Because the Bat Monster only needs to run away and tell himself when Luffy is attacking.
If he is lucky, he can take Caesar directly to fly back to the island of ghosts.
In fact, as long as he is in the Chambord Islands, Ye Fan can find a way to kill the Straw Hat Pirates that will gather in the future.
They have just mastered domineering, and they are still not their opponents.
Ye Fan can kill them one by one like the yellow ape did back then.
But it is very difficult to kill them.
When these people of destiny are dying, someone will suddenly die and have to save them.
For example, Pluto Rayleigh, the strong man who just wants to live now, may even sacrifice himself to protect Luffy from leaving safely.
I have already ruined most of the plots, but without completely weakening Luffy’s luck, Ye Fan is not ready to fight Luffy himself.
Luffy is Joey Boy, and Im, who has ruled the world for eight hundred years, are the two most terrifying threats on the sea in Ye Fan’s eyes.
This is also why Ye Fan chose the bat monster, which is not considered a powerful guy among the bestowers.
This guy is not good at fighting, but his luck is very good.
In the entire Beast Pirates, he was the only one who could face Luffy and Sauron at the same time. Not only was he not injured, but after gaining the upper hand, he left without any injuries.
At the very beginning, Bat Monster was very unhappy about going to Punk Hazard alone. He felt that he was exiled to a deserted island from the core area of ​​Ghost Island.
But after seeing Monet, who also has wings, this guy seems to be in heaven.
Monet wasn’t his ugly bat wings.
It’s a pair of angel-like white wings, and the person is also very beautiful.
It’s just two people, one is just a spy of the Don Quixote family, and the other is the special ambassador of the Beasts Pirates. Obviously, his status as a bat monster is higher.
While supervising Caesar, make an appointment with the beautiful MonetAfter a while, um, the Bat Monster feels that his life has become happier.
In the past few days, Ye Fan’s life has become dull.
The protagonist group is still in the process of practicing for two years, and nothing major happened.
Ye Fan practiced in the Time Gravity Room every day, and then fought with his father-in-law Kaido to improve his actual combat experience.
Then at night, find Yamato to pick mushrooms, or find Run q to play poker.
Occasionally, I can go to the Amazon Lily Kingdom to discuss the skills of playing snakes with the empress Boya Hancock.
But today, Ye Fan encountered a troublesome thing.
It was Princess Shirahoshi calling.
The voice of Princess Baixing crying was faintly heard on the phone.
This made Ye Fan angry, Bai Xing is his little treasure, who dares to bully her.
Ye Fan said: “Don’t cry, tell me what’s going on.”
Bai Xing: “A group of powerful pirates suddenly appeared on the outskirts of Fishman Island. Brother Shaxing was injured trying to catch them.”
When Ye Fan heard this, he immediately became angry.
The current Hundred Beasts Pirates can be said to be the most powerful Four Emperors.
On the pier of Fishman Island, the flag of their Hundred Beasts Pirates was hung high, and some people dared to make trouble.
It seems that without a bloody slaughter, these pirates who are just about to enter the new world don’t know the prestige of the Four Emperors.
In Ye Fan’s eyes, anyone who dares to come to Fishman Island to make trouble.
They are those pirates who have just set off from the four seas and passed the test of the great route.
These pirates are often the most arrogant, such as Kidd who was killed by himself.
From becoming the overlords of the world to the most powerful pirates on the great route, they upgraded and fought monsters along the way, and found that no one in this world is their opponent.
Those legendary four emperors were also lucky enough to be four emperors because they had not yet appeared in the sea.
After Luffy, there are still a group of powerful supernovas.
For example, Luffy’s little fan has the ability to shield fruits.
Many Haimi even believe that the ability to shield fruit is stronger than the ability of Aokiji’s frozen fruit.
It is the real strongest defense fruit.
Now Bartolomeo, his gap is still very far away.
At its simplest, he can only use one barrier at a time, and it can’t be used in seawater.
