Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 311 Jinghai Three Strategies

On the boat, when His Highness King Chu said the name "Wang Dayuan", the pupils of the Wang family and his son shrank.

"Your Majesty, how does Your Majesty know... about Wang Dayuan?" Wang Defu asked, dumbfounded.

"I just know." Zhu Zhen said a catchphrase, and then said with a smile: "Actually, my master has read your "Daoyizhi" and admires you very much. As soon as you said that you have been to Africa, I immediately thought of you coming."

"Who is His Highness's master?"

"Master Liu Bowen." Zhu Zhen said proudly.

"It turns out to be Mr. Qingtian!" Wang Defu showed a look of surprise, then knelt down and apologized: "Your Highness, forgive me, the little old man is indeed Wang Dayuan, and Wang Defu is my pseudonym overseas."

"Why did you use a pseudonym?" Zhu Zhen asked.

"Alas, this..." Wang Dayuan said shyly: "First of all, it is easy to provoke enemies overseas due to the treacherous clouds and waves, so maritime merchants generally have many aliases. Secondly, the old man is from Nanchang, and his family is originally I come from a scholarly family, and my father has high hopes for me. Therefore, the word "Huan Zhang" in "Huan Hu Qi You Article" in "The Analects of Confucius" is taken as my epithet. I am an old man who does not do his job and is drifting at sea. I don't want to disappoint Xian Kao, so I A pseudonym was used.”

"Hey, Mr. Wang's words are wrong." Zhu Zhen shook his head and said: "Your navigation career is of great honor to your ancestors. In the future, you will definitely be one of the most famous people named Wang..."

"Thank you for your kind words, Your Highness." Wang Dayuan's eyes were a little moist. Although he was old, he still needed someone to recognize him! "Does Mr. Qingtian really admire this young man?"

After all, in the eyes of scholars, those who go overseas are desperadoes motivated by profit.

"Of course, I can still lie to you." Zhu Zhen said without blinking, "Fake Liu Jiyan": "My master often said that the Yuan Dynasty was not good in every way, but the openness to embrace the sea is worth learning. In the future, the Ming Dynasty will If you want to be prosperous and strong forever, you must learn from the Song and Yuan Dynasties to engage in overseas trade, so outstanding navigators like Mr. Wang are the most precious wealth of the Ming Dynasty."

"Mr. Qingtian...did you really say that?" Tears burst into Wang Dayuan's eyes.

"Of course it's true." Zhu Zhen nodded and said, "If you don't believe it, just go back to Nanjing with me and ask him face to face."

"No, no, I believe it. I absolutely believe it." Wang Dayuan said with tears: "I just thought that all the princes in the court supported the sea ban. I didn't expect that Mr. Qingtian also supported the sea ban."

"Don't be depressed. The purpose of the imperial court's temporary sea ban is to eliminate Japanese pirates. When the sea calms down, the shipping department will still be reopened." Although Zhu Zhen knew that this was not the case, he still comforted him.

"I see." Wang Dayuan nodded and plucked up the courage to say, "I'm sorry to say this bluntly, but the more the imperial court imposes a sea ban, the more rampant the Japanese pirates will become."

"I know that the greater the maritime ban, the greater the profits from smuggling, and the so-called 'Japanese pirates' will naturally grow stronger." Zhu Zhen nodded clearly.

"That's it..." Wang Dayuan looked at the young His Highness in shock and couldn't help but admired: "It's true that a famous teacher makes a great disciple. His Highness revealed the secret with just one word."

"Haha, that's right." Zhu Zhen smiled reservedly and said to himself that in these matters, I am my teacher's teacher, okay?

"However, there are some conservative voices in the court now, who are constantly advocating a total sea ban." Zhu Zhen sighed again and said half-truthfully: "My father is also wavering, so he sent me to the sea to take a look... …”

"That's it." Wang Dayuan thought he understood why the dignified prince appeared at sea.

