But Green Bull is different.
He is a very crazy person, killing crazily every day, using killing instead of eating and drinking for himself.
The appearance of the green bull also represents the division of the navy.
Akainu’s absolute justice, Aokiji, Fujitora and others, although the dove faction disagrees, they can still understand and communicate with each other.
But the killing justice of the green bull, which is the idea of ​​the kind-hearted Aokiji, Fujitora, Momotu and others, is completely opposite.
The contradiction between them cannot be adjusted.
And Akainu has nothing to do, if he doesn’t accept Green Bull as his younger brother.
It means that the hawks don’t even have a single admiral. Although he now controls many vice admirals, the fact that the green bull is the younger brother means that the hawks and the doves are almost at war.
Akainu can only say that he, the marshal, has worked too hard.
Every high-level Navy meeting.
Even for the position of deputy head of the logistics department of a small branch, the hawks and doves will compete fiercely.
In just one month, all navies were forced to choose sides.
Either join the hawks or join the doves.
Otherwise your position will soon be replaced by someone from them.
Such infighting.
Let Akainu, the newly appointed Admiral of the Navy.
He holds meetings every day, hePersonnel and human life, which he didn’t pay much attention to before, made his scalp numb.
However, he is very assured of the strength of the green bull.
Although the character of the green bull is not like that of an admiral.
But his fighting power is not ordinary.
Let Green Bull and Ye Fan have a fight.
If you lose, just suppress his spirit.
If he wins, it can just prove that Green Bull is stronger than Fujitora, and his hawk faction will also become stronger.
In Akainu’s mind, this order, no matter what, is beneficial to him.
The camera pans to the waters of the Chambord Islands.
Ye Fan is still fighting crazily with Gang Gukong.
just now.
It’s the complete opposite of the first fight.
Steel Bone Kong was knocked into the air by Ye Fan again and again.
Following Ye Fan’s opening of the Eight Gates Dunjia.
Steel Gu Kong has been completely suppressed by Ye Fan in terms of speed and strength.
In addition, the kaleidoscope Sharingan in Ye Fan’s eyes has been spinning rapidly.
Every time he attacked, he avoided the steel bone hole.
Then he punched the steel bone and flew it out.
The steel skeleton who fell down again got up empty.
Cough cough a few times.
A ball of blood spit out from the mouth.
After fighting continuously, he, who has a strong defense, also suffered internal injuries.
But there was no change in expression on Steel Bone Kong’s face.
“It’s very good. Over the years, I have met another person who can hurt me.”
Pat off the dust.
Steel Gu Kong didn’t have the slightest worry.
As the owner of the fruit of the Phantom Beast and King Kong form.
The most important feature of the fruit ability of the King Kong form is its fast recovery ability, in addition to its high resistance and defense.
His internal organs, which were injured by Ye Fan just now, had already recovered when the steel bone spat out the ball of blood.
All of this was seen by Ye Fan with supercilious eyes.
Terrible recovery ability.
Although it is a little worse than the Qianshou Zhujian cells in my body, it may take too long to kill the steel bone empty.
Ye Fan no longer intends to fight Steel Gu Kong anymore.
In case the Tianlongren send more reinforcements, or even Wulaoxing directly descends from the Red Earth Continent.
I’m afraid I’m in danger.
The Chambord Islands are welcomed by the Tianlong people, except that the former Navy Headquarters is not far next to it, the most important point is that.
The Tianlong people can directly reach the Chambord Islands by taking the elevator directly from the Red Earth Continent, which is more than 2,000 meters high.
They are so convenient to travel.
In case those five old guys shot at him, they wanted to come very fast.
Ye Fan decided not to delay any longer.
The kaleidoscope Sharingan in the right eye uses pupil power crazily.
A lot of blood flowed out of Ye Fan’s right eye.
The surrounding temperature drops at a terrifying rate.
As the transformed air force, they are the most difficult to resist such severe cold.
The terrifying enemies made every joint on their bodies freeze. The most uncomfortable thing about the joints of these metal gears is that due to the difference in thermal expansion and cold contraction, there are slight deformations between different materials.
Their bodies begin to lose control of themselves.
It moves like a puppet in a daze.
Seeing that Ye Fan wanted to attack the air force.
Obviously Ye Fan didn’t want to fight anymore.
Steel Bone Kong rushed towards Ye Fan at high speed.
“You bastard, don’t try to run away.”
Chapter 134 Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss
Ye Fan has such a simple purpose.
How could Steel Gu Kong not know.
Ye Fan already wanted to kill the ability user of the energy cage.
Ready to leave the battlefield.
Although Steel Bone Kong has amazing defense, he is not good at flying combat.
More of a heavily armored tank than a nimble fighter.
Steel Bone Kong quickly rushed towards Ye Fan.
He wants to prevent Ye Fan from killing General Blue Turtle and escaping from the energy cage.
Steel Gu Kong immediately rushed towards Ye Fan quickly.
Want to prevent Ye Fan from continuing to use the pupil technique.
This time, Ye Fan didn’t dodge.
He had to use his pupil technique with all his might.
When Steel Gukong was about to bombard Ye Fan’s body with his fist.
Ye Fan’s body suddenly emitted a blue light.
Ye Fan’s eyes turned into kaleidoscope Sharingan.
He turned on the Susanoo.
A huge giant composed entirely of blue energy wrapped Ye Fan up.
Steel Bone Kong’s attack also failed to break Susano’s defense.
Although Ye Fan is only using Susanoo outside for the first time.
But Susano is already a complete body.
Not those beginners, just a skeleton.
Full body armor, two samurai swords at the waist.
Relying on the powerful ability of his body, Ye Fan has already developed a very high degree of development of the kaleidoscope Sharingan.
Now his eyes are bleeding out crazily, and the cells in the body are rapidly recovering.
If it is an ordinary person, then itachi of the Uchiha family will also lose his eyesight due to such an injury, but Ye Fan’s strong recovery ability does not worry about this problem.
Susano pulled out his samurai sword and slashed at Steel Bone Kong.
Seeing such a strange energy body.
Steel Bone Kong also chose to dodge.
The warrior with the huge blue energy body in front of him gave him a sense of danger.
He didn’t even know how many terrifying fruit abilities Ye Fan possessed, or even many fruit abilities.
The Tianlong people have ruled the world for eight hundred years, and they are very familiar with the abilities of various devil fruits.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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