There are also three ancient weapons that besieged Im together.
Im is an old guy who has lived for at least eight hundred years.
Look at the steel bone Kong in front of him. In less than a hundred years, his iron block has cultivated to such a terrifying strength.
Many people think that Im needs Akainu to catch him and send him to Mariejoa because he needs Bonnie’s fruit ability to restore his youth.
But Ye Fan based on some details, such as Bonnie and Sabo teaming up to rescue the bear.
Ye Fan felt that the big stomach king Bonnie might be Xiong’s daughter, and threatened Xiong to undergo a complete transformation experiment.
Become a fighting machine that completely obeys the Draconians and has no thinking of its own.
This looks more reasonable.
Im has ruled the world for eight hundred years, how could it be impossible to resist aging with only longevity.
The more Ye Fan and Gang Gu Kongyue fought, the more shocked they were.
After cultivating for more than 800 years, he was the strongest person in the sea 800 years ago. How terrifying is Im now?
Originally, he thought that his current strength had already surpassed the fighting power of Luffy during the Five Emperors period.
It should not be far away from overthrowing Im’s rule.
After fighting with Gang Gukong, Ye Fan found out.
I am too naive.
Other protagonists are in easy mode, and he is in hell mode.
The current strength of the steel skeleton is not as strong as Im’s eight hundred years ago.
After practicing for eight hundred years, Im’s strength can be imagined.
His physical skills, strength, three-color arrogance, fruit ability, etc. must have surpassed the limit long ago.
And if he fights Im.
It also faces the siege of the armed forces of the sea, land and air, cp0 and the highest combat power of the scientific and technological troops.
Ma Dan, the more I think about it, the more angry I get.
Ye Fan punched faster and faster.
The attack power is also getting stronger and stronger.
Vent all dissatisfaction with Luffy on Steel Bone Kong.
Ye Fan was sent flying out again by the steel bone.
Ye Fan’s body hit the energy cage.
The impact was too hard.
The shape of the energy cage has been deformed.
But soon, this power was transmitted to the outside world.
The energy cage has returned to its original form again.
It’s just that those supernovae watching outside are not having a good time.
The strength of a steel bone punch with all its strength.
Although it hit Ye Fan’s body, it was transmitted to the energy cage, and finally hit them again.
This power has been reduced by less than one-fifth.
But the steel bone has one-fifth of its strength.
It’s not something pirates like them who just offered a reward of over 100 million can afford.
It’s just the aftermath of Steel Bone Kong’s attack on Ye Fan.
The entire sea was torn apart.
In the middle of the sea there appeared a chasm deep into the bottom of the sea.
The sea water on both sides climbed rapidly, forming two huge waves.
Seeing such a terrifying scene, those supernovas hastily ordered the pirate ship to dodge backward.
However, how can the speed of the ship compare to the speed of the steel-framed empty fist.
at this time.
Bartolomeo stood up.
He said loudly: “I can save you once, but you must recognize me as the boss. My idol, Lord Luffy, the younger brother of Fire Fist Ace, is the boss of your boss.”
Many supernovas can survive.
Why do you care who you recognize as the boss.
They all said, “If you can block this punch, we will recognize you as the boss.”
Bartolomeo made the crossedfingers gesture confidently.
A barrier appeared in front of everyone.
He is full of confidence in the barrier fruit ability, no matter how terrifying the attack is.
Don’t even think about breaking through his barrier fruit ability.
It’s just that his self-confidence will soon be broken.
at the same time.
Ye Fan who landed.
Also saw the changes in the steel-bone hollow body.
No wonder the strength of his punch just now increased many times.
Chapter 131: The Fruit Ability of Steel Bones
Many people think that the barrier fruit ability is invincible.
That’s because they don’t understand several major disadvantages of barrier fruits.
Even if he can’t beat others, others can’t hurt him.
No matter how powerful the opponent is.
At least it is a draw.
That’s because they don’t understand several fatal weaknesses of barrier fruits.
First, the crossedfingers gesture must be made to activate the fruit ability.
Second, the barrier fruit has an upper limit on the area, and cannot achieve large-area defense.
Third, it cannot resist the attack of sound waves.
In other words, Whitebeard can kill barrier fruit ability users just by vibrating the air.
Or someone like Hawkeye Mihawk, who is interested in something, he can spend months dealing with you.
A person with barrier fruit ability, even if he has a younger brother to eat and drink for him.
Maintaining the crossedfingers gesture all the time is very tiring.
As long as his fingers soften a little, the barrier will disappear, and he will be beheaded by a master like Hawkeye Mihawk in an instant.
But now, what Bartolomeo is facing is the first situation.
The steel-bone Kong’s fist collided with the barrier.There was a loud noise.
Powerful sonic because it’s too loud.
It caused a huge thunder effect.
A terrifying sonic boom was triggered.
The gust of wind at a speed of more than 340 meters per second was mixed with loud noises.
Blowing towards Bartolomeo head-on.
His sexy nose ring nearly snapped Bartolomeo’s nose off.
But he still didn’t dare to cover his face with his hands.
I can only desperately maintain the crossedfingers gesture, once the crossedfingers gesture fails.
He would be killed by the aftermath of Cyborg Kong’s punch.
After more than ten seconds, the sound of the wind and thunder stopped.
The loud noise almost stunned Bartolomeo.
Bartolomeo, who was bleeding from his nose, managed to maintain a handsome posture.
Facing the supernova behind, he said: “When you see me in the future, you will call me boss.”
After loading a wave.
He whispered to his crew: “Hurry up, let’s leave here immediately, it’s too dangerous.”
On the battlefield, Ye Fan looked at Steel Bone Kong who was covered in black hair.
Said: “It turned out to be the animal type, phantom beast species, orangutan fruit, and King Kong form.”
Steel Gukong said proudly: “I’m afraid you don’t know, hundreds of millions of years ago, our world was ruled by various dragons, and only after being defeated by the ancestor of human beings, King Kong orangutans, can humans become the masters of the pirate world.” .”
“My King Kong form is the most powerful animal fruit ability in this sea.”
All the kindergarten children in Blue Star know this common sense.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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