wanted to maintain his most important appearance, so he stood upright and cursed.

His followers hurriedly tried to pull him down, but they heard the sound of a bowstring and the noise of thousands of people.

Almost at the same time, a pop was heard, and the eagle-feather arrow hit Li Renren's eye socket!

Because the distance was only ten feet, the arrow was extremely powerful and penetrated directly through his head. The arrowhead passed through the back of his head...

Li Renren died on the spot before he even had time to hum.

There was a sudden silence at the entrance of Dutang Yamen.

Except for the soldiers of the Li family, no one expected that Li Chenggui would actually kill Li Renren when he came up.

The military ministers in the capital and the officers and men of the imperial army all thought that he was admonishing the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, they came to mutiny...

However, Li Chenggui had no intention of continuing to shoot. He handed his ebony bow to Li Zhilan and said loudly to the huddled military minister:

"Don't panic, gentlemen. I have been ordered by Empress Dowager Mingde to kill the evil traitor Li Renren who killed the king and treason. Everything has nothing to do with you!"

"What?" The military officials and the Forbidden Army officers were stunned again. What kind of incident was this?

After Li Chenggui finished speaking, he looked in the direction of Shouchang Palace with some anxiety. I said in my heart, Zheng Mengzhou, please don’t cheat me, otherwise I won’t be able to control the situation...

The closed palace door slowly opened, and Zheng Mengzhou and the chief chamberlain beside Queen Mother Mingde walked out of the palace door.


Early this morning, at the same time that Li Chenggui was called to the capital hall to discuss matters, Zheng Mengzhou also kowtowed early and asked to see the Queen Mother Mingde, the mother of the late king, to clarify the current situation.

The old queen mother was originally a pro-Ming sect. To be precise, she was a Qiu Yuan sect.

Not only because her son was abused by the prince of the Yuan Dynasty, his temperament changed drastically, and he could not even give birth to a child.

What's more, her eldest sister was selected into the list of virgins sent to the Yuan Dynasty palace. Her father Hong Kui bribed powerful people, but was still not exempted from the list. Hong Kui privately ordained his daughter, hoping that she would become a monk and seek refuge...

This matter was learned by the then Princess of Goryeo and Princess Yuancheng of the Yuan Dynasty. The princess was furious, arrested Hong Kui, tortured him, and ransacked his home.

The sister of Empress Dowager Mingde was also interrogated. In order to protect her father and family, she insisted that she cut her hair and that her father did not know.

The princess ordered someone to throw her to the ground and beat her with an iron whip until her body was damaged. However, she did not let go in the end, thus saving her father and the whole family.

But she was betrothed to Ahu, the envoy of the Yuan Dynasty, by Princess Yuancheng, and never returned to Goryeo.

The Empress Dowager Mingde was only seven years old at the time. She witnessed with her own eyes the tragic experience of her eldest sister and her whole family, and she naturally hated the Yuan Dynasty deeply. Later, her son rebelled against the Yuan Dynasty and was influenced by her to a large extent.

So when she heard Zheng Mengzhou say that Mingshi had killed Yuanshi, she couldn't help but applaud.

Zheng Mengzhou reported the affairs of the five princes again, and Empress Dowager Mingde wanted to strangle Li Renren herself...

So she happily gave Yi the decree as he wished, but Empress Dowager Mingde still kept a cautious eye on it and ordered the chief chamberlain to look clearly on the palace wall first. It would not be too late for Li Chenggui to kill Li Renren before leaving.

If the killing is not successful, then come back quickly and stop meddling...

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