"I hope that after I return, I can come up with a strategy to convince my father not to ban the sea. I wonder if Mr. Wang has a good strategy to teach me?" Zhu Zhen asked humbly for advice.

"Let me think about it." Wang Dayuan had already made up his mind, and after some thought he said: "In my humble opinion, there are three strategies."

"Oh?" Zhu Zhen said happily: "Sir, please tell me."

"First, take the initiative to attack. Japanese pirates come from the sea. If we only defend on land, it would be too passive. Therefore, we should form a strong navy to go abroad, destroy pirate ships, destroy pirate nests, and keep the enemy outside the country. Only then can we protect the country. The country is safe.”

"Well said!" Zhu Zhen held up his palm and praised: "To defend the sea, we must defend against the sea. Sir, you are very knowledgeable!"

"The second is to eliminate its root cause. In fact, Japanese pirates have always existed, but they were not so destructive before. It was only after Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen's old troops, as well as local tycoons from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, joined forces with Japanese pirates after they fled to sea, that the harm of Japanese pirates was reduced. It’s getting serious.”

"Yeah." Zhu Zhen nodded.

"In this regard, we can combine suppression and appeasement, a two-pronged approach. While resolutely annihilating the Japanese pirate gangs that commit heinous crimes, we can send out envoys to recruit those who are willing to surrender. We can also recruit them into the navy to attack the remaining Japanese pirates."

"In addition, Japanese pirates come from Japan. If we can make the Japanese court prohibit their people from going to sea to become pirates and severely crack down on Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates will naturally disappear like water from the bottom of the cauldron." Wang Dayuan continued.

"But I heard that Japan is very unfriendly to us." Zhu Zhen shook his head and said: "In the early days of the country, they even killed our envoys."

What Lao Liu is talking about is that when Boss Zhu first ascended the throne, he issued an edict ordering the surrounding vassal states to surrender to the Ming Dynasty. Goryeo, Annan, Champa, etc. all quickly sent envoys to pay tribute. Only Japan had the luck to repel two invasions by the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, so it thought it could be on an equal footing with China, so it ignored it.

This made Boss Zhu very angry. In addition, there was a serious Japanese invasion along the coast, which made Boss Zhu think that it was all caused by Japan. So he wrote another harshly worded edict, reprimanding the Japanese Emperor just like I did to my son, saying:

"If you are a minister, you will come to the court with an invitation; if you are not a minister, you will repair your troops and consolidate yourself. I will order the boat master to sail to the islands with false reports and tie up the king." ’

If you are willing to surrender, come and declare your surrender quickly; if you are not willing, then prepare your troops quickly and wait for us to send the navy to the island to arrest you.

These words were so overbearing that they made Prince Huairiang of Japan so angry that he killed the envoy...

Prince Huailiang also replied to Boss Zhu with a letter:

‘Following one’s will may not mean one will live, and going against one’s will may not mean one will die. We meet in front of Helan Mountain and chat about games. What's there to be afraid of? ’

After learning that the envoy had been killed and seeing the taunting letter, Zhu Yuanzhang was naturally extremely angry and prepared to send troops to attack Japan.

However, Liu Bowen used the example of the Yuan Dynasty's attack on Japan and its failure twice to advise Zhu Yuanzhang to be cautious when attacking Japan. Moreover, Wang Baobao was still alive at that time, and Sichuan and Yunnan had not been pacified. How could he go to sea to fight against Japan?

What level of military strategist is Boss Zhu? After calming down, he realized that now was obviously not the time to attack Japan. Then he gave up angrily.

"Actually, that's because our envoy found the wrong person." Wang Dayuan said with a faint smile: "Japan is now similar to our country's Southern and Northern Dynasties, with two emperors and two political powers. The Southern Dynasty regime where the envoy was sent is exactly the backstage of the Japanese pirates. Naturally, there will be no good results.

"You might as well look for the Northern Dynasty regime again. As long as it can weaken the Southern Dynasty regime, they will definitely be happy."

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