The height of these animals has reached more than ten meters.
It is an island where ordinary people simply cannot survive.
Luffy just defeated a huge dinosaur.
Getting ready for life to turn it into a delicious roast.
At this time, Raleigh suddenly came to his side.
Lu Fei smirked and said, “Uncle Rayleigh, do you want to have barbecue together?”
Raleigh looked very nervous.
Said: “Lu Fei, don’t talk, people who are free will come here.”
After finishing speaking, Hades Rayleigh grabbed the back of Luffy’s neck and quickly found the edge of Ruskaina Island by himself, and the two of them hid.
At this time, Luffy discovered that there was a giant dragon several kilometers in the sky flying towards the island.
Luffy yelled excitedly.
“What a big dragon, it must be delicious.”
Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was covered by Hades Rayleigh.
Nether King Lei Li said: “If you don’t want to die, you’d better not talk, or I won’t be able to keep you when the time comes.”
Originally, Ye Fan only wanted to choose a relatively large island to have a duel with the green bull.
Unexpectedly, they arrived at Ruskaina Island.
This is the island where Luffy practiced for two years.
Ye Fan immediately chose this place as the battlefield.
First, this island is definitely not within the surveillance range of the Tianlong people.
In other words, if Ye Fan fights on this island, he will definitely not be afraid of sneak attacks by the navy in a short period of time.
Second, this island where Luffy can become stronger.
Being destroyed by oneself, does it count as changing the plot to gain plot points?
Ye Fan found that he had a misunderstanding before.
He only changed the plot of Luffy’s enemies, but not Luffy’s.
This was originally because of the plot of the previous life. Ye Fan’s favorite is Sauron. He practices hard every day, hoping that he can become the world’s number one swordsman.
Just like Ye Fan’s previous life, he worked hard every day to code words, hoping to become a great god.
But now it seems.
I am still affected by the halo of Luffy’s protagonist, and I am always helping him unconsciously.
It seems that I have to change this idea as soon as possible.
Maybe manipulating the fate of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates can gain greater benefits.
So let’s start with this island.
Ye Fan landed on the island and changed from a dragon form to a human form.
The green bull in the rear also landed on the island.
“Knowing that I can’t escape, don’t you plan to continue to escape now?”
Ye Fan: “You are really an arrogant guy. I just want to make sure that I am not surrounded by the navy. It is confirmed now that you are the only one. Who gave you the courage to face me alone? Now you are ready to die Are you ready?”
Green Bull: “You’re really an arrogant guy, isn’t it enough for me alone? I’m the most powerful admiral, the most powerful admiral in the navy, Green Bull.”
After finishing speaking, the five fingers of Lvniu Huangmu’s right hand turned into five vines and inserted into the ground beside him.
Ye Fan could feel it.
These vines grow wildly underground.
Just for a moment.
The underground within a few hundred meters is covered with a large number of vines.
Very weird ability.
Sure enough, as I expected, this guy has a plant-type ability.
Test the strength of the plants first.
for a moment.
Hundreds of vines pierced Ye Fan’s body like sharp spears.
“Clang clang clang”
There was a sound like metal clashing.
Around Ye Fan, a pile fell because the attack was too violent.
A broken vine.
Ye Fan: “I am very disappointed with such an attack power. You have no chance at all to break through my defense.”
The green bull also looked very surprised.
“How is it possible, this can’t break through your defense, bastard, it must be because I haven’t eaten for too long.”
The green bull controls the crazy growth of the vines.
Strands of vines soon covered the entire island.
Afterwards, countless vines emerged from the ground.
Pierce into the body of a beast.
In just a few seconds, these beasts turned into mummies.
The blood in their bodies was drained by the green cows.
However, it wasn’t over yet, the fat and muscles in their bodies were then sucked dry by the green cow Huangmu.
Absorbed the power of tens of thousands of huge beasts.
The height of Lvniu Huangmu has also changed.
Now it is close to a giant, reaching a height of seven meters.
The facial expression became more ferocious.
Luffy in the distance didn’t feel scared when he saw such a battle scene.
“This bastard, kill all these beasts, what will I eat in the future.”
The first thing he thought of was food. This island was his gourmet paradise, but he was killed by the man in front of him.
Luffy instinctively wanted to rush over to fight the general Green Bull.
RaleighGrabbing the back of the neck again, he flew towards another island in the distance.
Pluto Rayleigh still has the strength of a general in a short period of time.
But he is very old after all.
If Huang Yuan hadn’t released the water and didn’t fight him with all his strength, he would have lost the battle with the general.
With his aging body, he can still have the ability to fight the general with all his strength within half an hour at most.
He is no match for these two people in front of him.
For Raleigh, the king of the underworld, it is enough for them, the remnants of the old era, to protect Luffy.
Rubber fruit is no ordinary fruit.
Only it chooses its own master instead of being eaten by others.
Back then Shanks snatched the rubber fruit.
Going to the Windmill Village is actually to let the rubber fruit choose Roger’s son Ace.
But did not expect.
It was actually eaten by Luffy.
Since then, members of the Roger Pirates have been secretly changing Luffy’s actions.
For example, Shanks personally told him how wonderful it is to be a pirate, and sacrificed an arm for it.
Kurokas in the belly of the whale Rab, guarding the Hades Rayleigh in the Chambord Islands.
They are all guiding the users of the rubber fruit to find the path of the historical text.
In fact, Luffy sailed for five or six months.
If it weren’t for their guidance, it would be impossible to discover so many historical texts in hundreds of years, let alone decades.
What Luo Jie sees and hears is to listen to the voice of all things.
He could hear where the text of the history was, and it took years to find it.
Aunt and Kaido, who have been king of the Four Emperors for more than 20 years, have only found a piece of red historical text in various ways.
Without the secret guidance of former members of the Roger Pirates, with a single-celled mind like Luffy, how could he find three red historical texts and a dozen pieces of historical texts in this sea in about half a year? .
Chapter 137 Surprise Changes at the Naval Headquarters Meeting
Pluto Rayleigh quickly took Luffy away from the battlefield.
For him, the most important task is to ensure that the sun god Nika personally selects the person.
They were not reconciled to the outcome of Ye Fan and Green Bull.
A large number of newspaper delivery birds appeared on the sea near the Chambord Islands.
The battle between Gang Gukong and Ye Fan just now has been photographed by them.
I thought this war was over.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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