When they came close to both sides, they could see the situation clearly without using binoculars.

I saw the Japanese pirates using an iron hook with a rope to firmly hook the lucky boat, and then tightly attached the three fishing boats to it. The Japanese pirates with bows and arrows began to shoot arrows at the boat to prevent the people on the boat from cutting the rope of the iron hook.

The remaining short and nimble Japanese pirates climbed onto the lucky boat from all directions like monkeys, then drew out the weapons fastened to their waists and started slashing and killing them.

The sailors, guards, merchants... everyone on the lucky ship took up weapons and started fighting with the Japanese pirates.

But those Japanese pirates were obviously stronger than their opponents. After a few rounds, they had cut down most of the sailors and guards.

At this time, the monster-like sealing boat on the sea finally sailed close to both sides.

"Kill all the Japanese pirates!" His Royal Highness the King of Chu shouted barefoot on the deck.

Before he finished speaking, there was a whoosh, and an arrow flew over his head and hit the bulkhead behind him.

"Your Highness, get down quickly, the sword has no eyes!" Cai Bin quickly asked someone to pull the troublemaker into the cabin.

The officers and soldiers of the Yulin Guard also opened their bows and shot arrows, shooting down at the Japanese pirates who were shooting arrows.

The Japanese pirates also fought back hard, but they suffered too much when shooting arrows from bottom to top. Moreover, their small fishing boat didn't even have a cabin, so there was no place to hide. After a while, they were all shot to death by arrows.

After taking care of the Japanese pirates who could threaten them, Yulinwei turned his arrow to Fu Chuan and continued to eliminate those Japanese pirates without even a piece of armor.

The identity of both parties can be easily distinguished by their hairstyle...

In short, it didn’t take long for the shouts of death on the sea to disappear.

Zhu Zhen was finally released by the guards. After his trip to Korea, he no longer felt anything when he looked at the dead bodies lying scattered on the boat and floating on the sea.

People adapt so easily.

At this time, another boat launched a small boat and carried a group of Yulin guards to cut off the heads of the Japanese pirates. These were all military achievements and should not be wasted.

After turning all the Japanese pirates in the Fukushima ship into headless imps, Habayashi Wei controlled the surviving crew members and inspected the cargo in the cabin.


After dinner, Cai Bin came to report to Zhu Zhen.

"Your Highness, it has been found out that the ship is a merchant traveling to and from the South Seas. The ship carries spices, medicinal materials, corals and the like produced in the South Seas. They are all quite valuable."

"Oh, Nanyang?" Zhu Zhen immediately became interested and said, "Bring the leader to see you."

"Yes." Cai Bin responded and went down, and after a while, he brought two people with him. A gray-haired old man and a man in his thirties.

"This is your savior." Cai Bin said solemnly: "My Highness, the King of Chu of the Ming Dynasty."

The two of them didn't expect this rich young man to have such a powerful background, so they quickly knelt down and kowtowed, thanking him endlessly.

"No need." Zhu Zhen sat under the umbrella, looked at the two of them and said, "Let me introduce myself."

"Yes, Your Highness, the young man's name is Wang Defu, and he is from Taicang." The old man said hurriedly:

"This is Wang Zhen, the dog. We bought silk and porcelain from Suzhou and sold them in Nanyang. We also bought a batch of Nanyang goods. Nothing happened on the way back. Who would have thought that there were Japanese pirates squatting in front of our house..."

"That's right." Zhu Zhen nodded. He specifically asked Liu Ji for advice on the current maritime ban policy of the imperial court.

Although the Japanese pirates were rampant, in the third year of Hongwu, the imperial court dismissed the shipping department of Huangdu City, Taicang. In the seventh year of Hongwu, Boss Zhu ordered the cancellation of the three shipping departments in Quanzhou, Fujian, Mingzhou, Zhejiang, and Guangzhou, Guangdong that had existed since the Tang Dynasty and were responsible for overseas trade. China's official overseas trade, which had flourished since the Song and Yuan Dynasties, was cut off.

But the imperial court did not have any edict prohibiting private merchant ships from trading at sea. However, Liu Bowen predicted that with Boss Zhu's consistently conservative external attitude, the day when private overseas trade is banned is not far away.

Although Zhu Zhen didn't know when the old thief stipulated that "no boards should be put into the sea", he knew that Liu Bowen's prediction was correct. The day of total sea ban was indeed not far away.

He also knew that Boss Zhu’s strict maritime ban policy set an extremely bad example for future emperors, and the negative consequences it caused cannot be exaggerated...

If we can prevent the maritime ban and continue the flourishing maritime trade during the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it will definitely be a great achievement, right?

Therefore, Zhu Zhen became more and more interested in the father and son and asked about their experiences in detail.

Then Wang Defu replied: "The little old man has been traveling to Southeast Asia since he was young, making a living by selling goods. Later, there was chaos in the late Yuan Dynasty, and Japanese pirates also took advantage of the situation. They were robbed twice in a row, so they did not dare to go to sea again. .

"This little old man doesn't know how to make a living, and has been sitting on nothing for more than ten years. Due to financial difficulties, and hearing that the imperial court had abolished the shipping department, we men figured that Nanyang goods would be in demand, so we sold our belongings and bought this ship... …Sigh, I didn’t expect the Japanese pirates to become even more rampant. If I hadn’t met His Highness this time, my father and son would have ended up here.”

After saying that, Wang Defu kowtowed again to express his thanks. Zhu Zhen waved his hand and said: "It's just a small effort. If you really want to thank me, just tell me about Nanyang. Is Nanyang trade really profitable?"

"Making money must be making money. If the business is done well, you can get rich in one round trip." Wang Defu said with a proud smile: "But not everyone can make money. There are many countries in Southeast Asia, some are friendly and hospitable, and some are barbaric. Even if ordinary merchants take their goods with them, they may not be able to find a buyer, and they may even lose their lives."

"So, you know Nanyang very well?" Zhu Zhen asked with a smile.

"Don't dare, don't dare, I know a little bit about it." Mentioning what he is best at, Wang Defu shook his head and said proudly with a bit of sour talent:

"When the little old man was young, he took several ocean-going merchant ships from Quanzhou and traveled to the South and West. He was very familiar with the customs and customs there. He knew which country people could deal with and which country people should be avoided. He also knew where to buy goods. Where can I buy the most popular domestic products?”

"True or false?" Lao Liu asked with wide eyes, "What countries have you been to?"

"The little old man has been to Ryukyu, Sandao, Mayi, Wuzhiba, Ambergris Island, Jiaozhi, Champa, Mindoro, Bintonglong, Chenla..." Wang Defu recounted the names of places.

Zhu Zhen was made dizzy by the unpronounceable place names and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "Stop, tell me where is the farthest you have been?"

"The little old man has been as far west as the Jiajianmenli Kingdom in the far south of the Western Ocean." Wang Defu replied: "The Jiajianmenli Kingdom is on a big island. Both men and women are dark-skinned and curly-haired. It is summer all year round. And Giant trees as tall as towers.”

Cai Bin curled his lips after hearing this, and thought to himself that this guy named Wang is really good at talking nonsense. Is it because His Highness is so young that he just talks nonsense?

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhen's eyes shone brightly. He grabbed Wang Defu's hand excitedly and said, "Have you been to Africa? Your name is not Wang Defu, but Wang Dayuan, right?!"

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