“Long live the captain.”
“Long live the captain.”
Watching the departing pirate ship.
The sense of danger remains.
Could it be something that made him feel dangerous, on this cargo ship.
Ye Fan used the ability of the thunder fruit.
Teleport to the pirate ship a few kilometers away.
At the same time, a sphere containing lightning energy is left behind.
When he was leaving, the cargo ship was destroyed by Ye Fan using the ability of the thunder fruit.
Many pirates on a pirate ship.
Their fragile knowledge is domineering, and they don’t even know that the merchant ship has been destroyed.
Several younger brothers brought out a large amount of fine wine and barbecue from the goods yard.
They are already enjoying the joy of victory now.
Having a small celebration party.
The style of wine and barbecue inside is indeed the craftsmanship of the Chambord Islands.
Ye Fan’s current diet is the most famous chefs in Chambord Islands.
However, even if Ye Fan teleported to this pirate ship, there was still no warning of the danger of coming into contact with the knowledgeable domineering.
This also caused Ye Fan not to deal with these pirates.
The whole ship is floating rapidly, and as long as it passes through the cave, it can reach the Chambord Islands.
In fact, the horizontal distance between Fishman Island and Chambord Islands is only tens of kilometers.
It’s just that one is on the surface of the sea, and the other is on the bottom of the sea tens of thousands of meters deep.
Along the way, this pirate group is not as dangerous as Luffy’s first entry into Murloc Island.
One sea king, which is bigger than the other, wants to swallow them.
No abnormal conditions such as submarine volcanic eruptions were encountered.
It was so easy to reach the surface of the sea.
This time, Ye Fan couldn’t bear it anymore.
Even if his knowledgeable domineering tells him that there will be danger.
Also kill these pirates first.
Even Ye Fan suspected that this was their devil fruit ability.
Let the knowledgeable domineering of the strong perceive the danger, and dare not attack them.
What’s more, who is Ye Fan?
Already a quasi-four emperor level powerhouse.
How could he be frightened by such a small danger.
“Momo thirty times faster.”
Ye Fan pulled out the blue sun wheel knife in his hand.
Ye Fan’s current swordsmanship with the strength of the great swordsman, even if he doesn’t use the fruit ability.
You can easily kill several people without using Bamen Dunjia.
But his father-in-law, Kaido, could kill Luffy instantly with one move, but he raised a tiger as a trouble and was killed instead.
Ye Fan would not hold back any ordinary people.
What’s more, there are several pirates on the opposite side.
Or a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million.
As soon as Ye Fan made his move, he was discovered by several pirates who held a banquet.
But it didn’t help.
Ye Fan’s eyes have been deformed.
Three hook jade appeared in his eyes.
This is the Sangouyu Sharingan, which is one level lower than the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.
The Uchiha family, after experiencing strong emotional fluctuations, will open a Gouyu Sharingan.
After a long period of practice, it will become a pair of jade writing sharing eyes.
Only a few geniuses can achieve the breakthrough of Sangouyu Sharingan.
As for the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, it is not difficult for thousands of Uchiha family members to have a Kaleidoscope Sharingan.
Sangouyu Sharingan, in the world of Naruto, can already fight against Jonin, and it is still a very powerful Jonin to be able to fight Sangouyu Sharingan.
Because apart from the terrifying pupil technique.
The biggest use of the Sangouyu Sharingan is that it can easily see through all the tricks of the enemy.
And you can quickly learn to imitate the enemy’s ninjutsu.
After Ye Fan’s eyes entered the state of three hook jade.
All the actions of the enemy are completely displayed in his eyes.middle.
All these movements are different from those seen by ordinary people.
For example, if a person wants to stand up, the muscles of his knee and calf will be exerted.
That is to say, Sangouyu Sharingan already knows the enemy’s future movements before the enemy has made any action, but just wants to make an action.
Moreover, Sangouyu’s Sharingan is not limited to only one person.
All the pirates present, what actions they want to make, are all within Ye Fan’s calculations.
“Swipe, brush, brush.”
More than a dozen sword glows flashed in a row.
There were more than a dozen corpses in front of Ye Fan.
As pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, they are not without the slightest combat effectiveness.
Even if it is Huang Yuan, the opponents are supernovas who have prepared a new world back then.
It is also impossible to instantly kill one with one move.
But Ye Fan did it.
Because of these people, they found that no matter how they dodged, they still wanted to use their own weapons to block Ye Fan’s attack.
They all found in the end that all their efforts were in vain at the moment when the two sides played against each other.
The sun wheel knife in Ye Fan’s hand eventually appeared in the neutral position of their defense.
Be fast and be ruthless.
In just a split second, the opponent had already used dozens of methods to avoid Ye Fan’s attack.
But they all failed.
Everyone was killed in seconds.
The Steel Bone Kong in the distance can clearly see the inside of this scene.
It wasn’t the phone bug that sent the screen, and the phone bug couldn’t escape Ye Fan’s domineering arrogance.
It is a kind of detection equipment in the future science and technology kingdom.
It can avoid the perception of arrogance and domineering, but this thing is very rare, so rare that only people at the marshal level are eligible to approve its use.
Chapter 125 Dark Sparrow
“It’s such a fast sword. Among the great swordsmen I’ve seen, I’m afraid only the Red Earl can compete with him.”
As an old guy, Steel Gu Kong can already be said to be a remnant of the old era.
Even the white beard who died not long ago in the top battle is not as old as him.
When he was the Admiral of the Navy, the big pirates he faced were Rocks, Golden Lion, Captain John and other big pirates.
At that time, neither Whitebeard nor Kaido and Big Mom became emperors of the sea.
In the era of Steel Bone Kong, the most powerful swordsman was the Red Earl.
A pirate with only a captain has the most terrifying strength in this sea.
At the peak of the Red Earl, his combat power is comparable to that of Rocks.
Nicknamed Lonely Red.
At his peak, he once fought back Roger and Whitebeard with a single sword.
All his life he was without a partner and a crew.
It is because of the awakening of domineering and knowledgeable, the ability to hear the inner thoughts of the other party.
When he was young, he also longed for a partner.
But because I can hear the inner thoughts of others.
I have never met a sincere partner in my life, so I am the same as Hawkeye.
It’s just a one-man pirate group without any crew.
Also got the nickname of Lonely Red.
His strength is much stronger than the current Hawkeye Mihawk.
Because he is a great swordsman himself, and he also has a rare fruit.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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