Superman type・Ignore fruit ability.
The superhuman energy cage fruit ability completely cut off Ye Fan’s ability to escape.
Whether it is the door of freedom, or the teleportation of the thunder fruit, or the ability of the purple dragon form to fly quickly at super high altitudes.
It is very difficult to kill Ye Fan.
No matter whether they are to lure Ye Fan, they will not allow the Beasts Pirates to quickly support them.
Even to prevent Ye Fan from having the possibility of escaping, a very complete plan has been made.
After decades.
Steel Gukong shot again, how could it be possible for Ye Fan to escape like the war on the top.
Ye Fan looked at the energy cage that surrounded him.
But there was no panic at all.
In a precise trap.
His own strength is not enough, if Steel Gu Kong does not have the strength to defeat him, all his schemes will be in vain.
Although the steel bone has never shot in the comics.
However, relying on the ability of the great swordsman, the Red Earl is slightly better than the steel-bone Kong in his prime.
Now in his 90s, and soon to be 100 years old, the steel bone is empty.
Even Garp, who was in his seventies, inevitably lost his peak combat effectiveness in his prime due to aging.
White Beard, known as the most powerful man in the sea, also began to weaken in his seventies.
This old man in his nineties, even in his prime, would not be Ye Fan’s opponent, not to mention that he is now in his nineties.
Now that I use all my strength, even my father-in-law Kaido is no longer my opponent.
Not to mention the old man with steel bones.
I won’t be reluctant to punch you to death just because you are over ninety years old.
Ye Fan said contemptuously: “Good ability, good strategy, it’s a pity that your strength is so weak, steel bone empty, you really think that you have been promoted, and you have the right to defeat me if you have achieved the position of commander-in-chief of the three armies?”
Steel Bone Kong didn’t answer.
He took off his shirt and justice cloak with his backhand, and threw them on the deck next to him.
Unlike other navies etc., he doesn’t like to fight while wearing a cloak of justice.
The former admiral of the navy didn’t even like the cloak of justice.
This is because Cyborg Kong has long since given up his own justice.
Only by swearing full allegiance to the Celestial Dragons can he obtain the position of Marshal of the Three Armies.
Among the institutions owned by Tianlong people.
The navy is the most special one. The navy is the only army that does not need to swear allegiance to the Tianlong people.
Only the ranks of general and marshal in the navy need to swear allegiance to the Tianlong people.
This is also why Garp is resolutely unwilling to become a general.
For this reason, the Tianlong people also deliberately use the names of animals to name the generals of the navy.
It is to tell the navy that you will always be the lackeys of our Tianlong people.
It is justice that has sustained the development of the navy for eight hundred years.
Whether it is cp0 or the army and air force, in fact, they don’t care much about the cloak of justice behind them.
They don’t care about justice, they only care about the orders of the Draconians.
Only the navy would rather die than let the cloak of justice behind it be damaged.
Although Steel Gu Kong was born in the navy, when he became the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
He also forsook his own justice.
Adopted his favorite fighting style.
The naked upper body made his explosive muscles stand out.
This is a man full of terrifying power.
The steel bone empty body turned black.
But it is not the domineering cover of the armed color, but the iron block in the navy six style.
What age is this old guy?
He actually used the iron block that sent him to death to fight against himself.
Steel Bone Kong jumped directly onto the pirate ship, only a dozen meters away from Ye Fan.
Said: “Boy, you are very arrogant, but you don’t have the capital to be arrogant.”
Terrifying sense of oppression, powerful aura.
Although Steel Gu Kong didn’t use the domineering aura, Ye Fan didn’t even know if he had the domineering aura.
But the iron all over his body, and his terrifying muscles.
It made Ye Fan feel a little nervous.
This is a sense of tension facing the strong.
This feeling also inspired Ye Fan’s desire to fight.
Pirates who dare not fight against the strong will never be able to become the strong in the sea.
Only by constantly fighting with other strong men can one become a strong man in the sea.
Of course, except for the lucky fruit ability clown Bucky.
Chapter 128 Terrifying Defense
Ye Fan took out his blue sun wheel knife.
He launched a slash at Steel Bone Kong.
When he swung his knife halfway, Ye Fan suddenly drew the knife and quickly backed away.
The steel bone in front of him showed a smile.
“Boy, are you timid? You don’t even have the courage to swing a knife at me.”
The reason why Ye Fan suddenly withdrew his knife just now.
It’s because the state of the steel skeleton is too weird.
Ye Fan has a super domineering sense of knowledge, with sharing eyes and supercilious eyes.
Any physical changes of the opponent will not escape Ye Fan’s detection.
But just now.
Facing his own attack, Steel Bones Kong didn’t dodge, move, or move.
Not even his eyelids blinked.
What I use is the most powerful slash in the sea, a slash that covers the domineering and domineering entanglement.
On the opposite side, the steel skeleton Kong didn’t even use the domineering cover of the armed color, but only used iron blocks with no defensive power.
Why would he dare to use only iron and not dodge his own attack.
Even his father-in-law Kaido dare not resist his powerful slash, because even with Kaido’s defensive power, he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.
How dare this old guy do this.
Could it be that Air Force general with the superhuman ability to ignore fruit is preparing to attack him.
This is why Ye Fan backed away suddenly.
Steel bone Kong is a cunning old fox.
Who knows what insidious means he has against himself.
After Ye Fan returned.
Entering the human-dragon form, his body surface was covered with a layer of purple dragon scales.
Now with my defensive power, the person who has the ability to ignore fruit, even if he doesn’t know where he is.
Ye Fan can also be sure that he can’t easily break through his defense and attack himself.
Again well prepared.
“Momo thirty times faster.”
Ye Fan also used the ability of Momo fruit.
With an extremely fast slash, Ye Fan used all his strength this time, and slashed at Steel Bone Kong again.
To Ye Fan’s surprise.
Steel Gu Kong still didn’t dodge, just watching Ye Fan attack him.
Is this old man already demented?
He actually wanted to die.
In this case, I will cut you in half with one knife.
Due to the powerful impact force, the sun wheel knife in Ye Fan’s hand was almost dropped due to the terrifying shock force.
He covers the attack of armed color domineering winding.
It didn’t even cut the steel bone hollow skin.
This is not the pinnacle of armed domineering full body coverage.
It’s just a block of iron.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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