Even ordinary Yuyu fruit can breathe freely in sea water after awakening their abilities.
Ye Fan does not need coating now, he can move freely in the deep sea like Seaman Jinbe.
His knowledge is domineering, and he is not as weak as Luffy and the others.
It also needs the illumination of light to know the sea kings.
For Ye Fan now, whether it is the deep sea or the sky, it is no different from land.
Only at this moment did he realize why his father-in-law Kaido is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.
If it is on a ship or an island, Whitebeard is the most powerful man and the most powerful pirate when he is in his prime.
But in such a deep-sea environment, even Whitebeard in his heyday may not be Kaido’s opponent.
At this moment, the merchant ship has entered a boarding battle.
Several pirates have already jumped on the merchant ship.
There are also several skilled escorts on the merchant ship. They lead dozens of crew members and are fighting against several invading pirates.
The strength of these pirates is obviously stronger than the guards on the ship.
In just a short time, more than a dozen guards on the ship were killed.
Ye Fan didn’t take action to deal with these pirates immediately.
Because of his knowledge and arrogance, it actually gave him a very dangerous feeling.
Ye Fan activated Rollan and kaleidoscope Sharingan.
Always carefully observe the entire ship and the surrounding situation within a few kilometers.
It’s just that after observing for a long time, he still didn’t notice anything insecure.
Then how could his domineering self-indulgence give an early warning?
Even if the opponent is also a master, after he hides his aura, his knowledgeable domineering will not be able to know the opponent’s position.
But he couldn’t escape the detection of Baiyan and Sharingan.
These two abilities are not from Pirate World.
Ignore the influence of sea water, and also ignore the influence of the three-color domineering.
The pirates in front of them are pretty good.
After coming out of the great route, the bounty is more than 100 million, even if it is a supernova.
Ye Fan didn’t know the names of these pirates.
But their strength, there are two that have exceeded the strength of 100 million Bailey bounty pirates.
The few remaining pirates are much weaker, but they are at least tens of millions of Baileys, and their strength is no worse than that of the pirate dragon in Slave Orange Village.
Ye Fan didn’t act in a hurry.
Instead, he watched these pirates kill the entire ship with his own eyes.
Through their methods, it can be determined.
Just normal pirates.
Obviously, the cooperation has been very tacit.
The navy or cp0 pretends to be pirates, and they have no problem cooperating in battle, and they can even cooperate better than pirates.
Even when cp0 interrogates the crew where the treasure is, it will be more professional than the pirates.
But in terms of plundering wealth, they can’t learn it.
Even Ye Fan didn’t understand this point when he was reading comics.
Because Luffy’s Straw Hat Pirates didn’t do what pirates should do except hold a banquet.
A pirate group.
After defeating the enemy, the most important thing is to ease the search for materials.
Generally, the captain does not participate in this link.
Sometimes the mate won’t be involved either, if the ship’s mate is only slightly weaker than the captain.
Pirates who rob the front are the weakest pirates.
The first thing they want to do is to explore the way ahead. If someone hides and sneaks up, they are often the ones who are attacked.
Not only that, but the only place they can search is the lowest cabin.
The cabins on the bottom floor are generally the rooms of the lowest-ranked sailors. The interior is dirty and messy, and the cabins are basically filled with food, vegetables and drinks.
It is the place with the least wealth and the most tiring work.
People with average strength will search for goods in the upper middle.
And the strongest people, they will search the captain’s cabin, the VIP room, and the rooms of senior crew members such as the first mate and second mate.
These are the people with the highest status on a cargo ship.
The other pirate groups would not hand over all the treasures to a Nami who has no fighting power for safekeeping.
It is also impossible to show Nami holding a frying pan and chasing and hitting Luffy.
The things in these rooms are often the most valuable things on a freighter.
Just a simple search, you will get more wealth than others.
After searching all the wealth, the process is not over yet.
Everyone will hand over their wealth to the captain.
This ratio is not necessarily the same. The captain with a little conscience will take seven to three, and the captain will have seven other crew members and three.
Those who are more ruthless are usually 91 points, or an even more exaggerated ratio.
This is a very clear pirate culture with high and low status.
Ye Fan didn’t know until he joined the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
Make a slight mistake and you may be killed.
There are no rules that pirates dare to disobey, and for uneducated pirates, there are no clear rules. This is a habit that has been developed for a long time.
Through their means, Ye Fan can be sure.
These people are indeed pirates.
The cargo on board is alsoregular freighter.
Because this freighter was obviously shipped from the New World to the Chambord Islands.
There are many luxury items that can only be sold in the Chambord Islands.
Chapter 124 Killing the Supernova
The ship is not fake, the pirates are not fake, people are killed by them, and the goods are also plundered.
But how could these little pirates give Ye Fan a sense of danger.
Also in a harmonious natural atmosphere.
On the contrary, Ye Fan felt even more full of crisis.
Where is it that allows myself to have such a sense of crisis.
This is just too weird.
Just like a person, as usual, go to school normally, go home normally, have a warm dinner with parents normally.
Everything is so normal.
But there was only one sentence in his mind.
Don’t trust anyone, and don’t tell anyone that you can see the world in color.
If a person really stays in this state for a long time, he will definitely collapse.
And now Ye Fan.
Just in this state.
Whether it is Sharingan or Baiyan’s observation, everything is normal.
The actions and styles of these pirates are normal pirates in all aspects.
However, Ye Fan’s awakened knowledge is domineering.
It kept shouting in Ye Fan’s mind.
But where is the danger? With the two pirates offering a bounty of 100 million Baileys?
Even if Ye Fan stood still here, they couldn’t hurt Ye Fan in the slightest.
What is it that can bring you a sense of crisis?
And it gave Ye Fan the feeling.
This source of danger is not far away.
Very close to him.
Therefore, although Ye Fan can easily kill these pirates.
But Ye Fan didn’t move at all.
Watching these pirates like this, transporting all the treasures back to their own pirate ship.
“Today’s harvest is good. Back to the Chambord Islands. After selling the goods, we will hold a grand banquet. There will be enough wine and beauties.”
“Long live the captain.”
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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