So he is the strongest defense, and he is still far behind.
Regardless of the supernova, since they dared to attack their own territory.
Then what greets them is death.
Bloody means must be used to tell those lawless supernovas, the overlords of the paradise, that they are just a little cutie in the new world.
In this world, supernovas enter new worlds every year.
But these supernovas, no matter how powerful they are in the paradise, are just ordinary little pirates in the new world.
Ye Fan: “Don’t worry, I’m going to Murloc Island now. Since I said I will protect Murloc Island, I won’t let anyone bully you.”
When Bai Xing heard this, he stopped crying.
“Bai Xing believes in Brother Ye Fan, and will definitely protect Bai Xing.”
Well, it’s really my little baby, who is well-behaved and obedient.
Regardless of the supernova, as long as Bai Xing is made to cry, you will already be sentenced to death.
In the corner of Princess Shirahoshi’s room.
A small mechanical mosquito completely saw the conversation between Princess Baixing and Ye Fan.
The controller of this mechanical mosquito is an air force general.
“Marshal Steel Bone Kong, Ye Fan will come to Fishman Island in person soon.”
Steel Gukong: “I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly. I thought I had to deal with a few Flying Six Cells before I had a chance to meet Ye Fan. Follow the original plan.”
The three admirals were also excited, they didn’t expect to draw Ye Fan out so easily.
They made plans for a few days.
I feel that with their strength, the risk of going directly to Ghost Island to lure Ye Fan is too great.
Murloc Island is the junction of the Great Sea Route and the New World.
It is the place farthest from Oni Island, and it is also a subsidiary country with the weakest control of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
Here, lure out the Beast Pirates, defeat a few givers, and then defeat Fei Liubao, then you can lure Ye Fan out.
Unexpectedly, this time it was so successful, they only carried out a few looting activities, and they were successful.
Ye Fan didn’t send his younger brother, but he was about to come directly.
In this way, their success rate of killing Ye Fan has been greatly improved.
Chapter 123 Amazing Elasticity
Ye Fan came to Fishman Island through the Freedom Gate.
A huge creature with a height of 8 meters rushed towards Ye Fan.
Ye Fan didn’t dodge.
Because this eight-meter-high creature is his little cute Princess Shirahoshi.
“Woooooooooooooooooooooo, brother Ye Fan, you’re finally here.”
Princess Baixing, who stopped crying on the phone just now, started crying again after seeing Ye Fan.
Although she is not yet an adult, she already has a height of eight meters.
But a coward and a crybaby.
Fist-sized teardrops fell on Ye Fan’s body.
This feeling is more exciting than a storm.
The storm is not the size of a drop of water fist.
Ye Fan wanted to pat Princess Bai Xing on the shoulder to comfort her.
How do I know that I still ignore my height.
Even if Princess Baixing hugged him half lying on the ground, Ye Fan’s height is close to 2.5 meters now.
But his hand still didn’t reach Bai Xing’s shoulder, instead it landed on the incomparably exaggerated bear.
Well, this one feels incredibly soft and bouncy.
Many bears can do softness, but Ye Fan dares to do this kind of rebounding feeling. Only the big bear Bai Xing can do it in this world.
Empress Boya Hancock has nothing to do with Bai in this regard.The ability to compete with stars.
It took Ye Fan a while to appease the crybaby.
It is definitely not the reason why the big bear is too elastic.
Ye Fan’s domineering look swept across the entire Murloc Island.
Soon a few pirates were found, robbing a merchant ship that wanted to pass through Murloc Island.
The ability of the thunder fruit is activated.
After several teleports in a row, Ye Fan had already arrived at the merchant ship.
The current Ye Fan has practiced in the Time Gravity Room for a few days.
He has not only awakened the ability of the thunder fruit, but also awakened his phantom beast species, fish fruit fruit, and purple dragon form.
Not to mention that the dragon was originally the master of the sea, dominating the entire sea.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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