Fujitora smiled and felt a sense of powerlessness.
It seems that everything I have worked hard for these years will not have any results after all.
The Tianlong people still rule the world brutally, and a large number of talented pirates are born every year, and they will also brutally enslave a large number of countries.
Just when Fujitora’s smile was extremely depressed.
The benevolent justice in his heart awakened his fighting spirit.
Just relying on his personal ability, it is true that he cannot change the whole sea, but at least he can make many people’s lives better.
It is enough to be able to do this.
After all, Fujitora Yixiao is just a mortal, he is not an omnipotent god.
For a moment, Fujitora’s smiling eyes became firm again, even though he was blind.
Fujitora smiled and said, “It’s a draw now, why don’t we gamble again.”
Chapter 97 Fujitora’s justice
Ye Fan also saw the complex facial changes of Fujitora’s smile just now.
Some wondered what this old gambler had experienced in his heart just now.
Ye Fan said: “What does the general want to bet with me, a little guy like me?”
Fujitora smiled and said: “Since the two of us have a tie in betting, then we will use the method of fighting to decide the outcome.”
Ye Fan: “That’s a good suggestion. The weak obey the strong. I agree with that very much.”
Fujitora smiled and said, “But the battlefield can’t be here. There is a big isolated island a hundred kilometers away. How about we fight there?”
Although Ye Fan is very cruel to the enemy, if he can kill him, he will not let him go.
But Ye Fan didn’t want to hurt ordinary people.
After all, he grew up in Blue Star, and he will not take the lives of ordinary people seriously like Pirate World.
In fact, Ye Fan is much kinder than many pirates.
Even the red-haired pirates have done something that completely wiped out a country.
In this world, it can be said that apart from Luffy’s Straw Hat Pirates, also known as the rich second-generation tourist group, there is no other pirate group that has never bullied civilians.
When Ye Fan came to this world, he had never attacked ordinary people, and he also made Yamato the general of Wano Country, which improved hundreds of alliance countries controlled by Wano Country and Hundred Beasts Pirates. civilian living standards.
He is a hundred times stronger in kindness than Luffy who only liberated Alabasta.
Enilo was killed by Ye Fan, so the slaves on Sky Island have nothing to do with Luffy.
A hundred kilometers away is very far away for ordinary people.
But for Ye Fan and Fujitora Yixiao, it’s not a very long distance.
Both are capable of long-duration flight.
Soon flew to this desert island.
At the same time, in the air behind them, there was a guy wearing sunglasses and a pink feather coat.
Jumping up and down in the air, they followed behind them.
It is Doflamingo who has the ability of string fruit.
Whether it’s Ye Fan’s real strength or Fujitora’s real strength.
For him, it is important information that cannot be missed.
Fujitora smiled and chose to fight Ye Fan.
In fact, it is not for gambling, gambling and drinking, but just a tool to make Fujitora smile and forget the cruel side of this world.
Because he couldn’t bear to see too much evil in the world, Fujitora smiled and crippled his eyes.
It was also a blessing in disguise, which made his knowledgeable domineering far surpass other people.
Fujitora smiled and chose to fight Ye Fan.
It was because he felt that Ye Fan could not continue to grow.
Ye Fan has a more terrifying strength than the current Three Emperors.
After Whitebeard’s death, there are only three sea emperors now. At this point in time, Blackbeard has not yet entered the new world and has completely become the Four Emperors.
The ability to shake the fruit, even if it is Blackbeard’s talent, he still needs a long time of training before he can fully control it.
He doesn’t have time for something as nice as a gravity room.
At this time, Blackbeard should be on the great route, relying on Shichibukai’s legal status, frantically expanding his pirate group, plus the ability to plunder more fruits.
For example, giving Shiliu the ability of the invisible fruit and so on.
Perhaps because of Ye Fan’s appearance, Blackbeard’s progress will be accelerated, and there may be a chance to discover the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance earlier.
At this point in time, there are only three sea emperors left in the New World.
Among them, the Hundred Beasts Pirates are the most powerful.
LetIt was rare for Fujitora to have a murderous intention when he smiled.
Ye Fan is so young, he already has such fruit control ability.
His three-color domineering is also not weak.
It really gave Ye Fan a few years to grow up.
A terrifying monster with the awakening of multiple fruit abilities, plus the awakening of three-color domineering, if it is really born.
Who in this world is still Ye Fan’s opponent.
By that time, the Admiral of the Navy and the five generals may not be able to defeat Ye Fan together.
In Fujitora’s eyes, the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are all extremely cruel pirates.
This also has something to do with poor news.
Although the navy received the information, Yamato replaced Kurotan Orochi as the general of Wano.
But Yamato implements benevolent government for Wano country, such unimportant news.
x Drake did not report to the Navy.
Because this is not important news.
In many countries where the Tianlong people joined, their kings ruled more ferociously than pirates.
But as long as the country that pays the heavenly gold to the Tianlong people is a good country.
As for how brutal the king’s rule over his subjects is, most navies don’t really care.
So it was this news gap that made Fujitora feel with a smile that the Hundred Beasts Pirates were still the most brutal pirates in this sea.
The nations of the Big Mom Pirates just ask for a lot of food, and they are very cruel. The Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are even better than the affiliated countries of the Tianlong people.
It is Fujitora’s goal to abolish the Qiwuhai system, and it is also his goal to deal with the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
This is because of poor information, making Fujitora smile and causing a misjudgment.
Wano country has always been in a state of lockdown, because it is very difficult for Wano country to go overseas except for the distance of two kilometers from the sea.
The sea surrounding Wano Country is full of terrifying whirlpools and hurricanes. Ordinary pirate ships cannot pass through such sea areas, and it is inevitable to close the country.
As a result, news from Wano Country and the outside world was almost cut off.
Except for Vice Admiral X. Drake of the Navy, the Navy could hardly get any news from Wano Country.
A combination of various reasons.
This made Fujitora smile, and suddenly thought of killing Ye Fan.
Fujitora’s smile is actually the same as that of the former admiral Zefa Black Arm. Basically, even if it is a vicious pirate, he will not kill but only capture.
But this time, for his justice, he made up his mind to kill Ye Fan with his own hands.
And Ye Fan is also very interested in Fujitora’s smile.
Fujitora smiles in his past life manga.
I just shot a few times, fought with Luo, and fought with Sabo.
But in these few battles, he obviously didn’t use his full strength.
Even facing Sauron, he only summoned a meteorite attack.
Therefore, Ye Fan smiled at Fujitora, and was also very concerned about the combat effectiveness of the green bull.
The two sides immediately entered a state of fighting.
Doflamingo in the sky.
“Fufufufu, it’s about to start. Let me see how terrifying the new admiral’s strength is. This is really a rare battle.”
In this sea, whether it is a battle between the four emperors, or a battle between the generals and the four emperors.
The frequency is very rare.
It is difficult for both sides to kill each other easily.
But it can cause very terrifying damage to the surrounding environment.
Even if it is the navy, it will not easily go to war with a strong man of the Four Emperors level.
Such a scene, even Doflamingo, only saw it once in the Dingshang War.
So now he, the only audience, seemed very excited.
Chapter 98 The Power of Gravity Fruit
“Hell Brigade”
The island where Ye Fan and Fujitora Yixiao are located is a very desolate island.
The area of ​​this island is only the size of dozens of basketball courts.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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