Then, calm was restored again.
It’s just that the expression looks serious, without the hippie smile just now.
Abolishing the Qibuhai system and prohibiting pirates from obtaining legal plundering licenses has always been the goal of Fujitora’s smile.
Even the kinder Empress Boa Hancock would plunder caravans from other countries all the year round to satisfy the life of the Amazon Lily Kingdom.
Fujitora joined the navy with a smile. His first goal was to use his status as an admiral to end the Shichibukai system.
Fujitora smiled: “How do you know?”
Dismantling the Qiwuhai system has always been Fujitora’s inner thoughts, and he has never disclosed it to others.
Ye Fan said: “Don’t worry about how I know, if you want to abolish the Qiwuhai system, you alone can’t do it. One and a half years later, at the meeting of the franchise countries held by the Tianlong people, those kings made such a request. It is possible to succeed only through the promotion.”
Hearing Ye Fan’s words, Fujitora smiled and fell into deep thought.
“This is a good idea. My goal now should be to persuade the kings of the countries who joined the alliance, but I’m curious why you would help me to lift the Qiwuhai system. For you Beast Pirates, it is not It’s no good.”
Ye Fan: “Qiwuhai is a tool used by Tianlongren to restrict the Four Emperors.Why would I object to you abolishing Qiwuhai? ”
Fujitora smiled: “In this case, I agree to your request. If you lose, I ask you Beast Pirates not to plunder other countries for a year.”
Ye Fan: “Your request is too much. Don’t plunder other countries. Are we going to plunder the navy? You order a fair bet.”
Fujitora smiled: “I thought you were a benevolent pirate, but it seems that I was wrong. What about not being able to massacre people from other countries for a year.”
Ye Fan: “We don’t like killing people, we only like wealth. I can promise you this.”
Fujitora smiled and said, “Then let’s start.”
The domineering look of the two people can naturally sense the number of dice in the container.
236 three points.
Knowing the number of points is of course not the key to a two-person game.
The key is who can turn the points into the points they want.
Chapter 96 Gambling
Fujitora Yixiao was the first to use the Gravity Fruit. What he changed was the 6-point dice, and he wanted to change it into one point.
This is very easy for him.
Because only one end of the dice needs to apply gravity, and the other end reduces gravity.
The dice will naturally flip to one point.
But his gravity fruit did not move successfully.
Ye Fan used the ability of the thunder fruit and the magnetic fruit at the same time.
Turn the side at 6 o’clock into a positive electrode, and the point opposite to 6 o’clock into a negative electrode.
At the same time, using the ability of the magnetic fruit, make a certain part of it magnetic, and it is tightly attached to the iron plate under the table.
It didn’t work out the first time.
There was a slight change in Fujitora’s smiling expression.
He is very confident in his fruit development ability.
Fujitora Yixiao, who is already fifty-four years old, has been developing the Gravity Fruit for decades.
Many years ago, his Gravity Fruit had awakened.
Now he has developed his ability to the limit.
Not only can it control the attack of meteorites the size of islands in space.
It is also possible to change the gravity environment on a large scale.
Make it difficult for enemies to move in the terrifying gravity environment.
But his attack just now, although he didn’t use all his strength, was not something ordinary people could resist.
It didn’t even move a small dice.
Fujitora smiled: “Dragon Emperor Ye Fan is really amazing, it seems that I have to work harder, old man.”
Subsequently, he strengthened the power of Gravity Fruit.
And put the power of gravity fruit on three dice.
The dice inside the lid began to spin rapidly.
This is a competition between gravity and magnetism and electrodes.
The rapidly spinning dice, every small movement, is actually a terrifying power struggle between two people.
No one knew that the dice in the three casinos turned out to be the battleground for the two top powerhouses in this sea.
In Doflamingo’s palace.
A beautiful young woman is watching the picture here.
This beautiful young woman’s name is Violet.
Her identity is the princess of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and she took advantage of conspiracy in Doflamingo to claim the throne.
In order to save her father’s life, Violet chose to be Doflamingo’s subordinate.
To keep Doflamingo from killing her and her father.
The reason is Violet’s fruit ability.
Stare at the fruit.
As long as you stare, you can see through objects, and you can see very distant scenery.
The range has reached an astonishing four thousand kilometers.
This ability, in this world full of islands and seas, can be said to be a very important auxiliary ability.
It is because of this fruit ability that she and her father survived.
Seeing the new admiral, Fujitora’s target for a smile is the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and it is aimed at Doflamingo.
At first Violet was very excited.
He even wanted to secretly contact Fujitora, asking the admiral to catch Doflamingo and restore the peace of the Dressrosa Kingdom.
But I didn’t expect that this admiral was actually a gambler.
He stayed in the casino every day, and the rest of the time he just wandered around. When he found a place that sold alcohol, he would use the Baileys he won in the casino to buy a lot of spirits and get drunk.
Violet did not expect that the admiral turned out to be so decadent.
There was no intention of dealing with Doflamingo at all.
Violet had no choice but to give up her previous naive thoughts.
Even more desperate than before.
Even if he is an admiral, such a strong man is not willing to be an enemy of the Don Quixote family.
Then in this world, who else can help him.
What Violet doesn’t know is that Fujitora seems to be hanging out with a smile.
However, with his terrifying domineering aura, he had already seen everything in the entire Dressrosa Kingdom in his eyes.
He knew about the underground arsenal, and that a large number of civilians were turned into puppets.
But such criminal evidence cannot bring down Qi Wuhai.
Shichibukai already had a license to legally rob.
What’s more, they are still dealing with the subjects of their own country.
If you want to get Doflamingo, you can only find the base where he sold artificial devil fruits to the Beast Pirates.
Qiwuhai was originally used by the navy to fight against the Four Emperors.
If he is allowed to find evidence that Qi Wuhai and the Four Emperors are colluding together.
Only in this way can Fujitora have the opportunity to destroy the Don Quixote family with his own hands.
However, to Fujitora’s disappointment, his knowledgeable domineering has explored every corner of the kingdom.
Staying in casinos and bars every day is the most well-informed place.
Haven’t heard anything about artificial devil fruits either.
Even if Fujitora smiled, he wouldn’t know.
A lieutenant general of the navy and the highest officer of the g5 naval branch, The territory he controls is the base of man-made devil fruit.
Such an important factory is actually in the navy’s home.
Violet watched Ye Fan and Fujitora’s gambling game.
The deputy of the Hundred Beasts Pirates actually started a conflict with an admiral on the territory of the Don Quixote family.
This surprised Violet, and maybe this was her chance too.
“bang bang bang”
After Ye Fan and Fujitora Yixiao fought for thousands of rounds.
The three dice in the lid could no longer bear it, and burst into powder one after another.
Fujitora’s face was a bit ugly with a smile.
Although it was only a draw, he felt that he had lost.
He wants to use his own strength to weaken the strength of the pirates as much as possible, so that there will be more laughter and less pain in this sea.
But the fruit ability that he was proud of was even on par with the young man in front of him.
I am already very old, and in another ten years or so, I am afraid that my strength will decline due to aging.
The man in front of him is only twenty-five years old. When Kaido gets old, it happens to be when he is at his strongest.
There are many ferocious pirates appearing on the sea every year, but benevolent and strong ones are very rare.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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