I think everyone knows the ability of Kaido, the strongest creature in land, sea and air.
But in this sea, there are not many people who can break through Kaido’s defense, let alone kill Kaido.
Ye Fan’s aura rose to an incomparably terrifying height in a very short period of time.
“Now that you know my power, you should feel fear and despair. This island today is your cemetery.”
Luniu Huangmu didn’t care about Ye Fan’s terrifying aura at all.
Said: “No matter how frighteningYou can’t resist my vines even if you don’t have a terrifying defensive power, and you will immediately feel the horror that your own strength is disappearing little by little, and I am getting stronger and stronger. ”
On an island in the distance.
Luffy climbed to the top of the highest mountain on the island.
Looking at the scene of the battle between Ye Fan and the green bull.
“It’s such a terrifying power. Can I fight these powerful guys after I master the armed domineering power?”
Watching the two of them, using the plant-type fruit ability to make the battle gigantic.
Every time they confront each other, that terrifying power erupts.
Hades Rayleigh felt really old.
These two guys are capable of killing him, the old guy.
But Luffy is the Joey Boy they guard after all.
Luffy is only 17 years old and just went to sea for half a year.
Now I can barely grasp the power of domineering.
Pluto Rayleigh can’t say clearly, even if you control the armed domineering, there is no way to break through the defense of the two, let alone defeat them.
Hades Rayleigh had no choice but to tell a white lie so as not to hurt Luffy’s self-confidence.
In fact, he thought too much.
With such a big heart like Luffy, no words will kill his fighting spirit.
Pluto Raleigh said: “If you can achieve full-body armed domineering coverage, you may be able to fight them at that time.”
Luffy extended his rubber arm.
Grab a huge fruit at random, put it in your mouth and eat it.
Then he said: “I will definitely practice seriously, and strive to have their strength as soon as possible. I am the man who wants to become the One Piece King.”
Seeing Luffy’s really appreciative smiling face that day.
Hades Rayleigh also became happy.
Although because of Ye Fan’s appearance, the sea has become far more violent than before.
But Pluto Raleigh believes that what is said in the historical text must be true.
The person chosen by the rubber fruit is destined to become Joey Boy in the future and change the whole world.
Whether Green Bull or Ye Fan wins, they may pose a threat to Luffy.
Hades Rayleigh thought for a moment.
Said: “Luffy, let’s change to another island to practice, and strive to master the power of armed domineering earlier and become stronger.”
Lu Fei smiled and said, “Okay, I like practicing the most.”
As the remnants of the old era who have reached the final island.
There are many mysterious islands that have not been discovered by many people in the island of Hades Rayleigh.
He just thinks a little bit.
I found an island, suitable for Luffy’s current strength and cultivation island.
If it is an ordinary person, it is really difficult to find such a place.
That island needs to have a large number of enemies, so that Luffy can do a lot of actual combat training.
The strength of the enemy should not be too strong. If everyone is a great swordsman, or can use armed domineering, Luffy can’t beat it.
It can’t be too weak, so that Luffy has no actual combat effect at all.
If it wasn’t for Hades Rayleigh, as the former deputy of the Roger Pirates.
For ordinary people, it is really difficult for Luffy to find a suitable place for him to practice.
Pluto Rayleigh took Luffy and continued to fly into the distance.
And at this time.
The battle between Ye Fan and Lvniu Huangmu.
Has reached the most intense level.
Newspaper bird in the sky.
The shutter in my hand never stopped.
“Kacha Kacha”
Press the shutter a dozen times a second.
He felt like his fingers were about to collapse.
The newspaper bird secretly delighted.
Fortunately, I used to be a news contributor, and I have the ability to click a dozen keyboards a second.
Otherwise, there is no way to shoot so many battle details today. I used to be a tentacle monster too.
Chapter 142 Life Energy
Just now, the two of them were competing in the plant department.
Now, it turned into a scuffle between two monster-like figures.
Lvniu Huangmu doesn’t have the terrifying defense power of Ye Fan.
However, his recovery ability is too terrifying.
Even if Ye Fan smashed his head with a punch, Lvniu Huangmu can recover quickly.
How many life forms did this guy absorb.
The life energy contained in the body is more terrifying than the cells in the Qianshouzhujian.
With such a rich life energy, aren’t you afraid that you will become a tree?
With this guy’s fruit ability, he is already a blood-sucking vine.
Of course not afraid of this.
The cells in Qianshou Zhujian did not dare to have such an almost endless energy.
Ye Fan even suspected that Senshou Zhujian directly created such a huge forest in Muye Village.
In order to consume the life energy in the body.
If the life energy is too large, people will turn into trees.
For example, Baijue in the later stage is only the cells of Senshou Zhujian after death, and less than 10% of his life energy has been cultivated.
Uchiha Obito’s body is also the cells of Senju Hashirama’s death, which completes half of his body.
When Senju Zhuma was alive, his flesh and blood were transplanted into his body, and only Uchiha Madara could survive.
Moreover, he still had a very difficult life, relying on the combination of himself and the sacred tree, he managed not to completely turn himself into a tree.
Even if Ye Fan had the complete Qianshou Zhujian cells, Ye Fan would not dare to absorb life energy in this way, otherwise his own body would transform into a tree.
Thinking of this, all the fighting methods of Lvniu Huangmu.
Ye Fan almost understood everything.
After his plant fruit ability is awakened.
He can easily switch between people and plants by himself.
In order to maintain the terrifying life energy in the body.
Ye Fan didn’t know how much terrifying life energy was contained in his body.
Just judging from the breath of life energy that the green bull just revealed.
If he suddenly exploded and died.
It can even turn the entire Alabasta kingdom from a desert into an oasis.
Green Bull is at this stage.
Equivalent to Thousand HandsThe era when Konoha Village was just established.
At that time, Qianshou Zhujian had endless life energy in his body, which was too huge for him to bear.
At the same time, it is so powerful that as long as one cell in Qianshou Zhujian’s body is still alive, he can recover in a short time.
Exploding the body of Lvniu Huangmu again.
Ye Fan has also realized it.
This guy probably couldn’t kill himself.
Green Cow Wild Animal Husbandry is not without its flaws.
Garp’s ability to rapidly age life can restrain him.
Akainu’s kind of world that turns the surrounding world into a volcanic eruption world can also restrain him.
But Ye Fan’s fruit ability awakening cannot suppress him.
Wood does not conduct electricity.
The lightning world created by the awakening of the thunder fruit ability cannot kill the green cow Huangmu.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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