Ye Fan defeated Steel Bone Kong and the mysterious Air Force.
But did not expect.
The latest Jonin general, Lu Niu, went after Ye Fan alone.
There is another big fight.
The most mysterious general, Green Bull, faced Ye Fan.
Naturally, Morgons would not miss such a major news event.
He immediately gave the order.
Hundreds of newspaper delivery birds near the Chambord Islands are trying their best to find the battlefield between Green Bull and Ye Fan.
It’s not just such a rare duel between the highest combat power.
The most important thing is.
What is the ability of the green bull? A news head like Morgans also wants to know very much.
The fruit ability of the green cow alone can make newspapers sell well.
But Morgans didn’t want to make two big events and only make money for one newspaper.
The printing factories hidden in various countries are printing newspapers like crazy.
Ye Fan defeated the Generalissimo of the Three Armies and killed the mysterious Air Force general.
This news is enough to raise the price of newspapers.
The newspaper, usually priced at 100 Baileys, was raised by Morgons to 500 Baileys today.
I believe that many people will still pay the bill.
Steel Gukong is the No. 1 official under the seat of Tianlongren, and he hasn’t made a move in person for decades. Everyone is curious about his current strength.
There are also mysterious air force generals, what kind of fruit abilities do they have, and how powerful their combat effectiveness is.
Every point is a hot selling point.
Of course, Morgans would not miss this big news, nor would he miss the battle between Green Bull and Ye Fan.
less than half an hour.
The news started selling hot.
Blackbeard Tiki: “That old steel bone guy looks even more powerful than before.”
“It seems that I have to announce my withdrawal from the Qibuhai now. I have obtained the fruit abilities I want. Now is the time. It’s time for me to become the Four Emperors. It happens that Ace and Marco still retain some of the white group’s territory. , let’s take you first.”
Blackbeard Titch is ready to leave the great route and march towards the new world.
His goal of staying on the great route is to be the pirate with the most devil fruit abilities on the great route.
On the contrary, in the new world, those pirates pay more attention to the practice of three-color domineering, and those guys, they all have the shadow of the four emperors behind them, and Blackbeard Tiqi is a very forbearing person.
Without the strength to fight the Four Emperors, he would not take the initiative to go to the new world.
Now he has gathered all the fruit abilities he wants, and the Zhenzhen fruit has been developed to an awakened state.
It made up for Blackbeard’s lack of attack power. His biggest weakness in the past was that he didn’t have a domineering look.
Therefore, it has been planned for decades to obtain the dark fruit ability first, and then kill Whitebeard in a sneak attack to obtain the powerful shaking fruit ability, so as to make up for the problem of its own attack power.
Now he finally possesses the true four-emperor-level combat power, and Blackbeard has awakened to dominate the new world.
Navy G1 Headquarters.
An adjutant quickly placed several newspapers in the conference room.
As the superior of Marshal Akainu, Steel Bone Sora would not report the news of his defeat to Akainu.
Instead, he is accepting criticism from the five old stars.
Therefore, although they are all lackeys of the Tianlong people, Admiral Chinu, stillThere are high-level naval officials who are holding a high-level meeting. They only learned about the defeat of the steel bone and the air force when they received the newspaper.
The initial topic of this meeting.
It’s a new world and a new g17 base, and it’s a question of which lieutenant general will become a commander after all.
Both the doves and the hawks wanted to send their own men and argued for a long time about it.
There are many doves, and the hawks have admirals. The strength of the two sides can be said to be comparable.
Now, that issue is irrelevant.
Gang Gukong and three air force generals failed to siege Ye Fan.
Not only was Gang Gukong slightly injured, but an important air force general, Blue Turtle, was also killed.
Taotu: “This Ye Fan is too powerful, we must kill him as soon as possible, otherwise we won’t be able to kill him in the future.”
Taotu can be said to be the most wanted to kill him in the navy.
Although the tea dolphin is annoying, the spare tire in the goddess’s spare tire is also useful.
For example, it can help Taotu block other suitors.
For example, when two people work together, the dirty work is done by tea dolphins.
Unexpectedly, Ye Fan actually killed that poor Cha Dolphin.
Licking dogs until the end, although they will have nothing, but they are qualified to be tool people in the hands of goddesses.
Without this useful tool man, Taotu is still somewhat lost.
Aokiji: “His strength has improved a lot compared to when he was at the top of the war. The terrifying blue giant, freezing ability, etc., and several more terrifying abilities, should indeed be considered in his abilities. Kill him when he has not cultivated to the top.”
Qingzhi is also full of fear of Ye Fan now.
Ye Fan’s various abilities can be said to be rare in the sea.
And he can combine these terrifying abilities together.
Ye Fan is definitely a huge threat to the navy.
Admiral Akainu finally said: “I agree with your arrangement, Lieutenant xx will be the commander of the g17 branch, but I have a request, you must do your best, even if you die because of it, you must kill Ye Fan .”
Hear the words of the red dog.
Aokiji, Peach Usagi, Fujitora who is in confinement.
His expression became serious.
After a moment of hesitation.
Fujitora smiled and spoke first.
“I agree, as long as I can kill him, the old man is willing to die even in battle. In the battle between me and him, Ye Fan awakened the ability of the thunder fruit. His understanding is really terrifying.”
Taotu: “I agree too.”
Seeing the doves, the other two generals agreed.
Qingzhi also said: “I agree.”
Akazuki said to Lieutenant General Crane beside him: “Immediately designate a plan to kill Ye Fan. This time, it must only succeed, not fail.”
Ye Fan didn’t expect it.
He had just escaped Steel Bone Kong’s conspiracy.
Now immediately face Lieutenant General Crane’s conspiracy.
This time, it was the highest combat power of all the navy that attacked him.
This is the difference between ordinary pirates and children of destiny like Luffy.
Ye Fan doesn’t think that he has too many cheats, so many that the highest combat power of all the navies feel horrible.
Now he is preparing to use the ability of wood escape to fight against the ability of plant fruit.
Chapter 138 Plant to Plant
“Wood escape and wood dragon technique.”
There is no chakra in Ye Fan’s body.
He also does not automatically practice the method of chakra.
It should be that there is no way to master chakra on a planet without the sacred tree of the Otsutsuki family.
But Ye Fan discovered that his fruit ability only needs to provide energy to the Qianshou Zhujian cells in the body.
It can produce something like chakra.
This sounds very strange.
But looking at the sources of power in the two worlds, it is not surprising.
In the world of Naruto, the source of all power is the sacred tree planted by Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime.
Her crazy pursuit of strength is because she is not good at fighting.
After she had sons, she didn’t want them to be eaten by other Otsuki family members just like herself.
The Otsutsuki family is usually in groups of two.
One master and one servant.
After the servant eats the chakra gathered from the sacred tree, it will turn into the purest energy body and be eaten by the master.
A servant has no fighting power, just like Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime, she has no ability to resist in the face of the rebellion of her two sons.
No one would have thought that the big boss of Shippuden, the woman who changed the fate of ninjas for thousands of years, is actually just food for the strong.
She desperately extracts all the chakra, just to keep herself from being eaten.
After all, as a servant of the Otsutsuki family, what he is best at is absorbing all chakras.
However, her two extremely rebellious sons understood that she wanted to rule the world evilly, so she was sealed away.
And in One Piece World, the source of all power is the Devil Fruit Tree.
This big tree is even more hidden than the divine tree Adam.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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