Maybe it’s even worse, not only favoring one concubine, but many.
Therefore, this time the conversation between the two people, even Kaido’s secret room did not dare.
Just because he was afraid that if anyone heard him, he would throw his subordinates into chaos.
Regardless of wealth or power, loyal minions will endure.
But for the treasure that can live forever, whoever is willing to give up will fight for it with all his might.
Ye Fan took out a golden apple from his arms.
Put it in front of Kaido.
Kaido asked in a trembling tone, “This is the legendary golden apple.”
Ye Fan nodded affirmatively.
Kaido asked excitedly again: “This is the golden apple that Rolando ate.”
Kaido still couldn’t believe it.
Ye Fan said: “In the treasure house of the Valley of Gods, the treasure that is placed in the most important position, I think there should be no mistake, is the golden apple that Rolando ate.”
Kaido is still full of doubts.
But his tone was visibly trembling.
“Son-in-law, you are willing to give me such an important thing. Do you know the efficacy of golden apples?”
Ye Fan: “After eating the golden apple, Rolando lived for more than 400 years. If he hadn’t been killed by the king, he might have survived until now.”
Kaido: “Are you willing to give me such a precious thing?”
Ye Fan took out all three golden apples from his bosom.
Said: “Father-in-law, Yamato and I, exactly three of us, one for each.”
Only then did Kaido take the golden apple from Ye Fan’s hand.
Swallowed it into the stomach.
“Hahaha, hehehe.”
“My good son-in-law of Kaido, I now believe more and more that you are the reincarnation of Joey Boy. According to the time, it is now 800 years after Joey Boy’s legend. We can definitely defeat the Celestial Dragon and become this Ruler of the world.”
Very happy at this moment.
Regardless of Kaido’s current appearance, he is still a handsome guy.
This year is 58 years old. Although the aging of the strong in One Piece World is slower than that of Blue Star, 58 years old is the most robust time.
But if you are over sixty years old, even if you are a strong person at the level of the Four Emperors, your body cannot avoid being weak due to aging.
According to the legend, Rolando who ate the golden apple was originally an ordinary person, but four hundred years of cultivation made him a strong man in the sea.
This shows that golden apples can not only live longer, but also delay aging.
In this sea, few people can fight against time.
Even aunt Charlotte Lingling, at this age, can still maintain her vitality.
It is also because of her fruit ability that he will extract other people’s souls to supplement her own lifespan, but her lifespan has been extended, and it is still difficult to slow down her own aging.
And now, Kaido has increased his lifespan by hundreds of years.
He is confident that with his own strength, one day he will far surpass the strength of the Four Emperors.
Fight head-on with the strongest of the Tianlong people.
In this world, there are few people who are more talented than Kaido.
Chapter 119 Surprised Air Force
Ye Fan did the same thing twice.
All done in extremely secretive places.
But dealing with the two women doesn’t need to be as troublesome as dealing with Kaido.
You also need to explain why.
Said to Yamato: “My wife has worked hard to reward you for eating mushrooms. I will give you this golden apple. I want to watch you eat it.”
Said to Run q: “Come on, let’s do aerobics together. If you perform well, you will be rewarded.”
As for what Ye Fan gave the two of them to eat, they didn’t care about it, thinking it was just a little fun.
They also don’t know how precious this thing is.
Even if it is the emperor of the sea, the difficulty of finding one is not much lower than that of becoming the king of pirates.
On the Valley of the Gods, it wasn’t until two hours after Ye Fan finished the task that there was a substitute lieutenant general,An anomaly in the surveillance room was discovered.
The alarm sounded throughout the Valley of the Gods.
It’s no surprise that defensive awareness is so weak.
In this sea, there are not many people who can reach an altitude of one million meters.
Even the fluttering fruit of the golden lion can’t do it.
No matter how light an object is, it needs air to float away from the gravity of the pirate world.
And this limit is around 50,000 meters.
It is still very far away from a height of one million meters, and it is not much different from the ground.
Even Ye Fan looked at it from the perspective of God.
People who can reach over a million meters and fly directly into space.
Also only two.
One is Enel who owns the Proverb of the Ark. He cannot fly up by himself, but the Fruit of Thunder can be used with the Proverb of the Ark.
Another one is Kaido, he can generate auspicious clouds, instead of relying on the air to fly up.
Think about those who can fly, such as Marco, Morgans, General Lvniu Huangmu, etc., who also use air buoyancy to fly, they cannot fly so high.
The last group of people, namely Fujitora Yixiao and others, who have special superhuman fruit abilities, can reach such high altitudes.
It can be said that the pirates who can come up are enough to count on their fingers.
In the entire sea, the pirates who can reach the Valley of the Gods can be counted on one hand.
Naturally, it is impossible for them to patrol 24 hours a day.
In order to ensure safety, hundreds of thousands of phone bugs have been placed, monitoring all directions of the Valley of Gods.
Especially many phone bugs, or high-precision phone bugs.
They can even see the ground directly from space.
In addition, the Valley of the Gods is a very large space fortress.
There are more than 300 reformers, if they really build a complete patrol team, they will not be able to do it.
And in general, it really doesn’t work.
A distance of one million meters, and in the air, without any obstructions in between.
It is simply impossible to get close to the Valley of the Gods without being discovered by the phone bug.
Apart from Ye Fan, there will never be another pirate in this world who can do it.
Even Rocks couldn’t do it.
The reason is very simple, just take the green pheasant as an example.
When his fruit ability is activated to the limit, it can freeze the sea hundreds of thousands of meters away.
That’s because it still has a good missionary effect.
He has no way to directly freeze all the phone bugs on the Valley of the Gods hundreds of thousands of meters away in a vacuum environment, nor can he freeze the reformed people in the monitoring room instantly.
And Ye Fan used the pupil power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan.
It seems to be very similar to Aokiji’s frozen world, both of which create an extremely cold environment.
But there is an essential difference.
Ye Fan’s frozen world is formed through heat transfer between objects without touching objects with his own hands.
Instead, like Otsutsuki and Kaguya Hime, they directly use the power of the eyes to create such a space.
Whether it is a vacuum or an ultra-long distance, it will not be affected.
In this respect, Aokiji’s natural system and frozen fruit ability are crushed.
The second point is that Ye Fan can directly enter the Valley of Gods through Baiyan and Zizaimen.
If it is Aokiji, he can even fly to the Valley of the Gods, even if he can freeze all the phone bugs and monitoring rooms.
But don’t forget, there are three Air Force generals on the Valley of the Gods.
Their knowledge and arrogance are also good.
Even without the monitoring of the phone bug, they can still use their knowledge and arrogance to detect the approach of Aokiji.
Even in cp0, the person with the door fruit ability, he can’t do it.
Because only the places he has been to can open the door fruit. He has no white eyes, and it is impossible to enter the treasure room of the Valley of Gods. His door fruit ability cannot directly open a door in the treasure room.
Two hours later, it was discovered that Ye Fan had emptied the treasure room of the Valley of Gods.
In fact, this really cannot be blamed for the lax defense of the Air Force.
Just like Blue Star’s space station, will it be afraid that thieves on the ground will come in and steal food?
But this terrible thing just happened.
The treasure room of the Valley of the Gods had been looted in less than three hours.
Even how did the other party do it, how did they freeze the monitoring room, how did they kill all the phone bugs, how did they enter the treasure room, how did they put hundreds of tons of treasures in the treasure room in less than three hours? , transported away, and when transported away, it can still escape the domineering air force general.
More than a dozen questions in a row appeared in the minds of the three air force generals.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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