However, there is still no detailed information on the several devil fruit abilities on Ye Fan.
such as Zizimen andThe ability of the Eight Gates Dunjia.
After reading through the fruit information of the entire 800 years, no similar fruit ability was found.
Unexpectedly, Ye Fan now has another giant composed of terrifying blue energy bodies. This fruit ability has never appeared before.
This Ye Fan, he hides too many secrets, and these secrets are all information that Tianlong people don’t know.
He must not be allowed to escape.
For the first time, Steel Bone Kong showed his strongest attack form.
He turned into a huge orangutan about eighty meters tall.
Well, this shape is a bit like the orangutan that can make nucleic acid for Godzilla in a blue star sci-fi movie.
It’s just that the beast form with steel bones is more violent than in the movie.
The nails of the two front paws reached 1.5 meters in length.
No longer defending against Susano’s double-knife slashing.
Desperately grab it with a pair, and keep slapping Susanoo’s abdomen, where Ye Fan is.
“Pure Land of Bliss”
A large amount of blood flowed from Ye Fan’s left eye again.
This is the pupil power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan in the left eye.
Also a powerful illusion.
Different from other gods.
Other gods can permanently control a person, even that person does not know that he has been controlled.
The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is a large-scale illusion.
The effect time is very short, Ye Fan can only last for three seconds.
And this illusion is also very powerful, not the kind of Itachi Uchiha that allows people to enter the environment they built.
The body of General Blue Turtle was suddenly hit by hundreds of weapons.
Because after they entered the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Treating the general blue turtle as Ye Fan, three seconds was enough for them to transform themselves into their bodies, and all the weapons were fired.
General Blue Turtle was hit by hundreds of weapons fired by these air force lieutenant generals and major generals.
With the death of the general blue turtle.
Surrounding the entire battlefield, the huge energy cage was instantly destroyed.
Ye Fan took Susano back.
The ability of the thunderous fruit was activated, and it instantly appeared at an altitude of thousands of meters.
“Steel Gu Kong is looking forward to our next match, so let’s stop here today.”
After speaking, Ye Fan turned into a giant dragon and flew towards the distant sky.
Steel Bones Kong didn’t pursue it.
Whether it is the speed of the thunder fruit teleportation, or the flying speed of the purple dragon form.
It’s not something he can catch up with.
It was because of his lack of speed that he was teased by the flying Red Earl.
The death of Air Force General Blue Turtle.
It also means that it is impossible for him to kill Ye Fan.
As a steel skeleton who once exhausted many strong men in the sea, it is empty to say.
The failure of a plan had little effect on him.
It took many years for the strong men he killed.
He is not afraid of failure, nor is he afraid of time.
Become the highest power controller in the world other than Tianlong people.
Steel Gukong is best at using a large number of subordinates, as well as intelligence schemes, etc., to slowly kill the strong men in the sea one by one.
Since he had already regarded Ye Fan as his target to kill.
He believed that he would be able to kill Ye Fan one day.
It was more than ten kilometers behind Ye Fan.
Thousands of meters in the sky.
There is also a figure.
Covered in green clothes, he is continuing to chase Ye Fan.
He said in a contemptuous tone: “The Air Force is really useless. Three generals were dispatched, and there were many casualties. They even let Ye Fan run away. This level of strength is not worthy of our navy’s shoes.”
“Blue Blue”
The man in the green suit, the phone in his pocket buzzed.
“Green Bull, the plan to snipe Ye Fan failed, you don’t need to support the Air Force now, and return to the Navy Headquarters immediately.”
This figure was flying in the sky and still chasing Ye Fan.
It is the most mysterious Admiral Green Bull.
Green Bull: “I know Marshal Akainu.”
Both parties hung up the call.
Akainu thought that Green Bull would return to Navy Headquarters.
I didn’t care about it any more.
After the green bull hung up the phone.
He whispered: “If I carry Ye Fan’s head and return to the Navy Headquarters, Admiral Akainu will be very happy.”
Apparently, Akainu misjudged Green Bull’s character.
How could he give up this opportunity.
Kill the big pirate who is now on the sea, whose reputation is almost surpassing that of the Four Emperors.
Kill Ye Fan and do what that nasty Fujitora can’t do.
In this way, how can their doves fight our hawks.
As two generals trained by the non-naval system.
Green Bull and Fujitora have been fighting secretly.
Green Bull also looked down on those doves, thinking that they were just wastes who were not good at fighting.
They only know how to fight for power every day, but they dare not go to the sea to kill pirates.
He, Green Bull, can prove today that he is the strongest admiral.
Chapter 135 Green Bull Pursuit
Ye Fan’s knowledge is domineering, and the radius of coverage exceeds 50 kilometers.
Naturally, he had already discovered the trail behind him.
Especially from the phone bug, it was discovered that the other party turned out to be Admiral Green Bull.
This immediately aroused Ye Fan’s interest.
Before he traveled to the world of pirates, Green Bull was the most mysterious general.
Not even his physical appearance appeared.
Just one sentence, I haven’t eaten for three years.
Other than that, there is no information.
Originally, Ye Fan had found an island at random and returned directly to the ghost island.
But seeing this green bull, he chased himself alone.
He didn’t want to leave.
He also wanted to see the strength of the green bull.
In addition, Ye Fan is not a bad person, you want to kill me, but I want to influence you with love.
Since you Draco want to kill me so much.
So kill an admiral today.
Kill me once, a general of the air force, and then a general of the navy.It should be able to deter the Tianlong people in a short time.
Ye Fan once again felt that the world was full of malice towards him.
In about two years, Luffy will become the new Four Emperors.
Tianlongren, Navy, etc. did not think about trying their best to destroy Luffy.
Now I am just the emperor’s deputy of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
It is already facing the encirclement and suppression of the navy, air force and steel bone space.
Is there any reason.
Ye Fan even thought that Lu Fei was not far away from him, whether he would be wiped out together.
But as soon as the idea was born, he gave up.
Really want to kill Luffy.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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