Because there are cells in Senjujuma in the body, as well as electrotherapy and Maple’s defense.
Three kinds of recovery methods bless one body.
Ye Fan doesn’t have to worry about the weakness of permanent blindness due to excessive use of the pupil technique.
And his temporary blindness will recover much faster than those of the Uchiha family.
The Valley of Gods Fortress in the sky is now in the cold winter.
But most of the reformers didn’t notice anything unusual.
Because they live in space.
It is completely different from the situation on the ground.
On the side facing the sun, the temperature can reach as high as 150 degrees.
On the side facing away from the sun, the temperature will reach 165 degrees Celsius.
The temperature in Ye Fan’s cold winter region is only 150 degrees.
Not even as cold as in the universe.
But this does not mean that the cold winter domain has no effect.
Even if it is an ordinary person, put him in the cold universe.
That person would only die from lack of oxygen, not from freezing to death.
Regardless of the temperature in the universe, it is already close to absolute zero.
But the heat is not going away easily.
On the ground, under 60 degrees, a person who does not wear very thick clothes will be frozen to death in a short time.
That’s because there’s air on the ground, the ground where your feet touch, and the wind and snow.
These will exchange with the temperature of the human body surface, quickly taking away the heat in the human body.
But in space, there is no air.
That is to say, there is nothing to exchange heat with the body to quickly transfer the body’s heat away.
The heat in the human body disappears, mainly relying on its own heat radiation.
This is also why, although Ye Fan’s winter cold domain has been activated.
But the reformed person inside didn’t notice any reason in a short time.
However, Ye Fan is not targeting these reinvented people.
The cold winter region dealt with several reformers in the monitoring room.
When they haven’t reacted yet.
The temperature in the monitoring room dropped sharply, and the large amount of ice and snow covering their bodies quickly took away the heat from the bodies of the several reformers in the monitoring room.
The monitoring room on the Valley of the Gods, as well as the hundreds of thousands of phone bugs above, were all solved by Ye Fan in a very short period of time.
In this way, no one knows the situation in the treasure house.
In front of Ye Fan, a door of freedom appeared.
This door is very large, because many of the equipment of the future technology kingdom in the treasure house are not small in size.
Ye Fan is now very powerful just relying on his own strength.
But in order to speed up the handling.
Ye Fan still activated the human-dragon form, eight-door Dunjia, and Momo’s 100-fold speed.
His body turned into hundreds of afterimages, like hundreds of people desperately trying to remove many items in the treasure house.
The well-preserved equipment of the future science and technology kingdom includes various rare metals including Mithril, dozens of devil fruits, and three most precious golden apples.
This treasure house is tens of thousands of square meters and tens of meters high.
Under Ye Fan’s actions, it took only ten minutes to evacuate all the treasures inside.
When Ye Fan canceled the free door and returned to the island of ghosts.
In front of him, Kaido and the three big billboards appeared.
Plague Quinn is holding a device from the Future Technological Kingdom.
“Macromolecule material production instrument, woo woo woo, I’ve been looking for it for decades, where did you find it, my son-in-law? Have you found a complete laboratory for the future science and technology kingdom?”
Kaido stared at the large amount of Mithril.
“Is this Mithril? It can be used to make Hades.”
Chapter 118 Golden Apple
Yan Jue stared blankly at the row of Devil Fruits in front of him.
“These fruits are precious ancient species. Where did you get so many devil fruits, my son-in-law?”
Although Kaido is the Four Emperors.
With tens of thousands of pirates under his command, he controls several countries.
Even with such a huge strength.
For so many years, Kaido has not obtained many fruit abilities of the animal system and ancient species.
You know, as long as you eat the ancient species, you can at least cultivate a lieutenant-level combat power.
Kaido has been a pirate for decades, and the Four Emperors have been a pirate for almost twenty years.
Disband the Roger Pirates from One Piece Roger.
The Golden Lion angrily led the Flying Pirates to attack Marin Fando and failed.
One Piece King Roger, Golden Lion and Captain John and other big pirates have fallen in succession.
Whitebeard, aunt Charlotte Lingling, and Kaido on the Rocks pirate ship began to rule the sea and became the three sea emperors on the sea.
A few years after the three of them became emperors of the sea.
Shanks has risen to become the latest Four Emperors.
Kaido has been the Four Emperors for so many years, and even in the Rocks Pirates, he has seen all kinds of treasures.
It was also the first time he had seen so many devil fruits.
The most important thing is that these dozens of devil fruits are at least the fruits of the animal department and ancient species.
There are also a few of them, which are very rare phantom beasts.
The Hundred Beasts Pirates only need to spend a few more years to cultivate dozens of natural disasters, three or five strong players with three major kanbans.
Wait until then.
Kaido can even go to war with all the main forces of the navy with a single pirate group.
The others didn’t know which country Ye Fan robbed.
With such a huge amount of wealth, let alone one or two countries, even if they robbed the Navy Headquarters, it is impossible to have so much wealth.
Only Kaido knew the reason.
Facing the three big billboards, he said: “You three, transport all these treasures to the treasure house. Starting today, your three big billboards will take turns guarding the treasure house.”
Drought Jack looked at the mountain of treasure in front of him.
cheerfully saidSaid: “Lord Kaido, don’t worry, I will live in the treasure house from now on, and I promise that no one can steal our treasure.”
Ye Fan and Kaido personally escorted all the treasures to the treasure house.
Then he and Kaido came to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.
Because the rest of the conversation is really too important.
Even the three absolutely loyal Kanbans cannot let them know.
Because there were still three treasures, Ye Fan didn’t take them out.
That is the golden apple that can give ordinary people at least a few hundred years of life.
Even the most powerful pirates, such as the Red Earl and Hades Rayleigh, will lose their lives due to aging.
But having a golden apple means that you can live hundreds of years longer.
But Ye Fan only got three golden apples.
He has eaten the Queen Mother’s flat peach himself, so he doesn’t need the power of the golden apple.
Father-in-law Kaido eats a golden apple, and his lovely wife Yamato eats a golden apple.
So who is the remaining golden apple for the three kanbans?
All three of them have made great contributions to Kaido.
And they are very loyal.
No matter who it is for, it is wrong.
As for the third golden apple, Ye Fan already has the candidate.
Naturally, it was his caring little padded jacket that moisturized the skin.
According to qualifications, Run Qianq is not eligible to eat golden apples.
But who told her to be Ye Fan’s close-fitting little padded jacket?
Just like a general who has made hundreds of battles, it is not as good as a concubine smiling beside her pillow.
Brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes, if you touch my woman, I will cut off your siblings.
In his previous life, Ye Fan saw the emperors in those movies.
Because he favored his concubine, the general who had become a battle-hardened general died in a foreign land.
At that time, Ye Fan would also yell at the faint king.
But this kind of thing, if you really put it on yourself, there are really few people who are better than the stupid king you scolded.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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