This guy doesn’t look like Steel Bone Kong, but a tortoise shell.
But he’s harder to kill than Cyborg Kong.
Now the plant cells in his body have spread all over the island.
Want to defeat the general Lv Niu Huang Mu.
Ye Fan needs to destroy the life energy in the body of the general green bull that spreads all over the island.
Even so.
Ye Fan couldn’t completely kill him either.
Who knew that he had arranged his avatar on those islands.
Even if all the plants on this island are destroyed now.
Green bulls don’t die either.
The arrogance controlled by the Tianlong people is really domineering.
Directly destroy life energy, starting from the source of all life.
Almost restrained all the devil fruit powers in this world.
But now Ye Fan.
He doesn’t have the ability to destroy all the life energy in the general green bull’s body.
Whether it is the ability of the thunder fruit, or the ability of the magnetic fruit, or the form of the purple dragon, the fruit of Momo, and the eight door dunjia.
It seems that none of my various abilities can kill Lvniu Huangmu.
In an instant, Ye Fan fell into a critical moment.
The body of Lvniu Huangmu is often destroyed by Ye Fan’s ability to foresee the future.
It’s just that he can quickly return to his original state, and his combat effectiveness has not been lost at all.
On the palm of his hand, it looked like an ordinary person’s fist.
It is covered with tiny needles that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.
Very hard and sharp.
In addition, the side is covered with a terrifying armed domineering color.
These acupuncture can pierce the defense of Ye Fan’s body surface.
Like a blood-sucking mosquito.
Don’t look at the very hard skin of elephants, even tigers and lions cannot break through the defenses of adult elephants.
But they are not immune to mosquito attacks.
To avoid dying from a large number of mosquito bites.
Elephants have evolved huge ears to try to repel mosquito bites, and they often go to muddy ponds to cover their bodies with large amounts of sand.
No one would have imagined that an elephant has such a huge body.
What they are afraid of is not lions and tigers, but those little mosquitoes.
Ye Fan is also facing this situation now.
Hit by the Green Cow.
In fact, each loss was less than a drop of blood.
Moreover, such a weak wound will heal automatically in less than 0.1 second.
But every time he was hit by the green cow and wild animal husbandry.
The life energy in Ye Fan’s body will be taken away by him.
No wonder this guy dared to face me alone.
There are still some means.
Although Ye Fan was calculating in his mind how to destroy the green bull.
Ye Fan didn’t show any mercy.
The domineering punch covering the armed color smashed the green bull’s head again.
Even if his head grows back in less than a second, it will consume a lot of life energy of the green bull.
There is also a lot of life energy in Ye Fan’s body.
So he can perceive the life energy in the green bull.
Restoration of limbs is the least costly.
Restoration of the head consumes the most life energy.
That is.
The quickest way to kill the green bull is to destroy his head.
It’s just that this consumption is really dispensable.
At first, I wanted to kill the green bull to silence it.
But now, caught in a never-ending long battle.
to this level of combat.
Basically, there are not a few days or nights, so it is difficult to tell the winner.
If Ye Fan wanted to kill the green bull, it would take even longer.
Without a month or two, it would be impossible for the two of them to decide the outcome, let alone kill them.
Ye Fan wanted to leave the island.
He didn’t want to continue fighting with the green bull.
Just when Ye Fan was about to retreat with his thunder fruit ability.
The green bull laughed arrogantly: “You only want to escape now, you are too naive.”
The voice of the green bull just fell.
The whole island has changed.
It turned out that during the battle just now.
Unknowingly, the green cow has turned the entire island into a plant world.
Chapter 143 Plant Kingdom
Countless vines are growing rapidly.
A large number of vines are woven together like a huge stadium.
In the shape of an inverted bird’s nest, the island is covered.
The criss-crossing vines covered the entire sky.
Small yellow flowers grew on these vines.
Has a very bad aroma.
Among these pollen, it is highly poisonous.
The most important thing is.
These vines are covered with a trace of vitality.
This power affected Ye Fan’s ability to use the Thunderbolt fruit and teleport away from the island.
It seems that before the battle, Lvniu Huangmu had already thought about it.
How to prevent Ye Fan from leaving the battlefield.
He is not simply arrogant.
There is nothing in the world more arrogant than the green cattle and wild herdspeople.
Ye Fan is still very familiar with this person.
That is Jack, one of the three kanbans.
This guy is the real arrogance, but he has no strength.
And the arrogance of the green bull.
Indeed, he has the capital of arrogance.
The current island of Ruskaina.
It has changed from an animal paradise to a terrifying plant world.
Every vine here can absorb blood, as well as the poisonous petals.
The birds that flew over the island in large numbers were stunned by the poisonous poison emitted by the petals.
It is absorbed instantly after falling on the vines.
There is no time to take pictures of the newspaper bird in the distance.
Quickly fly to the distance.
The news is very important, and so is your own life.
But in the cage made of plants, Ye Fan saw a glimmer of hope to kill the green cow.
He was originally incapable of killing the green bull.
There is almost endless life energy in his body.
For this kind of bone that is harder to chew than a turtle.
Ye Fan had already given up on killing the green bull.
but now.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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