Maple’s defensive power allows Ye Fan to offset Hailoushi’s restriction on physical strength.
And the cells between Bamen Dunjia and Qianshouzhu gave him great power to easily destroy Hailoushishackles.
This kind of sea tower stone shackles that can easily suppress the strong in the sea.
For Ye Fan, it has no effect.
Finally besieged Ye Fan’s air force.
The collective opened their mouths in surprise.
“How could it be possible, these are Hailou stone shackles, they were easily destroyed like this.”
“How could it be possible for a person with devil fruit ability not to be affected by Hailou’s power?”stone pressing. ”
It’s perfectly normal for them to be so surprised.
This kind of thing is like a blue star.
Seeing the indestructible missiles, they couldn’t kill an ordinary person.
That’s about as surprised as they are now.
In the world of pirates, it has been common sense for hundreds of years that Hailoushi can suppress capable people.
But Ye Fan broke the shackles of Hailou Stone so easily.
Their cognition seems to have been collapsed.
Not far away, Steel Bone Kong also frowned.
Even if he is not a person with fruit ability, he wants to destroy Hailou Stone Shackles so easily.
Physical skills are also required to a high level.
Hailou Stone is known as the hardest rock in the pirate world.
Often used as a tool to hold pirates.
It’s not just because of the restraining effect of Hailou Stone on the fruit’s ability.
Not every pirate has a devil fruit.
For example, the red hair, one of the Four Emperors, and Roger, the former One Piece, are not devil fruit capable users.
The clown Bucky hates the red-haired Shanks so much, the reason why Shanks didn’t dare to speak back when he scolded him.
It was because of the red-haired Shanks that he tricked the clown Bucky into eating the Superhuman-Fragmented Fruit.
Back then, on the ship of the One Piece King Roger, it was believed that only those who did not eat devil fruits and were not afraid of sea water could become the most powerful pirates.
Sea tower stone shackles can hold pirates, in addition to the power of devil fruit, the most important thing is sturdiness.
The pirates who offered a bounty of one billion Baileys were unable to use their own power to destroy the stone shackles on the sea floor.
For example, pirates at the level of Doflamingo.
Those who can do this most need the strength of the emperor’s deputy, a strong man like Pluto Rayleigh.
The key Pluto Rayleigh is not a devil fruit capable user.
He will not be weak because of being put on the sea stone shackles.
Ye Fan was able to destroy the Hailou stone shackles by himself even in a weak state, such a physical skill.
It is already the pinnacle of physique in the sea, and it is only possible to achieve such power.
This time, even the steel bone Kong showed a surprised expression.
Steel Bones Kong laughed loudly.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve met a strong man who can develop physical skills, kendo, three-color arrogance, and fruit abilities to such a terrifying level.”
“The key point is that you are too young, but in your twenties, even the genius Lockes couldn’t do it back then. At your age, with so many terrifying abilities, I will take action today, old man, and I must completely kill you. kill.”
At this moment, Gang Gukong felt the same as Fujitora’s smile a few days ago, and he had the heart to kill Ye Fan.
If Ye Fan knew what they were thinking, he would definitely feel extremely wronged.
You really wronged me, I’m not a genius.
Look at that kid Luffy, at the age of 19, he saw the awakening of the color, the domineering of the armed color has been cultivated to Liuying, the domineering of the king’s color has been cultivated to the entanglement, and the rubber fruit that is the most difficult to awaken has also awakened.
He is now 25 years old.
But Ye Fan has been practicing for more than thirty years.
After all, in the time gravity room, a day is equivalent to a year in the outside world.
It took Luffy two and a half years to learn these things, and he is the child of destiny.
It is impossible for you outsiders to know how hard you work.
Enjoy the mace education of his father-in-law Kaidoai every day.
I have practiced penance for more than thirty years.
It was also barely mastered the awakening of the three-color domineering, possessed the strength of a great swordsman, and the ability of so many fruits.
It was only then that I awakened the two fruit abilities of the nature department, the thunder fruit and the phantom beast species, the fish fruit, and the purple dragon form.
According to the speed of cultivation, I am only one-tenth of Luffy.
You bastards, instead of killing Luffy, use all kinds of tricks and tricks against me, who is less than one-tenth of his talent, every day, even using sneak attacks and assassinations.
Is there any reason to say that I am a genius?
Ye Fan: “You old guy, don’t think that you can brag when you become the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. When you were in your prime, you couldn’t even defeat the Red Earl, Lockes, and Roger. Why do you think that the old and frail You can beat yourself.”
Ye Fan’s words just pointed out the pain of Steel Gu Kong.
In the sea 40 years ago, the big pirates at that time were much more violent than they are now.
Rocks, the Red Earl, Roger the One Piece and other great pirates.
There are also strong players such as the Golden Lion, Whitebeard, and Captain John.
As for the navy, there are only Steel Bone Kong, Sengoku, Karp, and Black-armed Zefa. Even Lieutenant General He can be regarded as the highest combat power of the navy.
Back then, the navy could only watch helplessly as Lockes destroyed one country after another that joined the Celestial Dragons.
Chapter 127 Energy Cage
The new world back then was actually the same as the four seas, most of the countries were allies of the Tianlong people.
At that time, there was no such thing as a sea emperor.
It is because of the Rocks Pirates that they are attacking the countries that belong to the Celestial Dragons everywhere in the New World.
As a result, hundreds of Tianlong people joined the country and were forced to become pirate forces.
Let the Tianlong people lose control of the new world.
It was only then that the later Four Emperors and Qiwuhai systems were formed.
Relying on the Seven Martial Seas, check and balance the Four Emperors’ control over the new world, and also prevent the Four Emperors’ power from penetrating into the great route.
Although Steel Gukong had made many great achievements when he was the Marshal.
For example, Lockes was killed, Roger the Pirate King was publicly executed, and the Red Earl was imprisoned into the city of advancement.
Although Steel Bone Kong was the last winner of these strong men of his generation.
But it also caused the navy to lose its rule in the new world.
Unexpectedly, Ye Fan, a little guy, came up and said that the steel bone was empty back then.
This is intolerable for the steel skeleton.
Especially since he’s been Marshal-in-Chief of the Armed Forces for decades..
It’s been a long time since anyone dared to talk to him like that.
“Arrogant boy, do you think you can defeat this old man with your current strength? Now you have no chance to escape.”
Ye Fan’s surroundings were suddenly surrounded by a light curtain, department/group:9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6.
Hiding on the warship, the last air force general showed off his fruit ability.
Superman, energy cage.
This was originally a useless ability.
Although this energy cage is very large, it can also trap the enemy in its own cage.
But the user of the fruit ability will also be imprisoned in the energy cage.
As long as the enemy kills the capable user, the cage will be cracked.
In other words, this fruit ability will not improve the user’s combat effectiveness.
But in this cage, there are still dozens of his partners, and they are still very powerful partners.
This fruit ability is very unusual.
Ye Fan had no way to use the teleportation ability of the thunder fruit to quickly leave the battlefield.
That’s why they need to wait for the ship to surface.
Attacking Ye Fan.
Because in the sea, although his superhuman energy cage can be used, it is suppressed by the sea water, and it needs to consume a huge fruit ability every moment.
And now, it has surfaced.
It happens to be able to use this fruit ability to prevent Ye Fan from escaping.
In order to catch or kill Ye Fan.
Steel Gu Kong and the three air force generals made detailed plans.
Transfer Ye Fan from Ghost Island to the farthest edge of the New World.
Then use the abilities of the two air generals.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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