The three looked at each other.
“How to report this report, not to mention how the thieves sneaked into the treasure room, even how they transported so many supplies away from my eyes, I don’t know.”
Another air force general, whose body was even trembling, could make people see sadness in a pair of mechanical and electronic eyes, and said: “It’s okay to lose other treasures, and the golden apple is also lost. I’m afraid we will be punished worse than death.” Even more terrifying.”
The last general said: “Report the truth to Marshal Steel Bone Sora. His old man probably won’t watch us fall. Without our air force, how can he suppress Akainu, that guy Akainu is not as docile as Sengoku.”
This sentence is over.
The eyes of the remaining two air force generals brightened.
In this world, there are people who can really intercede with the five old stars for them, and who have enough status and status.
Then only the steel bone is empty.
If it is still the Warring States to do the seaWhen he was Marshal of the Army, he was Steel Gu Kong’s subordinate before the Warring States Period, and he was the designated successor of Steel Gu Kong.
He dared not refute Steel Gu Kong’s order.
The five old stars appointed the leader of the hawk faction, Akainu, as a general, and Sengoku and Steel Bone Kong wanted Aokiji to be a general.
Without the support of the Five Old Stars, it would be impossible for the hawks in the navy to raise their heads.
More importantly, at this point in time, Steel Bone Kong has lost the command of the army.
If he loses the air force again, he, the commander in chief of the highest position in the sea, will really become a loner and be completely emptied.
Chapter 120 Angry Steel Bone Kong
For the Tianlong people, the most important thing in the armed forces is actually the army, not the navy.
Don’t look at giving the Navy the most military spending and the highest combat power.
But in their eyes, the navy is only a temporary substitute.
The Army is forever.
Only the Army allows them to rule the planet forever.
The army is so important because they are responsible for guarding the slaves and building bridges between all the great powers.
Because hundreds of years ago, they knew that erasing the truth of history was the real way to control the world.
Although Pirate World has TV, although there is a newspaper head like Morgans who is keen on news.
But these are not the main sources of information.
The real thing that can exchange information most extensively is actually maritime trade.
Take a simple example.
After the Orange Village where Nami was born was controlled by the Dragon Pirates, the nautical trade was cut off.
Even the village a hundred kilometers away doesn’t know what kind of horrible environment Orange Village lives in.
Even in a world with a well-developed network like Blue Star.
If there is no exchange of trade personnel.
Just like a host in a certain area directly said that they can’t even afford tea eggs and mustard.
People in other countries take it as a joke, but on this small closed island, most people will think it is true.
Tianlong people are so persistent in building cross-sea bridges all over the world.
It’s not to prevent pirates, pirates are a tool for them to rule the world.
They are the ones that control the communication between the islands.
If a country wanted to sell goods, it had to trade by sea in the past, so that there was flow of people.
After the cross-sea bridge is fully established.
The goods sold by a country can be placed directly on the train of the Tianlong people on the cross-sea bridge.
Even if another country is dozens of kilometers away, on another island.
They can no longer know what is happening in another country.
Even decades later, they didn’t know that there was a country just tens of kilometers away across the sea, and that country might have been wiped out decades ago because it opposed the Tianlong people.
This is the Tianlongren and Wulaoxing who are so persistent in building the bridge of the world.
It is to easily cover up the truth of all history.
If they make it.
Don’t say anything about the historical text, what is the final island, what is One Piece.
Even ordinary people don’t even understand what a pirate is, and they don’t even understand what a ship is.
Perhaps all countries will have a story.
As long as a person touches the sea, he will die. The great Tianlong people, our gods, descended with great power and built a bridge of the world, so that all talents can survive.
From then on, in the whole sea, no one will go into the sea again, and no one even knows that the production ship can sail on the sea.
Henceforth the navy was no longer needed.
This is Im’s real way of dealing with Joey Boy.
What historical text, what three ancient weapons.
After the history of all countries is covered up.
Joey Boy doesn’t exist anymore, Pirates don’t exist, Liberty League doesn’t exist either.
Even the navy, the biggest dog leg of the Tianlong people, may not exist anymore.
Even cp0, the most loyal spy organization, can no longer exist.
In the future, the Army only needs to guard the intersection of the Bridge of the World and block the communication between all island countries.
A Draconian can become the ruler of the entire world.
This is the arrogance of Im, the king of the world.
It is also why many people have discussed that it has been 800 years, why did Im not send someone to collect all the historical texts, and go to occupy the final island by himself.
For Im, Joy Boy’s stuff is just child’s play.
What he wants to do is to change the entire pirate world, which has relied on ocean trade for tens of thousands of years to live.
As long as he did it, all resistance forces would be as fragile as a piece of paper.
That is because of the importance of the army.
After the Bridge Kingdom is freed by the Freedom Leaguers.
Now the army is doing its best to catch more slaves with the pirates.
Fill vacancies in the Bridge Kingdom’s workforce.
Even Steel Gu Kong, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, cannot affect the recovery progress of the Bridge Kingdom because of his orders.
Although all the people in the army are conquered by his powerful strength, they are his obedient younger brothers.
But these little guys can’t do anything right now.
This time may even last for many years.
The old fellow of the technological army Vegapunk, he has won over the admiral Huang Yuan, and has already emptied the forces of the steel skeleton.
Don’t look at Admiral Huang Yuan, who looks lazy in the Navy headquarters.
But after becoming the supreme officer of the science and technology troops.
He is fighting for power, but he is no weaker than others.
Three Air Force generals.
Simply analyze the situation.
Wanting not to be angered by the five old stars, he was directly imprisoned in the big submarine prison.
And he can still maintain his position as an air force general.
Still moving closer to the Generalissimo of the Three Armies in an all-round way.
A report on the theft of the treasure room of the Valley of the Gods was sent to the empty table by the three air force generals.
See this report.
steel frame angryAlmost smashed the marshal’s office.
But now he really only has the air force left to command.
Whether it is the navy or the scientific and technological troops, he is about to be emptied.
The Army will not be able to do other things for at least a few years.
He, the Marshal of the Three Armies, who is under the Tianlong people and above tens of millions of people in the world, is in an embarrassing position now.
If the three generals of the Air Force were arrested, it would be equivalent to the loss of the highest combat power of the Air Force, and it would be no different from disbanding.
Steel Gu Kong didn’t expect that he was almost a hundred years old.
He will also come up with such a report and personally report to Wulaoxing.
But he has nothing to do.
The five five old stars took turns to read the information handed over by Gang Gukong.
The bald ghost cut through the five old stars.
San Mohanda said: “Steel Bone Kong has disappointed me too much. There have been major accidents in the Army and Air Force. This is a huge failure that I can’t bear.”
The Goatee Five Elders next to him put it aside after reading the information, obviously not concerned about the Valley of Gods and the Air Force.
This is because San Mohanda, among the five elders, is in charge of force and the army.
And the five elders with a goatee, San Ferdinand, is in charge of history.
It’s not just about studying history, the most important thing is to erase some historical truths, such as letting Lockes disappear from history, erasing O’Hara, etc.
The five old stars also have their own duties and scope of power.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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