The various devil fruits that grow on it are the source of power for Pirate World.
Although there are Pirate King Roger, Red Hair Shanks, Hawkeye Mihawk, etc. who don’t need devil fruit.
But the mainstream in this world is still the ability of devil fruit.
People who are affecting the whole world.
Even if an ordinary person eats a devil fruit, it is still a useless devil fruit.
For example, Chopper eats animals, phantom beasts, human fruits, and ordinary people.
[This is a joke, don’t take it seriously. 】
Appears to be just a humanoid pet, but he explodes occasionallyWhen sending it, it can still catch an attack from Big Mom.
This is the power of the devil fruit, which can make an ordinary person into a strong person quickly.
Not only people like Roger, Red Hair, and Mihawk, whose talents are far beyond ordinary people, have the opportunity to become the strongest in the sea.
The existence of Devil Fruit can be said to make it easier for people in One Piece World to become a powerful monster.
Both worlds have changed because of a tree.
After obtaining the cells from Qianshouzhujian, Ye Fan has always wanted to gain the power to control Mutun.
In the time gravity room, Ye Fan has tried countless times.
Discovered the fruit ability in his body, which can replace Chakra’s energy.
Realize Ye Fan’s control over Mu Dun.
That’s great.
Senju Bashirama is the strongest in the world of Naruto.
His development of Mutun is not as imperfect as Enilo’s.
Ye Fan only needs to learn the tricks of Qianshou Zhujian.
Following Ye Fan’s use of the wood escape and wood dragon technique.
A giant dragon with a body size of a thousand meters and its whole body made of wood.
Roaring, he rushed towards the green cow Huangmu.
Green Bull: “Bastard, why can you use the fruit ability of the plant system? I must kill you. In this sea, only I, Huang Mu, can control such power.”
In this sea, there are many people with the ability of plant-based fruits.
But General Lvniu Huangmu, before he became a general, the person he most liked to hunt and kill was the person with the ability of plant-type fruits.
He has always felt that his plant-based fruit ability should be the rarest and most precious.
Those other weak people with plant-based abilities are original sins and should be killed and devoured by him.
And when killing these plant-type ability users.
He found that his fruit ability would improve very quickly.
His forms of animals, phantom beasts, planting fruits, and vampire vines can reach the level of awakening so quickly.
It also has a lot to do with him killing many people with plant-type devil fruits.
Seeing that Ye Fan also has the fruit ability of the plant system.
Green Bull felt that he had another one, the reason for killing Ye Fan.
The arrogant Lvniu Huangmu never considered that he might lose to Ye Fan.
He has crossed the sea for decades, and he has never been defeated.
I don’t know how terrifying his animal, phantom beast, planting fruit, and blood-sucking vine forms are.
The wooden dragon has not yet approached the green bull.
It was pierced by a vine on the ground.
Transform into a giant hedgehog and wood dragon.
In this scene, department/group: 9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6, was just discovered by the newspaper delivery bird who rushed over.
“Crack, click.”
The camera in my hand kept taking pictures of this scene, department/group: 9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6.
“Ye Fan and the mysterious general Green Bull are both masters of the plant department. This is really big news. The president will definitely reward me heavily.”
“Crack, click, click.”
The newspaper delivery bird is excited to be photographed.
Thanks to the telephoto camera in his hand, he was able to take pictures openly and aboveboard at a safe altitude of several thousand meters.
Looking at the tree of wooden dragons entangled by countless vines.
It seems that my control over Mu Dun is still far inferior to that of Lu Niu.
He can easily control thousands of vines and carry out precise attacks.
It is still very difficult for Ye Fan to do this.
Replacing chakra with fruit ability is an extra procedure in itself.
Ye Fan can’t perfectly control Wood Dun like other devil fruit abilities.
This also has something to do with the fact that he has just obtained the wooden escape and has not practiced for a long time.
After all, he is just an ordinary person.
Even if he had time in the Gravity Room, Ye Fan worked very hard, but Ye Fan is not the kind of Monkey King who only needs to exercise every day to be happy.
In the beginning, he could stay in the Time Gravity Room for one day, that is, one year.
As the strength increases, it is not bad to be able to go in for half a day at a time.
It sounds like Ye Fan has no willpower.
But to put it another way, compare Ye Fan to a prisoner.
Every six months, there are only a few hours, and you can enjoy a moment with your confidante around you.
Then continue to return to the cell and be locked up.
This time lasted for decades.
This kind of loneliness and loneliness is not something ordinary people can bear.
Just like Sun Wukong and the others entered the Time Gravity Room and stayed in it for a year, the comics are actually just a few scenes, which can be read in a second.
And it’s only half a year for Luffy to go to sea. Fans of comics have read it for 30 years and think they have been out to sea for many years.
In fact, Luffy went to sea at the age of 17. After deducting the two years that he is currently practicing, it is only one page of comics.
Chapter 139 The Arrival of the Real Tree Realm
If Ye Fan uses the method of drawing comics again, it seems that he has become lazy.
A man without talent and lazy.
But if his perseverance is placed on ordinary people, ninety-nine percent of them will directly collapse.
Even in prisons, prisoners can still talk to other prisoners, and they can also talk to prison guards.
But in the time gravity room, for a long time, there are only blank rooms and endless cultivation.
The average person can live in such an environment for decades without collapsing, which is far beyond ordinary people.
What can support Ye Fan is his will and the pressure from Luffy and Im.
Luffy’s growth rate is too fast.
And it will soon enter the plot of Wano Country.
Im has always been a sharp sword hanging high over Ye Fan.
The stronger one’s own strength is, the stronger the enemy is, the more one knowsEm’ horror.
Ye Fan was in the Time Gravity Room. After a lot of practice, Ye Fan still mastered a few good skills.
“Wood escape~The tree world is coming.”
As Ye Fan’s voice fell, a large number of vines appeared on the entire island. The diameter of these vines exceeded three meters, which was completely different from the green cow’s vines that were only two fingers wide.
Plants belonging to two people started an all-out battle.
Ye Fan’s Arrival of the Tree World is obviously thicker, bigger and longer than the controlled vines of Lv Niu Huang Mu.
In just a short period of time, the two sides had already gained an absolute upper hand in the second plant competition.
The vines controlled by General Green Bull were crushed to pieces.
The two sides fought against plants again, and it was clear that Ye Fan had the upper hand this time.
This time, the green bull got angry, and it was the first time he lost to others in playing with plants.
“Asshole, asshole, asshole.”
At this moment, the general Lu Niu has an expression like that of a little gangster on the side of the road.
Because of a little thing, there will be drastic emotional changes.
This is completely inconsistent with his status as a general.
This also has something to do with his origin.
Lu Niu was originally born in a slum, and had no culture since he was a child. When he was a teenager, he joined a small local underworld in order to make a living.
Become the weakest member of the underground forces.
It’s just that he is different from other children. Green Bull doesn’t want to learn the skills of begging and thieves. Such gangsters can’t even eat enough.
When he wanted to choose to become a thug, he was greeted with the ridicule of many burly men in this gang.
The leader of the gang threw Huang Mu a very short dagger.
Said in a cold tone: “Enter that cage, the wolf inside has not eaten for three days, after you kill that wolf, you will be my thug, drink and eat meat every day, go to Happy Street to be chic, haha ​​forget your age , not enough to go to Happy Street.”
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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