Ye Fan didn’t want to miss such a secret.
Ye Fan didn’t plan to break into such a space fortress full of technology.
The power of the Tianlongren Air Force has never appeared on the sea, and it is very likely that all three air forces are in it.
If the generals of this mysterious army are as useless as the generals of the army, then Ye Fan is not worried.
I’m afraid they are as powerful as the navy.
Now Ye Fan doesn’t have enough strength to crush three admiral-level masters.
Ye Fan used Baiyan’s ability.
Immediately saw through the entire Valley of Gods.
Even the bodies of the air force guards in the Valley of Gods have seen through.
In the entire Valley of the Gods, all the air forces are transformed people.
Their transformation is far more exaggerated than Franky’s.
Franky and Quinn are just parts of their bodies mechanized.
The air force stationed here.
Their bodies have been completely replaced.
Everything is mechanical except the brain.
This degree of transformation is like the scorpion in Naruto.
Apart from the brain, no organ is still human.
Ye Fan was very curious about how the two iron lumps behaved so chicly on Happy Street when they were on a mission just now.
In the entire Valley of the Gods, there are actually not many people.
There are only more than three hundred people.
This should be the main force of most air forces.
The number of people was far less than Ye Fan expected.
Inherited or plundered, most of the legacy of the future technological kingdom.
In the eight hundred years of the Tianlong people, have they only produced so many reformed people?
Perhaps there is such a possibility that before Vegapunk appeared, the scientists in the hands of the Tianlong people did not fully grasp these technologies.
So they can only have existing materials left over from the future technological kingdom.
Only a few hundred of these modified humans have been produced.
They have also become one of the secret cards of the Tianlong people.
With the advent of Vegapunk, theThe Tianlong people who value the transformation of people.
Perhaps the future kingdom of science and technology was destroyed by Im himself.
He knows the power of transforming people, the most important thing is that transforming people has an advantage, that is, they have no emotions and will not betray.
Just like the bear one and a half years later, after receiving the complete transformation of Vegapunk, it has lost any emotion and has become the mount of the Celestial Dragon.
Such an army that has no emotion, never betrays, and only knows to obey orders.
It is the army that the Tianlong people want most.
If it can really achieve mass production, it can even play the role of the navy.
However, in the war on the top, the pacifists did not perform well.
Ordinary pirates on the other side are okay, but when you encounter pirates who are armed and domineering, they will be easily destroyed.
It is impossible to deal with pirates just by relying on transformation machines like pacifists.
But with the existence of Vegapunk, even this very kind, peace-loving old man, no matter how much he delays, he can’t stop the progress of the scientific research troops.
It is very likely that Xiong voluntarily became a reformer just to save Vegapunk.
If Vegapunk is a scientist who is five hundred years ahead of the world.
If he didn’t try his best to procrastinate, just a man-made devil fruit can make Tianlongren invincible.
Vegapunk’s artificial devil fruit can be 100% successful.
And there is no need to inject the blood factor of wild beasts. Ye Fan is very clear about the phantom beast species, fish fruit, and purple dragon form that Ye Fan is eating now.
Vegapunk only needs to extract the blood factors of other fruit-capable people to survive in batches of artificial devil fruits.
Fortunately, Vegapunk deceived the Tianlong people back then. They really thought that Vegapunk’s artificial devil fruit experiment had failed.
Just think of Vegapunk’s terrifying abilities.
The Valley of the Gods in front of you, the Valley of the Gods that has inherited most of the legacy of the future technology kingdom, is not a simple place.
Therefore, as powerful as the current Ye Fan, he did not dare to force his way directly.
Instead, he used his white eyes to observe every corner of the Valley of Gods in detail.
Soon, Ye Fan found the treasure room of the Valley of Gods.
Not even one thing he desperately needed.
Chapter 117 Get the Baby
The ability of Baiyan has already seen the Valley of God clearly from the inside to the outside.
In this treasure house, there are many, many equipment left by the future technology kingdom.
Among the equipment are important equipment used to produce genetic medicine materials.
That is.
With this equipment, Ye Fan won’t only have dozens of materials in a month, and the perfect t-virus can be mass-produced.
These are not the most important.
The most important thing is that there are actually three golden apples here.
There are three golden apples that are said to allow people to live to be hundreds of years old.
Below these three golden apples, there are dozens of devil fruits.
There are so many rare treasures in this treasure room.
And just looking at the name, I feel that it is not easy.
The devil fruits here are basically ancient species.
Obviously, before Rocks attacked the Valley of the Gods, there were a lot of precious devil fruits here.
Tianlong people like to watch powerful slaves fight to the death very much.
Before Rocks, no Celestial Dragon had a sense of crisis.
No matter how powerful a person is, in their eyes, they are just slaves for fun.
Instead, they are powerful slaves who fight to the death in front of themselves in order to please them.
Only in this way can it bring pleasure to the Tianlong people.
Only after the battle in the Valley of the Gods, the Tianlong talents were no longer so arrogant, and they would spend most of their time in the safe holy land of Mariejoa.
For the rest of the time, I will just play in the Chambord Islands, which is the closest to the Navy Headquarters.
In order to escape in a hurry, Kailai Tianlongren left many powerful devil fruits in the Valley of Gods.
These dozens of fruits are the fighting power of dozens of Flying Six Cells.
This is quite a fighting force.
There are also a lot of rare materials in the treasure house.
In addition to the materials for making the perfect t-virus, Ye Fan also found the Mithril he needed most.
In other words, the Hundred Beasts Pirates can already produce Pluto battleships.
This is really good news.
There is naturally bad news.
After he checked with blank eyes, the three air force generals were all in the Valley of Gods.
In other words, the highest combat power of the air force is here.
It is not an easy task to take all these things away.
Ye Fan’s eyes began to change.
A pair of white eyes turned into one white eye, a kaleidoscope Sharingan.
Cold winter domain.
Ye Fan’s skills were released.
The crazy kaleidoscope Sharingan is desperately running its divine power.
The Valley of the Gods is a very large island, and it is not an easy pupil technique to cover such a large area with one’s pupil power.
Streams of blood flowed out of Ye Fan’s eyes as if they were free of money.
Before upgrading to Eternal Kaleidoscope.
Every time the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is consumed, it will cause huge damage to the eyes and body.
Just like that genius ninja, Uchiha Itachi, at a very young age, his body was on the verge of collapse because of excessive use of Hitomijutsu.
And in this world, there is no second pair of kaleidoscope sharingan, and Ye Fan can’t upgrade his eyes to the eternal kaleidoscope sharingan without consumption.
After he used his pupil technique awakening ability.
Still need to consume a lot of physical strength.
Even if the consumption is too large, his eyes will become blind for a short time.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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