The five of them are in charge of military force, history, law, espionage and propaganda.
The person in charge of intelligence is the yellow-haired five-old star St. William.
He only has this in his hand now, and he has written a lot of words with this report, but it is still the same report as if he hadn’t written it, and he is still checking it carefully.
Chapter 121 The Will of the Five Elder Stars
Who the other party is, I don’t know.
I don’t know what method the other party used to freeze the monitoring room.
How the other party entered the treasure house is unknown.
How the other party took the baby away is still unknown.
This tens of thousands of words long report of the three generals of the Air Force.
Although the complete writing came out everything they knew.
But any key information is unknown.
Who is the enemy, how did the enemy invade, how did the enemy enter the heavily guarded treasure room, and how did the enemy transport these treasures away.
Don’t know everything.
St. William is in charge of intelligence.
Looks like a cp0 boss.
But the information he has is not just as simple as cp0.
The espionage of the army, navy and air force will be handed over to him in the end.
Not only that, St. William can check all the historical truth buried by the Tianlong people.
For example, the real name of rubber fruit is not rubber fruit.
The real name of this fruit was erased from history by Saint Ferdinand, the five old stars with goatee, hundreds of years ago.
Eight hundred years ago, Luffy took the Superman-type rubber fruit.
It was actually taken by Joy Boy.
Zoology・Phantom Beast・Human Fruit・Nika Form.
This secret, this sea, except for the five old stars.
Only the red-haired and Pluto Rayleigh, a few people who know the secret of the final island, know the historical truth.
After reading the information several times in detail, Saint Ferdinand said, “The person who stole the treasure house is confirmed. He is Ye Fan.”
San Mohanda: “He doesn’t seem to have the ability to freeze.”
Saint Ferdinand said: “It has been confirmed that he has the evil blood of the D family with multiple fruit abilities. I suspect that he is very likely to be a descendant of Lockes, so Kaido will marry his daughter to him.”
Saint Mohanda said: “Is that so? He has the ability to fly to the Valley of the Gods, and he has the ability to fly to the Valley of the Gods. If you add an ability similar to frozen fruits, then it is really possible that he made.”
On the side, Saint Ferdinand, who didn’t pay attention to this matter, was in charge of history.
Hearing this topic, Saint Ferdinand, who rarely spoke, also joined in.
St. Ferdinand rubbed his goatee with one hand, and said: “The D clan must be eradicated. Whether it is Lockes or Roger, they caused great danger back then. Now the dragons of the D clan and Rocks d・Ye Fan, they joined forces to destroy the Kingdom of the Bridge, the two of them, we must destroy one as soon as possible.”
The Wu Laoxing with mustache and bald head is in charge of propaganda and diplomacy.
His name is Saint Nicholas.
Said: “Since Ye Fan may be the blood of the D family, before he grows up, he must be eliminated.”
San Mohanda picked up his first Onitsu and put it on the table.
He gave an order to the steel bone space below.
“Steel bone empty, as the marshal of the three armies, you must be responsible for the theft of the treasure house in the Valley of Gods. No matter what method you use, find a way to kill Rocks d. Ye Fan. The three generals of the air force, we will only give The three of them last chance.”
Wu Laoxing finally issued the order to kill Ye Fan.
The person in charge is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Steel Gukong.
Deputy captain of the three generals of the Air Force.
Ye Fan didn’t know that his name had been changed by Wulaoxing.
He added Rocks and a d to his name.
But his reward order still has the word Ye Fan.
Without killing Ye Fan.
Wu Laoxing tried to avoid anything about the D family from appearing in newspapers.
It’s best that everyone doesn’t know anything about Rocks and the D family.
It’s like Morgons added the letter d to Luffy’s name without authorization, and was immediately assassinated by cp0.
five eldersXing’s favorite way to control the world is to make some historical truths disappear.
Steel Gukong walked out of Wulaoxing’s conference room.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
Originally, this report did not know anything.
He felt himself submitting up.
It will take a lot of effort to keep the three generals of the Air Force.
His old face was pressed and rubbed against the ground by five old fellows.
But I didn’t expect it, and I didn’t waste my words.
Just such a report with almost nothing.
Wu Laoxing found the key point from it.
They really couldn’t pass the report to determine who shot the Valley of Gods.
But through the huge information, it is enough to know that only Ye Fan has such strength in this sea.
This intelligence analysis capability.
It’s a bit similar to Bluestar’s big data analysis.
As long as I have enough information, there is nothing to hide in this world.
Leaving the Holy Land Marie Gioia.
Steel Bone sat on a spaceship, which was specially made by the Air Force.
Even the Celestial Dragons are not many.
A product of the future science and technology kingdom, a warship that can fly freely in the sky.
Steel Gu Kong: “I don’t want this old face anymore, I saved the three of you this time, but now I have to do one thing to make up for my mistakes.”
Steel Gu Kong has been immersed in the officialdom for many years, although he has not yet begun to intercede for the three generals of the Air Force.
It has already been let go by the five old stars.
Of course, Steel Gu Kong would not say anything about this matter, but instead emphasized how much effort he had put in to intercede.
The three generals of the Air Force naturally expressed their gratitude to Steel Gu Kong.
And said that in the future, he will definitely obey the orders of the boss, and he will go through fire and water without blinking an eye.
After a harmonious atmosphere on both sides.
Steel Bone Kong also issued an order from Wulaoxing to kill Ye Fan.
Hear this command.
The three generals of the Air Force fell silent immediately.
The three of them also participated in the top war.
Before that, their air force, like the army, felt that their strength was crushing the admiral of the navy.
But when the three of them besieged Whitebeard, they found that was not the case at all.
If there were only three of them besieging Whitebeard at that time.
It is possible that the three of them died, not Whitebeard, and the main force in the battle was the general of the navy.
And Ye Fan’s opponents at that time were the naval hero Garp and the current Marshal Akainu.
With Ye Fan in their hands, he still escaped.
The three of them went to kill Ye Fan, not to mention the rest of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
Even if Ye Fan is the only one, I’m afraid the three of them are no match.
Garp and Akainu teamed up, and there was no strong person to kill.
Seeing the panicked expressions of the three people.
Steel Bone Kong was furious.
I haven’t experienced combat for too long, and the combat effectiveness of both the army and the air force is too weak.
Steel Gukong said: “Why are you panicking about this operation? The old man took it personally. I am responsible for killing Ye Fan. The three of you are responsible for preventing him from escaping.”
Hearing that Gang Gukong made the move himself, the three of them immediately cheered up.
“Great, with the marshal personally taking action, Ye Fan is dead.”
Chapter 122 The Bat Monster Attacks
Ye Fan found time to come to Punk Hazard and sent the bat monster to that island.
As for why the Bat Monster was chosen, of course it was because this guy was not only European Emperor, but also very timid.
The giver who fought against the five emperors Luffy and the emperor’s deputy Sauron, and successfully escaped from the battlefield.
If other people were sent to Punk Hazard, even if it was Peggy Wan, Ye Fan would not be at ease, but he would be at ease with the bat monster.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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