But for people in One Piece World, most of them never went to school.
Not to mention this kind of archaeology that is not very useful.
O’Hara, who is good at archaeology, has wiped out the whole country.
Most people really don’t know.
Ye Fan said: “Really, let’s see how powerful my dragon is, or your King Kong.”
After finishing speaking, Ye Fan’s fists also turned into a pair of dragon claws.
A pair of orangutan paws with Steel Gu Kong began to slap each other.
In the fight between the two, Ye Fan was at a disadvantage.
Steel Gu Kong’s strength is even greater than his.
Every time the two sides fight for a few minutes, Ye Fan will be shot flying.
There will also be a few extra scratches on his chest.
Fortunately, Ye Fan has the cells of Qianshou Zhujian.
His wound will heal within a second.
Steel Gu Kong sent Ye Fan flying again.
Said: “It’s been a long time since I met a powerful pirate like you. Even Kaido is not as strong as you, with terrifying defense power and terrifying healing ability. Fortunately, you haven’t grown up yet, otherwise the old man has worked hard for nearly a hundred years. Not your opponent.”
The current dark sparrow has been brought together with the rest of the air force.
The duel between Steel Gu Kong and Ye Fan was really terrifying.
The three admirals were actually unable to participate.
They were really afraid that when Ye Fan was sent flying, he would hit them.
Every time Ye Fei was knocked into the air, the speed was faster than a cannonball.
This horrible guy.
In the face of such a brutal attack, nothing happened during this period of time.
It was hard to see that his defense was broken by Master Steel Bone Kong.
Unexpectedly, it healed in a second.
Fortunately, the Marshal personally led them.
Otherwise, just relying on their air force, I’m afraid they won’t even be able to break through Ye Fan’s defense.
Ye Fan: “It seems that the Tianlong people really have the ability to resist the aging of time. It’s a terrifying power. It’s a pity that you can’t get the arrogance of the Tianlong people. Otherwise, I’m really in trouble today.”
The arrogance of the Celestial Dragons learned by Karp will rapidly consume his lifespan.
The ability that Steel Gukong has learned will not let his body age with time.
Both have learned half of their abilities.
Garp doesn’t have enough lifespan to use the Draconian’s attack style.
Cyborg has a lifespan, but he won’t use the Draconian’s attack style.
This is also in line with the habits of Tianlong people.
Keep a hand with everyone and ensure their control.
It should not be said that it is in line with Im’s habits.
He likes to use various means to control everyone in his palm.
Hear Ye Fan’s words.
Steel Gu Kong was visibly stunned for a moment.
The special arrogance of Tianlong people is something that few people know.
Even among the Tianlong people, not many people know about it.
Only those who are talented and loyal to the Tianlong people are qualified to learn that kind of domineering.
Because every extra person needs to consume a golden apple.
Even the Tianlong people who ruled the world for 800 years don’t have many such precious things.
Only the remaining three were all stolen by Ye Fan.
This is the real reason why Wu Laoxing was furious.
Wu Laoxing doesn’t care about devil fruits, or pirates in the sea.
The real hole card is the strongest among the Tianlong people.
Just relying on their Tianlong people, they can suppress everything on the sea.
The source of confidence lies in their control of the golden apple and that special domineering energy that consumes life.
Steel Bone Kong: “You know far more information than I expected. I thought you were just a pirate like Lockes who didn’t know the heights of the world. I didn’t expect that since you knew about this, you would dare to attack the Valley of Gods. You are courting your own death.”
Ye Fan: “Hehe, I would rather die freely than I will be the dog of the Tianlong people. To put it bluntly, you are the commander-in-chief of the three armies. To put it bluntly, you are the most obedient dog of the Tianlong people.”
Steel bone empty: “YesTo control the life and death of hundreds of countries, you can live a long life, even if you are a dog, you are a happy dog, and you will be killed by me today. ”
After Steel Gukong became the marshal of the armed forces, no one dared to call him a lackey.
Even the kings of those big countries would kneel and salute when they saw him.
How can he bear the insult of a junior like Ye Fan.
Chapter 132 Kick Fly
Steel Bones Kong’s footsteps also changed into the appearance of an orangutan.
But basically it is still in the form of apes, without complete animalization.
But the running posture has changed a lot.
It’s not running with your left and right feet crossed, but running and jumping in tandem.
It seems that the action is a little funny, a little cute.
But the speed of steel bone empty is not slow.
In an instant, he jumped to Ye Fan’s side and gave a fierce side kick.
That’s still up to now.
Steel Bones Kong took the initiative to attack for the first time.
The two of them fought for nearly half an hour just now, but Steel Gu Kong didn’t even move a bit.
Acceleration plus side kick.
The steel bone Kong’s kick was even bigger than the previous attacks.
However, Ye Fan came first.
With a much faster speed than Steel Gu Kong, he kicked Steel Gu Kong’s jaw.
Because during the period just now, Ye Fan had already opened the eight doors of Dunjia.
Since it only relies on the fruit ability and the power of the ghost back.
Not enough to crush the steel bone space in terms of strength, Ye Fan opened the fifth door of the eight-door Dunjia.
The fifth door, Du door, increased Ye Fan’s strength by more than ten times.
It also made him stronger than Steel Bone Kong.
Although Ye Fan can now open the eighth door of death without injury.
But the price he paid for opening the door of death was too great.
Battery life will be very short.
Although it is not like Luffy, he can only be a real man for five minutes.
At most, it lasted for half an hour.
Ye Fan was not sure, and within half an hour, he defeated the terrifying defense of the steel skeleton.
You know, the current steel frame is empty, and he hasn’t even used the armed domineering.
It is to use iron block and hard steel Ye Fan.
Facing such a powerful enemy.
Ye Fan also had to use more power now.
Therefore, with Ye Fan’s kick, he was able to come first and kick the steel bone away.
And Ye Fan also found a good angle.
The location where the steel bone was kicked away happened to be the location of the Air Force warship.
The rigid body of Steel Bones directly crushed the two Air Force members into pieces.
Ordinary people would be crushed into patties.
But the people in the Air Force are basically remodeled people who have undergone body transformation.
Their body structure is already steel, not weakened.
Crushed into various pieces.
Distorted and deformed mechanical parts were scattered on the ground.
This scene scared the rest of the Air Force.
The steel bone hit Ye Fan flying, so naturally it wouldn’t hit them head-on.
But Ye Fan specially chose positions with a lot of people in the air force, and kicked the steel bones at them.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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